![Bundle Phobia](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/json-modifiable)
An incredibly tiny and configurable rules engine for applying arbitrary modifications to a descriptor based on context. Designed to work best with JSON standards (json pointer, json patch, and json schema) but can work with
- JSON Pointer like-syntax - like property-expr or lodash's get
- Schema validators like joi or yup.
- A custom patch function that accepts a document and the instructions provided in your rules, so you can roll your own patch logic.
npm install json-modifiable
yarn add json-modifiable
Or directly via the browser:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/json-modifiable"></script>
const descriptor = createJSONModifiable(...);
import createJSONModifiable from 'json-modifiable';
const descriptor = createJSONModifiable(
fieldId: 'lastName',
path: 'user.lastName',
label: 'Last Name',
readOnly: false,
placeholder: 'Enter Your First Name',
type: 'text',
hidden: true,
validations: [['minLength', 2]],
when: [
'/formData/firstName': {
type: 'string',
minLength: 1,
then: [
op: 'add',
path: '/validations/-',
value: 'required',
{ validator },
descriptor.get().validations.find((v) => v === 'required');
descriptor.setContext({ formData: { firstName: 'fred' } });
descriptor.get().validations.find((v) => v === 'required');
What in the heck is this good for?
Definining easy to read and easy to apply business logic to things that need to behave differently in different contexts. One use case I've used this for is to quickly and easily perform complicated modifications to form field descriptors based on the state of the form (or some other current application context).
const descriptor = {
fieldId: 'lastName',
path: 'user.lastName',
label: 'Last Name',
readOnly: false,
placeholder: 'Enter Your First Name',
type: 'text',
hidden: true,
validations: [['minLength', 2]],
const rules = [
when: [
'/formData/firstName': {
type: 'string',
minLength: 1,
then: [
op: 'add',
path: '/validations/-',
value: 'required',
op: 'replace',
path: '/hidden',
value: false,
This library internally has tiny implementations of json patch and json pointer that it uses as default options. It should be noted that the json pointer and json patch implementations can access/modify nested structures that don't currently exist in the descriptor without throwing errors. And the patch operations are a bit looser than the spec - add
and replace
are treated as synonyms and prescribed errors aren't thrown. Another very important difference with the embedded json-patch utility is that it only patches the parts of the descriptor that are actually modified - i.e. no cloneDeep
. This allows it to work beautifully with libraries that rely (or make heavy use of) referential integrity/memoization (like React).
const DynamicFormField = ({ context }) => {
const refDescriptor = useRef(createJSONModifiable(descriptor, rules, { context }))
const [currentDescriptor, setCurrentDescriptor] = useState(descriptor.current.get());
useEffect(() => {
return refDescriptor.current.subscribe(setCurrentDescriptor)
useEffect(() => {
return ()
Think outside the box here, what if you didn't have rules for individual field descriptors, but what if you entire form was just modifiable descriptors and the rules governing the entire form were encoded as a bunch of JSON patch operations? Because of the referential integrity of the patches, memo
-ed components still work and things are still lightening fast.
const myForm = {
firstName: {
label: 'First Name',
placeholder: 'Enter your first name',
const formRules = [
when: {
'/formData/firstName': {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^A',
then: [
op: 'replace',
path: '/firstName/placeholder',
value: 'Hey {{/formData/firstName}}, my first name starts with A too!',
type Validator = (schema: any, subject: any) => boolean;
A validator is the only dependency that must be user supplied. It accepts a schema and an subject to evaluate and it synchronously returns a boolean. Because of the extensive performance optimizations going on inside the engine to keep it blazing fast it's important to note the validator MUST BE A PURE FUNCTION
Here's a great one, and the one used in all our tests:
import Ajv from 'ajv';
const ajv = new Ajv();
const validator = (schema, subject) => ajv.validate(schema, subject);
const modifiable = createJSONModifiable(myDescriptor, rules, { validator });
You can see that by supplying a different validator, you don't even have to use JSON schema (though we recommend it) in your modifiable rules.
type Rule = {
when: Condition[];
then?: Operation[];
otherwise: Operation[];
A rule looks like when
, then
, otherwise
where only one of the then
or otherwise
needs to be defined. A when is made up on an array of objects whose keys are pointers to entities in context
and whose values are schemas that will be passed to the validator
The when
is always an array of Condition
s. Condition
s are plain objects whose keys are path
s and values are schemas
type Condition = {
[key: string]: Record<string, any>;
const condition = {
'/formData/firstName': {
type: 'string',
minLength: 2,
If any of the Condition
s in a Rule
are true, then the operations in the then
clause are applied. If none of them are true then the operations in the otherwise
clause are applied. If a rule is false but no otherwise
clause is specified, then no patches will be applied. The same goes for if a rule is true but doesn't have a then
THe then
and otherwise
must be arrays or Operation
s. The default implementation requires them to be JSON patch operations. The array of operations in a then
or otherwise
will be passed to the patch
function and the document to apply them to.
type PatchFunction = <T>(descriptor: T, operations: Operation[]) => T;
It's important to know that rules run in the order they have been defined. So your patch operations will be operating on the last modified descriptor.
createJSONModifiable<T,C = unknown,Op = JSONPatchOperation>(
descriptor: T,
rules: Rule<Op>[],
options: Options<T,C,Op>
): JSONModifiable<T,C>
type Rule<Op> = {
when: Condition[];
then?: Op[];
otherwise?: Op[];
type Condition = {
[key: string]: Record<string, unknown>;
type Validator = (schema: any, subject: any) => boolean;
type Resolver = (object: Record<string, unknown>, path: string) => any;
type Options<T, C, Op> = {
validator: Validator;
context?: C;
pattern?: RegExp | null;
resolver?: Resolver;
patch?: (operations: Op[], record: T) => T;
type Unsubscribe = () => void;
type Subscriber<T> = (arg: T) => void;
interface JSONModifiable<T, C, Op> {
get: () => T;
set: (descriptor: T) => void;
setRules: (rules: Rule<Op>[]) => void;
setContext: (context: C) => void;
subscribe: (subscriber: Subscriber<T>) => Unsubscribe;
on: (event: 'modified', subscriber: Subscriber<T>) => Unsubscribe;
on: (event: 'error', subscriber: Subscriber<ErrorEvent>) => Unsubscribe;
You can interpolate values from context into your rules and patches using the pattern
regexp. By default it uses handlebars-style - e.g. {{thingToInerpolate}}
Note the resolver
accepts, by default, a json pointer is used for to evaluate what's being interpolated. So, by default, all interpolation patterns will look like this: {{/path/to/thing/in/context}}
Also useful to know is that you can interpolate more than strings, you can interpolate objects or even arrays.
Given the rule and the following context:
const rule = {
when: [
type: 'object',
properties: '{{/fields/from/context}}',
required: '{{/fields/required}}',
const context = {
fields: {
from: {
context: {
a: {
type: "strng"
b: {
type: "number"
required: ["a"]
You'll end up with the following interpolated rule:
when: [
type: 'object',
properties: {
a: {
type: "strng"
b: {
type: "number"
required: ["a"]
Interpolations are very powerful and keep your rules serializable.
About interpolation performance
TLDR in performance critical environments where you aren't using interpolation, pass null
for the pattern
const modifiable = createJSONModifiable(
pattern: null
This package uses interpolatable to perform blazing fast interpolations on deeply nested data structures. Interpolatable ensures the expensive operation of traversing nested objects/arrays only happens when absolutely necessary. However, if you don't use interpolation in your rules, your objects will still be traversed the first time your rules are loaded into the engine. If you are operating in a performance critical environment and/or your rules are very large, you can simply pass null
for the pattern option to skip this initial traversal as well. In the future, it's possible that the interpolation pattern can be defined per rule for even finer-grained control.
Other Cool Stuff
Check out json-schema-rules-engine for a different type of rules engine.
PRs welcome!