JS Big Decimal
Work with large numbers on the client side with high precision.
npm install --save js-big-decimal
:heavy_exclamation_mark: Note: Usage has changed since version 1.1.4
Require in javascript
var bigDecimal = require('js-big-decimal');
For typescript
, use
import bigDecimal require('js-big-decimal');
For web
, when used with script tag, a variable on Window
object is created.
<script src="node_modules/js-big-decimal/dist/web/js-big-decimal.min.js"></script>
console.log(bigDecimal.add('12', '45'));
Create a new objet of type BigDecimal. Supports parameters of type number
and string
. If string passed cannot be parsed as a number error is thrown. It is recommended to use string as it circumvents the issue of precision with JS native float
implementation and max limit for integer
It supports exponentiation, but only with integral exponent.
var n1 = new bigDecimal(12.6789);
var n2 = new bigDecimal("12345.6789");
var n3 = new bigDecimal('12.456e3');
Returns the string value of the decimal.
getPrettyValue(number, digits, separator)
By default this returns the number in standard number format, comma after every three digts. Both arguments, digits
- the number of digits (of the integral part) to group by, and separator
- the character to mark the separation. Example of this can be to format a 16 digit number as credit card.
var value = bigDecimal.getPrettyValue("12345.6789");
Alternately, use the instance property. It returns the result as string
var n3 = n2.getPrettyValue();
var num = new bigDecimal(1234567890123456)
var card = num.getPrettyValue(4, '-');
round(number, precision)
Returns the rounded value to the specified precision (number of digits after decimal). The default is set to 0 if no argument is passed.
var value = bigDecimal.round("123.678", 2);
Alternately, use the instance property. It returns the result as bigDecimal
var n3 = n1.round(2);
var n4 = n2.round();
compareTo(number1, number2)
Compare two numbers. Returns 1, 0 and -1
if number1 > number2, number1 == number2 and number1 < number2
var value = bigDecimal.compareTo("23.678", "67.34");
var value = bigDecimal.compareTo("23.678", "23.6780");
var value = bigDecimal.compareTo("123.678", "67.34");
Alternately, use the instance property. It returns the result as Integer
var n1 = new bigDecimal('1234');
var n2 = new bigDecimal('8765');
var value = n1.compareTo(n2);
Returns negation of a given number.
var value = bigDecimal.negate("123.678");
Alternately, use the instance property. It returns the result as new bigDecimal
var n = new bigDecimal('-1234');
var value = n.negate();
add(augend, addend)
Add two numbers. Pass in negative for substraction. Ensure parameters are string
var sum = bigDecimal.add("23.678", "67.34");
var diff = bigDecimal.add("67.34", "-23.678");
Alternately, use the instance property. It returns the result as new bigDecimal
var n1 = new bigDecimal('1234');
var n2 = new bigDecimal('8765');
var sum = n1.add(n2);
subtract(minuend, subtrahend)
Subtract one number from another
var diff = bigDecimal.subtract("67.34", "23.678");
Alternately, use the instance property. It returns the result as new bigDecimal
var n1 = new bigDecimal('12.67');
var n2 = new bigDecimal('130.7');
var diff = n1.subtract(n2);
multiply(multiplicand, multiplier)
Multiply two numbers. Ensure parameters are string
var product = bigDecimal.multiply("-0.13", "0.00130");
Alternately, use the instance property. It returns the result as new bigDecimal
var n1 = new bigDecimal('-0.13');
var n2 = new bigDecimal('0.00130');
var product = n1.multiply(n2);
divide(dividend, divisor, precision)
Divide two numbers. Pass arguments as string
if calling on bigDecimal or pass an instance of bigDecimal if calling on object. precision
is an optional parameter with default value of 8.
var quotient = bigDecimal.divide('45', '4', 2);
Alternately, use the instance property. It returns the result as new bigDecimal
var n1 = new bigDecimal('45');
var n2 = new bigDecimal('4');
var quotient = n1.divide(n2);