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jscharting - npm Package Versions






[3.4.0] - 2023-2-14


  • Linear column gauges with roundCaps offset X axis labels by automatically adjusting xAxis.caOffset if not set.
  • System square shape corners radius added.
  • Improve gauge layout algorithm.
  • Improve shape label positioning.
  • Middle center aligned shape labels render in center of circular gauges regardless of arc sweep.
  • Improve organizational chart layout stability.
  • Shape label offset is applied after layout instead of during.
  • Point exploded option has been deprecated in favor of the point selected option.
  • Point marker rotation corrected. Rotation now offsets the initial angle by rotation amount.
  • Enable type: 'gauge circle column' without clipping smaller arc angle sweeps.
  • series.points(hierarchicalPathSelection) creates a collection with points that are sorted in the say they were added to the chart.
  • API documentation lists items alphabetically.


  • Axis_scale_maxTickCount property.
  • Outside middle left/right shape label placement.
  • Label autoWrap:false setting always works.
  • Label width and maxWidth are always enforced even if they overflow visually.
  • label textOverflow:'ellipsis' works with autoWrap:false and width or maxWidth restrictions.
  • Series.yAt(x) value interpolation function adds support for y range values.
  • Series.defaultLeafPoint option to set point defaults for hierarchical points without children.
  • Point.defaultLeafPoint option to set point defaults for child leaf points.
  • Point.leafPointLayout option to allow 'vertical' layout of leaf points in organizational charts with the default down orientation.
  • AxisMarker.label.color:'%color' will take on the marker color if defined. Color modifiers like darken are supported as well.
  • Muted state for point.complete value visualization.
  • series.points.add([]) Allows adding multiple points at once.
  • Use series.points(date as string | number) to select calendar points.
  • Chart level overlapBranding property so branded charts are the same size as non-branded.

Bug Fixes

  • Labels in linear gauge columns with roundcaps label collision bug.
  • Point axis ticks not working with radar category xAxis chart.
  • Linear gauge tooltip with followCursor: false not aligning to column correctly.
  • Prevent axis tick rounding 2500 to 3k automatically.
  • Tooltip not showing when alternating hovering between same two data points on different charts.
  • Shape label.color='%color' will use the color of the first series of the shape.
  • Csv parsing bug with text that includes numbers like 'Group 1'..
  • Marker series type with custom SVG paths hit test is not accurate.
  • Shape label right margin has no effect.
  • Make xAxis.staticColumnWidth work with circular gauge charts.
  • Enable circular gauges resizing with container DIV resize.
  • Series.shape.offset not working with gauges.
  • Series states.mute.fill not working.
  • Series and opacity not working.
  • Countries with iso codes SQ, GF, GP, GZ, HM, MQ, QO, RE, YT are not showing on maps.
  • Series.mouseTracking and Point.mouseTracking set to false is not consistently preventing crosshair from highlighting points or excluding points from combined tooltips.
  • Axis ticks with inside placement hide first and last ticks even if they are within the axis range.
  • Icon loading issue when defaults({baseUrl}) doesnt have trailing '/'
  • Point.getParents() and Point.getChildren() definition in jscharting.d.ts is incorrect.
  • Improve memory cleanup.
  • Circular gauges with < 360 angle sweep not handling overflowing axis marker values well.
  • Some syntax issues in jscharting.d.ts with more strict processors.
  • label text <img> tag does not work with src attributes containing '=' characters.
  • Using null for axis scale range min/max value doesn't reset the range.
  • Point click event interaction is not working well when crosshair is enabled.
  • Scrolling is not working immediately after a date zoom range is applied through Axis.zoom().
  • Point.zoomTo() not working when only Y axis zoom is enabled.
  • A shape label may not animate its position when updated in some rare cases.
  • In some cases the column label is placed inside the column even if it doesn't fit but should be placed somewhere else.
  • Exception thrown when shape label text is too large to fit inside the chart image.
  • Numeric text animation ignoring leading zeros.
  • Line series line hover works despite series.mouseTracking === false.
  • AxisMarkers with date string value not working on a time scale axis.
  • Regression bug: Issue when adding series with category x values to an existing chart.
  • Issue parsing micro chart string tag booleans in presence of other quoted string attribute values.
  • Bug parsing custom axis tick value set with date object.
  • Point marker offset and rotation not working with some series types.
  • Point marker with SVG image sizing and rendering issue.
  • Raster image point marker does not size to marker.size setting.
  • Point mouseTracking=false not working in some scenarios.
  • series.points(hierarchicalPathSelection) returns duplicate points.
  • Extra blank pages created when printing a chart or page containing a chart.
  • Chart callback can fail to get called if "JSC.Chart()" is instantiated without new keyword.
  • Exception with treemap and calendar types when no series are provided.
published 3.3.1 •



[3.3.1] - 2022-4-28


  • ColorBar 3px corner rounding.
  • Improved some API property descriptions.


  • UiItem.change() function to trigger the item's change event if value is updated programmatically.
  • Point axis tick.label.color = '%color' support to make the tick labels use point's color more easily. Includes AxisTick.label.outline.color & style.color.
  • Better warning message when tooltip text callback function doesn't return a valid value.
  • Warning message when a misspelled palette name is given.

Bug Fixes

  • UiItem.options('value') inconsistent with actual value in some cases.
  • Range axis marker with nearly the same start/end value doesn't render a line.
  • series.options('visible') does not return the actual series visibility if not set by user.
  • Clicking a pie slice to unselect it not working correctly.
  • Pie data point explode not triggered with point's legend entry click.
  • Raster image point marker tooltip and halo paths are not correct.
  • Point axis ticks on category scale with numeric point value not binding to axis.
  • Adding custom axis ticks or markers through chart.axes(0).ticks.add({value:1000}) doesn't work if value is outside axis range.
  • CSV parser should cast percent values 12.4% and currency $1.24 to numbers, not date values.
  • Point axis ticks not working on gauges.
  • Gauge chart exceptions in some cases.
  • Linear gauge roundCap bar gridlines not rounding with non-category scale.
published 3.3.0 •



[3.3.0] - 2022-4-1


  • Support for linear gradients in <icon> tags.
  • Color adjustment options (darken, lighten) with gradient stops colors based on the first color.
  • Set area series gradient fill with dynamic color adjustment values to create a gradient look regardless of the series color. i.e. ['currentColor','white', 90]
  • Support label.outline.color = color adjust keywords based on label color.
  • Support point.fill colorAdjust keywords in gradient config values.
  • axis.categories property support to specify categories manually.
  • Support for property paths in nest key() and rollup() functions. i.e. nest().key('attributes.role').
  • Allow toolbar_items_zoom_position setting without overwriting map zoom buttons.
  • Enable axisTick.gridLine_width='column' with scales other than category.
  • point.getParents() getChildren() functions.
  • chart.connectors() function to highlight hierarchy connector lines.
  • series().points(hierarchy paths selectors)
  • Expand point.parent property to support an array of parent connectors.
  • Add point.connectorLine property to style point connectors individually.
  • Support point.connectorLine.radius to control radius of connector rounded corners. Including an array of radii to set the radius of each corner of the connector line.
  • Organizational chart type modifier to use right angle or straight connector lines. Right angle by default.
  • Organizational chart connector line pixel snapping.
  • Add point.annotation.syncWidth & syncHeight options for organizational charts.
  • Option to set point.focusGlow = false to disable it.


  • Reduced the default organizational chart dependency line arrow size.
  • Organizational chart point annotation labels are centered vertically and horizontally by default.
  • chart.type = 'organization' to 'organizational'. 'organization' works for backwards compatibility.
  • Zoomed organizational chart attempts to move root nodes closer to center on initial view.

Bug Fixes

  • Animation on one chart prevents tooltips from appearing on another chart.
  • X Axis crosshair working incorrectly with invisible axis and annotation outside the chartArea.
  • Chart in a DIV that does not have a height resizes when DIV width changed.
  • IE11 stopped working.
  • Point mouseOver, mouseOut events not always invoked reliably.
  • Some Gantt dependencies on points from other series not always drawn.
  • Organizational chart breaks in some cases after changing organizational chart orientation a few times.
  • Organizational node connector lines point in the wrong direction with some tree orientations.
  • Organizational chart edge cases rendering issues.
  • Point selection issue when switching from a max number of points selected limit to another node.
  • label.maxWidth may not work if text is larger in some cases.
  • Smart category grouping failed to group all labels in a rare case.
  • Annotation movement lag in organizational charts when scroll wheel scrolling.
  • Automatic point label color sometimes getting gradient fill when point.fill is a gradient.
  • Point data as [x,y,z] array is not working with heatmap chart.
  • With a full stacked scale some column point corners are not rounding correctly when series visibility changes.
  • Axis range tick shows when tick starts exactly when axis range ends, or vice versa.
  • Range axis marker with the same start/end value doesn't render a line.
  • Axis marker label with user defined alignment renders in corner of chart if label doesn't fit.
  • Axis marker label {autoWrap:false} not working.
published 3.2.2 •

published 3.2.1 •



[3.2.1] - 2021-12-1


  • Support for Next.js when using the JSC React component.
published 3.2.0 •



[3.2.0] - 2021-11-20


  • Automatic string tween animations.
  • Automatic text number animation.
  • Property label.animation to control string tween animation independently.
  • Shape labels for pie and funnel charts.
  • Automatic shape labels for pies.
  • Property shape.defaultLabel as defaults for all shape labels.

Bug Fixes

  • Point %icon token not using the individual point color.
  • Allow hiding the colorBar when using the heatmap type.
  • Bubble type tooltip stops working after panning the chart.
  • Incorrectly handling Jan 1st 1970 date value.
  • Logarithmic scale with negative numbers not always working correctly.
  • Logarithmic scale with zero values not always working correctly.
  • DefaultCultureName setting now used in some non-token formatting cases.
  • Axis ticks with token values not always updating tick label text.
published 3.1.0 •



[3.1.0] - 2021-8-17

For more information, visit What's new in 3.1.


  • Label.opacity property.
  • Automatic column series corner rounding.
  • Point.radius property to control column corners.
  • Enable point color modifiers (lighten, darken,...) on point.complete.fill and point.complete.hatch.color


  • legendEntry.iconWidth deprecated, enabled for backward compatibility. Use legendEntry.icon.width instead.

Bug Fixes

  • Resizing circular gauge charts may throw error in some scenarios
  • A regression bug that may prevent manual annotation width or height settings from working.
  • Exception when target Div element has no size set.
  • Smart palette update issue when data is added after first render.
  • Multi-shape animation may throw exception in some circumstances.
  • Make candlestick column with zero value (doji candlestick) render correctly.
  • An issue with passing functions for shape label text.
  • legendEntry.icon.width not working.
  • Issue preventing axis.line.breaks.custom from working on circular axes.
  • Range axis scale mode disabled by a non-range series on a different axis.
  • Scale microchart shows numeric ticks in wrong position in some scenarios.
  • Printing the chart with the export toolbar may print extra blank pages.
  • Axis ticks with fill not moving out of view.
published 3.0.3-beta •



[3.0.3-beta] - 2021-4-8

Bug Fixes

  • Point click events may have triggered the wrong point when multiple points were overlapping.
  • Custom path point marker may not center when width or height are 0.
  • Axis line with color:'smartPalette' may not work if line breaks are not used.
  • jscharting.d.ts may cause compile errors with TypeScript projects.
  • Pie chart layout may cause pie sizes to collapse in some scenarios.
  • Point marker animation moving along the arc of circular gauges.
  • Slider clicks in IE not updating slider value correctly.
  • Arc gauge gradients fill incorrectly in some cases.
  • Using range x values and point names may place the point on the axis scale incorrectly.
  • Organizational chart with complex multi-parent nodes not laid out correctly.
published 3.0.2 •



[3.0.2] - 2021-01-27


  • API uiItem.offset property in the documentation.
  • Added axis.defaultHiddenTick property to control tick styling when they are hidden due to overlaps.
  • Chart parses numeric point data values. series.0.points = [1,2,3]
  • Legend line icon width scale to the largest width.
  • Legend line icons include dash styles that scale to fit.

Bug Fixes

  • Fail gracefully when map data is not available for specified countries.
  • Fix to prevent organizational points from overlapping in some scenarios.
  • Fix maps losing tooltips after zooming the chart programmatically.
  • Fix gradient arc axis line without breaks exception.
  • Fix a bug preventing multiple axes from duplicating parent axis category ticks.
  • Fix a bug that prevented custom TopoJSON map data from loading with a remote URL.
  • The Intl polyfill and locales have been removed from the bundle. In the very unlikely case they are needed, they will be downloaded from the CDN.
  • Fix synced category axis tick labels not staying in sync when main axis categories are reordered.
  • Fix %pointCount Token bug when only one point exists.
  • Fix a bug preventing radar series from being updated.
  • Fix overlapping tick logic with dense tick overlaps and custom tick priority
  • Last axis tick visibility is not prioritized over major and minor ticks when ticks overlap.
  • Fix an issue with Chrome 88 on Android not loading charts.
  • An issue that prevented axis data from being passed to click event handlers on maps.
published 3.0.1 •



[3.0.1] - 2020-10-26


  • Fixed a few minor bugs.
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