Note: This project is in alpha. Expect (and report) bugs!
JavaScript Evaluated Style Sheets, from the people who brought you Less.
Why Jess?
- Jess does what Sass and Less do, only faster (and does some things they can't).
- Jess does what CSS-in-JS does, only it keeps your CSS in stylesheets.
- Jess does what CSS Modules does, but more dynamically.
- Jess does whatever JavaScript can do, because it transpiles to JavaScript under-the-hood.
You can think of Jess as a middle-ground between Less/Sass and CSS-in-JS. It keeps your styles in stylesheets, but it's equally dynamic. Jess is CSS-in-JS for people who don't like CSS in their JS.
For more information, see the docs.
P.S. Why is the logo inspired by a hawk?
A "jess" is defined as "a short leather strap that is fastened around each leg of a hawk...".
yarn install jess
npm install jess
To compile a .jess
file into CSS:
jess file.jess
@let myWidth: 3px;
.box {
width: $myWidth;
Import from JS
@import { constants } from './constants.js';
.box {
width: $(constants.WIDTH + 10)px;
Import from Jess
@import { myWidth } from './stylesheet.jess';
.box {
width: $myWidth;
Include other stylesheets
@import styles from './stylesheet.jess';
@include styles();
@mixin square(size) {
width: $size;
height: $size;
.box {
@include square(50px);
Exporting from Jess
In progress, requires the (unfinished) Rollup or Webpack plugin.
import styles, { square } from './component.m.jess'
export const myComponent = props => {
return <div className={} style={square(props.size)}>Component</div>
As this is a WIP, file issues with your ideas/concerns/wants!