jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin
![Support jQuery Raty](http://img.shields.io/gittip/wbotelhos.svg)
Usage with Image
- jquery.raty.js
- star-off.png
- star-on.png
<script src="jquery.raty.js"></script>
Usage with Font
- jquery.raty.js
- jquery.raty.[eot|svg|ttf|woff]
- jquery.raty.css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.raty.css">
<script src="jquery.raty.js"></script>
$('div').raty({ starType: 'i' });
cancel: false
cancelClass: 'raty-cancel'
cancelHint: 'Cancel this rating!'
cancelOff: 'cancel-off.png'
cancelOn: 'cancel-on.png'
cancelPlace: 'left'
click: undefined
half: false
halfShow: true
hints: ['bad', 'poor', 'regular', 'good', 'gorgeous']
iconRange: undefined
mouseout: undefined
mouseover: undefined
noRatedMsg: 'Not rated yet!'
number: 5
numberMax: 20
path: undefined
precision: false
readOnly: false
round: { down: .25, full: .6, up: .76 }
score: undefined
scoreName: 'score'
single: false
space: true
starHalf: 'star-half.png'
starOff: 'star-off.png'
starOn: 'star-on.png'
target: undefined
targetForma: '{score}'
targetKeep: false
targetScore: undefined
targetText: ''
targetType: 'hint'
starType: 'img'
$('div').raty('score', number);
$('div').raty('click', number);
$('div').raty('readOnly', boolean);
$('div').raty('cancel', boolean);
$('div').raty('set', { option: value });
$('div').raty('move', number);
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