
This project is a collection of modules that helps in implementing git powered
applications in JavaScript. The original purpose for this is to enable better
developer tools for authoring code in restricted environments like ChromeBooks
and tablets. It also enables using git as a database to replace SQL and no-SQL
data stores in many applications.
This project was initially funded by two crowd-sourced fundraisers. See details
in BACKERS.md and BACKERS-2.md. Thanks to all of
you who made this possible!
Detailed API docs are contained in the doc subfolder of this repository.
In general the way you use js-git is you create a JS object and then mixin the
functionality you need. Here is an example of creating an in-memory database,
creating some objects, and then walking that tree using the high-level walker
Creating a repo object.
var modes = require('js-git/lib/modes');
var repo = {};
Generators vs Callbacks
There are two control-flow styles that you can use to consume js-git APIs. All
the examples here use yield
style and assume the code is contained within a
generator function that's yielding to a tool like gen-run.
This style requires ES6 generators. This feature is currently in stable Firefox,
in stable Chrome behind a user-configurable flag, in node.js 0.11.x or greater
with a command-line flag.
Also you can use generators on any ES5 platform if you use a source transform
like Facebook's regenerator tool.
You read more about how generators work at Generators vs Fibers.
var run = require('gen-run');
run(function*() {
var result = yield someAction(withArgs);
If you can't use this new feature or just plain prefer node-style callbacks, all
js-git APIs also support that. The way this works is actually quite simple.
If you don't pass in the callback, the function will return a partially applied
version of your call expecting just the callback.
someAction(withArgs, function (err, value) {
if (err) return handleMyError(err);
function someAction(arg, callback) {
if (!callback) return someAction.bind(this, arg);
Basic Object Creation
Now we have an in-memory git repo useful for testing the network operations or
just getting to know the available APIs.
In this example, we'll create a blob, create a tree containing that blob, create
a commit containing that tree. This shows how to create git objects manually.
var blobHash = yield repo.saveAs("blob", "Hello World\n");
var treeHash = yield repo.saveAs("tree", {
"greeting.txt": { mode: modes.file, hash: blobHash }
var commitHash = yield repo.saveAs("commit", {
author: {
name: "Tim Caswell",
email: "tim@creationix.com"
tree: treeHash,
message: "Test commit\n"
Basic Object Loading
We can read objects back one at a time using loadAs
var commit = yield repo.loadAs("commit", commitHash);
var tree = yield repo.loadAs("tree", commit.tree);
var file = yield repo.loadAs("blob", tree["greeting.txt"].hash);
When using the formats
mixin there are two new types for loadAs
, they are
and "array"
var fileAsText = yield repo.loadAs("text", blobHash);
var entries = yield repo.loadAs("array", treeHash);
entries.forEach(function (entry) {
Using Walkers
Now that we have a repo with some minimal data in it, we can query it. Since we
included the walkers
mixin, we can walk the history as a linear stream or walk
the file tree as a depth-first linear stream.
var logStream = yield repo.logWalk(commitHash);
var commit, object;
while (commit = yield logStream.read(), commit !== undefined) {
var treeStream = yield repo.treeWalk(commit.tree);
while (object = yield treeStream.read(), object !== undefined) {
Filesystem Style Interface
If you feel that creating a blob, then creating a tree, then creating the parent
tree, etc is a lot of work to save just one file, I agree. While writing the
tedit app, I discovered a nice high-level abstraction that you can mixin to make
this much easier. This is the create-tree
mixin referenced in the above
var treeHash = yield repo.createTree({
"www/index.html": {
mode: modes.file,
content: "<h1>Hello</h1>\n<p>This is an HTML page?</p>\n"
"README.md": {
mode: modes.file,
content: "# Sample repo\n\nThis is a sample\n"
This is great for creating several files at once, but it can also be used to
edit existing trees by adding new files, changing existing files, or deleting
existing entries.
var changes = [
path: "www/index.html"
path: "www/app.js",
mode: modes.file,
content: "// this is a js file\n"
changes.base = treeHash;
treeHash = yield repo.createTree(changes);
Creating Composite Filesystems
The real fun begins when you create composite filesystems using git submodules.
The code that handles this is not packaged as a repo mixin since it spans several
independent repos. Instead look to the git-tree
repo for the code. It's interface is still slightly unstable and undocumented
but is used in production by tedit and my node hosting service that complements tedit.
Basically this module allows you to perform high-level filesystem style commands
on a virtual filesystem that consists of many js-git repos. Until there are
proper docs, you can see how tedit uses it at https://github.com/creationix/tedit-app/blob/master/src/data/fs.js#L11-L21.
Mounting Github Repos
I've been asking Github to enable CORS headers to their HTTPS git servers, but
they've refused to do it. This means that a browser can never clone from github
because the browser will disallow XHR requests to the domain.
They do, however, offer a REST interface to the raw git data.
Using this I wrote a mixin for js-git that uses github as the backend store.
Code at https://github.com/creationix/js-github. Usage in tedit can be seen at