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Delightful JavaScript Testing.

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Package description

What is jest?

Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It works with projects using: Babel, TypeScript, Node, React, Angular, Vue, and more. It's designed to ensure correctness of any JavaScript codebase. It allows you to write tests with an approachable, familiar, and feature-rich API that gives you results quickly.

What are jest's main functionalities?

Unit Testing

Jest allows you to write unit tests for your JavaScript functions. In this example, a simple test is written to check if the addition of 1 and 2 equals 3.

test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
  expect(1 + 2).toBe(3);


Jest provides a powerful mocking library that lets you mock objects, functions, and modules. In this example, an HTTP request is mocked to test the behavior of a function that fetches user data.


test('should fetch users', () => {
  const users = [{name: 'Bob'}];
  const resp = {data: users};

  return Users.all().then(data => expect(data).toEqual(users));

Snapshot Testing

Snapshot testing enables you to test your UI or any serializable value to ensure it does not change unexpectedly. This example demonstrates testing an object against a snapshot, with some fields expected to match specific types rather than values.

test('will check the matchers and pass', () => {
  const user = {
    createdAt: new Date(),
    id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 20),
    name: 'LeBron James'

    createdAt: expect.any(Date),
    id: expect.any(Number)

Asynchronous Testing

Jest supports testing of asynchronous code. In this example, an asynchronous function `fetchData` is tested to ensure it resolves with the expected value 'peanut butter'.

test('the data is peanut butter', async () => {
  await expect(fetchData()).resolves.toBe('peanut butter');

Other packages similar to jest





  • [jest-changed-files] Support Sapling (#13941)
  • [jest-circus, @jest/cli, jest-config] Add feature to randomize order of tests via CLI flag or through the config file(#12922)
  • [jest-cli, jest-config, @jest/core, jest-haste-map, @jest/reporters, jest-runner, jest-runtime, @jest/types] Add workerThreads configuration option to allow using worker threads for parallelization (#13939)
  • [jest-cli] Export yargsOptions (#13970)
  • [jest-config] Add openHandlesTimeout option to configure possible open handles warning. (#13875)
  • [@jest/create-cache-key-function] Allow passing length argument to createCacheKey() function and set its default value to 16 on Windows (#13827)
  • [jest-message-util] Add support for AggregateError (#13946 & #13947)
  • [jest-message-util] Add support for Error causes in test and it (#13935 & #13966)
  • [jest-reporters] Add summaryThreshold option to summary reporter to allow overriding the internal threshold that is used to print the summary of all failed tests when the number of test suites surpasses it (#13895)
  • [jest-runtime] Expose @sinonjs/fake-timers async APIs functions advanceTimersByTimeAsync(msToRun) (tickAsync(msToRun)), advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync(steps) (nextAsync), runAllTimersAsync (runAllAsync), and runOnlyPendingTimersAsync (runToLastAsync) (#13981)
  • [jest-runtime, @jest/transform] Allow V8 coverage provider to collect coverage from files which were not loaded explicitly (#13974)
  • [jest-snapshot] Add support to cts and mts TypeScript files to inline snapshots (#13975)
  • [jest-worker] Add start method to worker farms (#13937)
  • [jest-worker] Support passing a URL as path to worker (#13982)


  • [babel-plugin-jest-hoist] Fix unwanted hoisting of nested jest usages (#13952)
  • [jest-circus] Send test case results for todo tests (#13915)
  • [jest-circus] Update message printed on test timeout (#13830)
  • [jest-circus] Avoid creating the word "testfalse" when takesDoneCallback is false in the message printed on test timeout AND updated timeouts test (#13954)
  • [jest-environment-jsdom] Stop setting document to null on teardown (#13972)
  • [@jest/expect-utils] Update toStrictEqual() to be able to check jest.fn().mock.calls (#13960)
  • [@jest/test-result] Allow TestResultsProcessor type to return a Promise (#13950)

Chore & Maintenance

  • [jest-snapshot] Remove dependency on jest-haste-map (#13977)




πŸƒ Delightful JavaScript Testing

  • πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» Developer Ready: Complete and ready to set-up JavaScript testing solution. Works out of the box for any React project.

  • πŸƒπŸ½ Instant Feedback: Failed tests run first. Fast interactive mode can switch between running all tests or only test files related to changed files.

  • πŸ“Έ Snapshot Testing: Jest can capture snapshots of React trees or other serializable values to simplify UI testing.

Read More:



Package last updated on 06 Mar 2023

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