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jsxstyle-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-canary-20217216441 to 0.0.0-canary-202172171529

# jsxstyle-utils
## 0.0.0-canary-20217216441
## 0.0.0-canary-202172171529

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ ### Major Changes

- f6408ad: Replaced `getClassName` method with `getComponentProps`—it generates a className as before but now adds it to a filtered object of component props.
- 4d2bc2a: Implemented one className per style prop functionality.

@@ -10,0 +11,0 @@ ### Minor Changes

@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ export { addStyleToHead } from './addStyleToHead';

export { getStyleCache } from './getStyleCache';
export { getStyleKeysForProps, ComponentProp } from './getStyleKeysForProps';
export { processProps } from './processProps';
export { pseudoelements, pseudoclasses } from './getStyleKeysForProps';
export { hyphenateStyleName } from './hyphenateStyleName';
export { stringHash } from './stringHash';
export { CSSProperties } from './types';
export type { ComponentProp } from './parseStyleProps';

@@ -216,22 +216,2 @@ 'use strict';

function _extends() {
_extends =
Object.assign ||
function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
var uppercasePattern = /([A-Z])/g;

@@ -253,381 +233,12 @@ var msPattern = /^ms-/;

/* tslint:disable no-bitwise */
// thx darksky:
function stringHash(str) {
var hash = 5381;
var i = str.length;
function _extends() {
_extends =
Object.assign ||
function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
while (i) {
hash = (hash * 33) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
/* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed
* integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the
* signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */
return hash >>> 0;
var capRegex = /[A-Z]/g;
var componentProps = {
// class (preact) and className (React) are handled separately
checked: true,
children: true,
href: true,
id: true,
name: true,
placeholder: true,
style: true,
type: true,
value: true,
var pseudoelements = {
after: true,
before: true,
placeholder: true,
selection: true,
var pseudoclasses = {
active: true,
checked: true,
disabled: true,
empty: true,
enabled: true,
focus: true,
hover: true,
invalid: true,
link: true,
required: true,
target: true,
valid: true,
/** Props that are used internally and not passed on to the underlying component */
var skippedProps = {
component: true,
mediaQueries: true,
props: true,
var sameAxisPropNames = {
paddingH: ['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight'],
paddingV: ['paddingTop', 'paddingBottom'],
marginH: ['marginLeft', 'marginRight'],
marginV: ['marginTop', 'marginBottom'],
function getStyleKeysForProps(props, classNamePropKey, pretty) {
if (pretty === void 0) {
pretty = false;
if (typeof props !== 'object' || props === null) {
return null;
var propKeys = Object.keys(props).sort();
var keyCount = propKeys.length;
if (keyCount === 0) {
return null;
var mediaQueries = props.mediaQueries;
var usesMediaQueries = false;
var stylesByKey = {};
var styleKeyObj = {
classNameKey: '',
stylesByKey: stylesByKey,
props: typeof props.props === 'object' ? _extends({}, props.props) : null,
var classNameKey = '';
var animations;
var seenMQs = {};
var mqSortKeys = {};
if (mediaQueries != null) {
var idx = -1;
for (var k in mediaQueries) {
mqSortKeys[k] = '@' + (1000 + ++idx);
for (var _idx = -1; ++_idx < keyCount; ) {
var originalPropName = propKeys[_idx]; // separate known component props from style props
if (componentProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName)) {
(styleKeyObj.props = styleKeyObj.props || {})[originalPropName] =
if (
skippedProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
originalPropName === classNamePropKey ||
) {
var propName = originalPropName;
var propSansMQ = void 0;
var pseudoelement = void 0;
var pseudoclass = void 0;
var mqKey = void 0;
capRegex.lastIndex = 0;
var splitIndex = 0;
var prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component
if (prefix === 'on') {
(styleKeyObj.props = styleKeyObj.props || {})[originalPropName] =
} // check for media query prefix
if (prefix && mediaQueries != null && mediaQueries.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
usesMediaQueries = true;
mqKey = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propSansMQ =
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1);
prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
propSansMQ.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - splitIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoelement prefix
if (prefix && pseudoelements.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
pseudoelement = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoclass prefix
if (prefix && pseudoclasses.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
pseudoclass = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
} // trim prefixes off propName
if (splitIndex > 0) {
propName =
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1);
var styleValue = props[originalPropName];
var space = pretty ? ' ' : '';
var colon = ':' + space;
var newline = pretty ? '\n' : '';
var semicolon = ';' + newline;
var indent = pretty ? ' ' : '';
if (
propName === 'animation' &&
styleValue &&
typeof styleValue === 'object'
) {
var animationValue = newline;
for (var _k in styleValue) {
var obj = styleValue[_k];
animationValue += _k + space + '{' + newline;
for (var childPropName in obj) {
var _value = dangerousStyleValue(childPropName, obj[childPropName]);
animationValue +=
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(childPropName) +
colon +
_value +
animationValue += '}' + newline;
var animationKey = 'jsxstyle_' + stringHash(animationValue).toString(36);
propName = 'animationName';
styleValue = animationKey;
animations = animations || {};
animations[animationKey] = animationValue;
} else {
styleValue = dangerousStyleValue(propName, props[originalPropName]);
if (styleValue === '') {
var mediaQuery = mqKey && mediaQueries[mqKey];
var mqSortKey = mqKey && mqSortKeys[mqKey];
var key =
'.' +
(mqSortKey || '') +
(pseudoclass ? ':' + pseudoclass : '') +
(pseudoelement ? '::' + pseudoelement : '');
if (!stylesByKey.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
stylesByKey[key] = {
styles: newline,
if (mediaQuery) {
stylesByKey[key].mediaQuery = mediaQuery;
if (pseudoclass) {
stylesByKey[key].pseudoclass = pseudoclass;
if (pseudoelement) {
stylesByKey[key].pseudoelement = pseudoelement;
if (mediaQuery) {
seenMQs[mediaQuery] = seenMQs[mediaQuery] || '';
seenMQs[mediaQuery] += propSansMQ + ':' + styleValue + ';';
} else {
classNameKey += originalPropName + ':' + styleValue + ';';
var value = colon + styleValue + semicolon;
var propArray = sameAxisPropNames[propName];
if (propArray) {
stylesByKey[key].styles +=
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(propArray[0]) +
value +
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(propArray[1]) +
} else {
stylesByKey[key].styles += indent + hyphenateStyleName(propName) + value;
} // append media query key
if (usesMediaQueries) {
var mqKeys = Object.keys(seenMQs).sort();
for (var _idx2 = -1, len = mqKeys.length; ++_idx2 < len; ) {
var _mediaQuery = mqKeys[_idx2];
classNameKey += '@' + _mediaQuery + '~' + seenMQs[_mediaQuery];
if (animations) {
styleKeyObj.animations = animations;
styleKeyObj.classNameKey = classNameKey || null;
return styleKeyObj;
function cannotInject() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` must be called before any jsxstyle components mount.'
function alreadyInjected() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` should be called once and only once.'
var getStringHash = function getStringHash(key) {
return '_' + stringHash(key).toString(36);
function getStyleCache() {
var _classNameCache = {};
var getClassNameForKey = getStringHash;
var onInsertRule;
var pretty = false;
var styleCache = {
reset: function reset() {
_classNameCache = {};
injectOptions: function injectOptions(options) {
if (options) {
if (options.getClassName) {
getClassNameForKey = options.getClassName;
if (options.onInsertRule) {
onInsertRule = options.onInsertRule;
if (options.pretty) {
pretty = options.pretty;
styleCache.injectOptions = alreadyInjected;
getComponentProps: function getComponentProps(props, classNamePropKey) {
if (classNamePropKey === void 0) {
classNamePropKey = 'className';
styleCache.injectOptions = cannotInject;
var styleObj = getStyleKeysForProps(props, classNamePropKey, pretty);
if (styleObj == null) {
return null;
var key = styleObj.classNameKey;
if (key && !_classNameCache.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
_classNameCache[key] = getClassNameForKey(key, props);
.forEach(function (k) {
var selector = '.' + _classNameCache[key]; // prettier-ignore
var _styleObj$stylesByKey = styleObj.stylesByKey[k],
pseudoclass = _styleObj$stylesByKey.pseudoclass,
pseudoelement = _styleObj$stylesByKey.pseudoelement,
mediaQuery = _styleObj$stylesByKey.mediaQuery,
styles = _styleObj$stylesByKey.styles;
var rule =
selector +
(pseudoclass ? ':' + pseudoclass : '') +
(pseudoelement ? '::' + pseudoelement : '') +
(' {' + styles + '}');
if (mediaQuery) {
rule = '@media ' + mediaQuery + ' { ' + rule + ' }';
if (
onInsertRule && // if the function returns false, bail.
onInsertRule(rule, props) === false
) {
var animations = styleObj.animations;
if (animations) {
for (var animationKey in animations) {
var rule =
'@keyframes ' +
animationKey +
' {' +
animations[animationKey] +
if (!onInsertRule || onInsertRule(rule, props) !== false) {
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];

@@ -637,23 +248,10 @@ }

var classNameProp = props[classNamePropKey];
var classNameForKey = key && _classNameCache[key];
var className =
classNameForKey && classNameProp
? classNameProp + ' ' + classNameForKey
: classNameForKey || classNameProp || null;
return target;
var finalProps = _extends({}, styleObj.props);
if (className) {
finalProps[classNamePropKey] = className;
return finalProps;
return styleCache;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
// global flag makes subsequent calls of capRegex.test advance to the next match
var capRegex$1 = /[A-Z]/g;
var capRegex = /[A-Z]/g;
var commonComponentProps = {

@@ -671,3 +269,3 @@ // class (preact) and className (React) are handled separately

var pseudoelements$1 = {
var pseudoelements = {
after: true,

@@ -678,3 +276,3 @@ before: true,

var pseudoclasses$1 = {
var pseudoclasses = {
active: true,

@@ -695,3 +293,3 @@ checked: true,

var skippedProps$1 = {
var skippedProps = {
component: true,

@@ -749,3 +347,3 @@ mediaQueries: true,

if (
skippedProps$1.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
skippedProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
originalPropName === classNamePropKey ||

@@ -761,8 +359,8 @@ !props.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName)

var specificity = 0;
capRegex$1.lastIndex = 0;
capRegex.lastIndex = 0;
var splitIndex = 0;
var propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex$1.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component

@@ -774,18 +372,18 @@ if (propNamePrefix === 'on') {

if (propNamePrefix && pseudoelements$1[propNamePrefix]) {
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoelements[propNamePrefix]) {
pseudoelement = propNamePrefix;
splitIndex = capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1);
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoclass prefix
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoclasses$1[propNamePrefix]) {
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoclasses[propNamePrefix]) {
pseudoclass = propNamePrefix;
splitIndex = capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1);
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check if we need to bump specificity

@@ -994,2 +592,96 @@

/* tslint:disable no-bitwise */
// thx darksky:
function stringHash(str) {
var hash = 5381;
var i = str.length;
while (i) {
hash = (hash * 33) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
/* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed
* integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the
* signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */
return hash >>> 0;
function cannotInject() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` must be called before any jsxstyle components mount.'
function alreadyInjected() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` should be called once and only once.'
var getStringHash = function getStringHash(key) {
return '_' + stringHash(key).toString(36);
function getStyleCache() {
var _classNameCache = {};
var getClassNameForKey = getStringHash;
var onInsertRule;
var memoizedGetClassNameForKey = function memoizedGetClassNameForKey(key) {
if (!_classNameCache[key]) {
_classNameCache[key] = getClassNameForKey(key);
return _classNameCache[key];
var styleCache = {
reset: function reset() {
_classNameCache = {};
injectOptions: function injectOptions(options) {
if (options) {
if (options.getClassName) {
getClassNameForKey = options.getClassName;
if (options.onInsertRule) {
onInsertRule = options.onInsertRule;
styleCache.injectOptions = alreadyInjected;
getComponentProps: function getComponentProps(props, classNamePropKey) {
if (classNamePropKey === void 0) {
classNamePropKey = 'className';
styleCache.injectOptions = cannotInject;
var componentProps = processProps(
if (!componentProps) {
return null;
componentProps.rules.forEach(function (rule) {
if (
onInsertRule && // if the function returns false, bail.
onInsertRule(rule, props) === false
) {
return componentProps.props;
return styleCache;
exports.addStyleToHead = addStyleToHead;

@@ -999,7 +691,4 @@ exports.componentStyles = componentStyles;

exports.getStyleCache = getStyleCache;
exports.getStyleKeysForProps = getStyleKeysForProps;
exports.hyphenateStyleName = hyphenateStyleName;
exports.processProps = processProps;
exports.pseudoclasses = pseudoclasses;
exports.pseudoelements = pseudoelements;
exports.stringHash = stringHash;

@@ -212,22 +212,2 @@ var canUseDOM = !!(

function _extends() {
_extends =
Object.assign ||
function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
var uppercasePattern = /([A-Z])/g;

@@ -249,381 +229,12 @@ var msPattern = /^ms-/;

/* tslint:disable no-bitwise */
// thx darksky:
function stringHash(str) {
var hash = 5381;
var i = str.length;
function _extends() {
_extends =
Object.assign ||
function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
while (i) {
hash = (hash * 33) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
/* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed
* integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the
* signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */
return hash >>> 0;
var capRegex = /[A-Z]/g;
var componentProps = {
// class (preact) and className (React) are handled separately
checked: true,
children: true,
href: true,
id: true,
name: true,
placeholder: true,
style: true,
type: true,
value: true,
var pseudoelements = {
after: true,
before: true,
placeholder: true,
selection: true,
var pseudoclasses = {
active: true,
checked: true,
disabled: true,
empty: true,
enabled: true,
focus: true,
hover: true,
invalid: true,
link: true,
required: true,
target: true,
valid: true,
/** Props that are used internally and not passed on to the underlying component */
var skippedProps = {
component: true,
mediaQueries: true,
props: true,
var sameAxisPropNames = {
paddingH: ['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight'],
paddingV: ['paddingTop', 'paddingBottom'],
marginH: ['marginLeft', 'marginRight'],
marginV: ['marginTop', 'marginBottom'],
function getStyleKeysForProps(props, classNamePropKey, pretty) {
if (pretty === void 0) {
pretty = false;
if (typeof props !== 'object' || props === null) {
return null;
var propKeys = Object.keys(props).sort();
var keyCount = propKeys.length;
if (keyCount === 0) {
return null;
var mediaQueries = props.mediaQueries;
var usesMediaQueries = false;
var stylesByKey = {};
var styleKeyObj = {
classNameKey: '',
stylesByKey: stylesByKey,
props: typeof props.props === 'object' ? _extends({}, props.props) : null,
var classNameKey = '';
var animations;
var seenMQs = {};
var mqSortKeys = {};
if (mediaQueries != null) {
var idx = -1;
for (var k in mediaQueries) {
mqSortKeys[k] = '@' + (1000 + ++idx);
for (var _idx = -1; ++_idx < keyCount; ) {
var originalPropName = propKeys[_idx]; // separate known component props from style props
if (componentProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName)) {
(styleKeyObj.props = styleKeyObj.props || {})[originalPropName] =
if (
skippedProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
originalPropName === classNamePropKey ||
) {
var propName = originalPropName;
var propSansMQ = void 0;
var pseudoelement = void 0;
var pseudoclass = void 0;
var mqKey = void 0;
capRegex.lastIndex = 0;
var splitIndex = 0;
var prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component
if (prefix === 'on') {
(styleKeyObj.props = styleKeyObj.props || {})[originalPropName] =
} // check for media query prefix
if (prefix && mediaQueries != null && mediaQueries.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
usesMediaQueries = true;
mqKey = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propSansMQ =
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1);
prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
propSansMQ.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - splitIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoelement prefix
if (prefix && pseudoelements.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
pseudoelement = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoclass prefix
if (prefix && pseudoclasses.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
pseudoclass = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
} // trim prefixes off propName
if (splitIndex > 0) {
propName =
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1);
var styleValue = props[originalPropName];
var space = pretty ? ' ' : '';
var colon = ':' + space;
var newline = pretty ? '\n' : '';
var semicolon = ';' + newline;
var indent = pretty ? ' ' : '';
if (
propName === 'animation' &&
styleValue &&
typeof styleValue === 'object'
) {
var animationValue = newline;
for (var _k in styleValue) {
var obj = styleValue[_k];
animationValue += _k + space + '{' + newline;
for (var childPropName in obj) {
var _value = dangerousStyleValue(childPropName, obj[childPropName]);
animationValue +=
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(childPropName) +
colon +
_value +
animationValue += '}' + newline;
var animationKey = 'jsxstyle_' + stringHash(animationValue).toString(36);
propName = 'animationName';
styleValue = animationKey;
animations = animations || {};
animations[animationKey] = animationValue;
} else {
styleValue = dangerousStyleValue(propName, props[originalPropName]);
if (styleValue === '') {
var mediaQuery = mqKey && mediaQueries[mqKey];
var mqSortKey = mqKey && mqSortKeys[mqKey];
var key =
'.' +
(mqSortKey || '') +
(pseudoclass ? ':' + pseudoclass : '') +
(pseudoelement ? '::' + pseudoelement : '');
if (!stylesByKey.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
stylesByKey[key] = {
styles: newline,
if (mediaQuery) {
stylesByKey[key].mediaQuery = mediaQuery;
if (pseudoclass) {
stylesByKey[key].pseudoclass = pseudoclass;
if (pseudoelement) {
stylesByKey[key].pseudoelement = pseudoelement;
if (mediaQuery) {
seenMQs[mediaQuery] = seenMQs[mediaQuery] || '';
seenMQs[mediaQuery] += propSansMQ + ':' + styleValue + ';';
} else {
classNameKey += originalPropName + ':' + styleValue + ';';
var value = colon + styleValue + semicolon;
var propArray = sameAxisPropNames[propName];
if (propArray) {
stylesByKey[key].styles +=
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(propArray[0]) +
value +
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(propArray[1]) +
} else {
stylesByKey[key].styles += indent + hyphenateStyleName(propName) + value;
} // append media query key
if (usesMediaQueries) {
var mqKeys = Object.keys(seenMQs).sort();
for (var _idx2 = -1, len = mqKeys.length; ++_idx2 < len; ) {
var _mediaQuery = mqKeys[_idx2];
classNameKey += '@' + _mediaQuery + '~' + seenMQs[_mediaQuery];
if (animations) {
styleKeyObj.animations = animations;
styleKeyObj.classNameKey = classNameKey || null;
return styleKeyObj;
function cannotInject() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` must be called before any jsxstyle components mount.'
function alreadyInjected() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` should be called once and only once.'
var getStringHash = function getStringHash(key) {
return '_' + stringHash(key).toString(36);
function getStyleCache() {
var _classNameCache = {};
var getClassNameForKey = getStringHash;
var onInsertRule;
var pretty = false;
var styleCache = {
reset: function reset() {
_classNameCache = {};
injectOptions: function injectOptions(options) {
if (options) {
if (options.getClassName) {
getClassNameForKey = options.getClassName;
if (options.onInsertRule) {
onInsertRule = options.onInsertRule;
if (options.pretty) {
pretty = options.pretty;
styleCache.injectOptions = alreadyInjected;
getComponentProps: function getComponentProps(props, classNamePropKey) {
if (classNamePropKey === void 0) {
classNamePropKey = 'className';
styleCache.injectOptions = cannotInject;
var styleObj = getStyleKeysForProps(props, classNamePropKey, pretty);
if (styleObj == null) {
return null;
var key = styleObj.classNameKey;
if (key && !_classNameCache.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
_classNameCache[key] = getClassNameForKey(key, props);
.forEach(function (k) {
var selector = '.' + _classNameCache[key]; // prettier-ignore
var _styleObj$stylesByKey = styleObj.stylesByKey[k],
pseudoclass = _styleObj$stylesByKey.pseudoclass,
pseudoelement = _styleObj$stylesByKey.pseudoelement,
mediaQuery = _styleObj$stylesByKey.mediaQuery,
styles = _styleObj$stylesByKey.styles;
var rule =
selector +
(pseudoclass ? ':' + pseudoclass : '') +
(pseudoelement ? '::' + pseudoelement : '') +
(' {' + styles + '}');
if (mediaQuery) {
rule = '@media ' + mediaQuery + ' { ' + rule + ' }';
if (
onInsertRule && // if the function returns false, bail.
onInsertRule(rule, props) === false
) {
var animations = styleObj.animations;
if (animations) {
for (var animationKey in animations) {
var rule =
'@keyframes ' +
animationKey +
' {' +
animations[animationKey] +
if (!onInsertRule || onInsertRule(rule, props) !== false) {
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];

@@ -633,23 +244,10 @@ }

var classNameProp = props[classNamePropKey];
var classNameForKey = key && _classNameCache[key];
var className =
classNameForKey && classNameProp
? classNameProp + ' ' + classNameForKey
: classNameForKey || classNameProp || null;
return target;
var finalProps = _extends({}, styleObj.props);
if (className) {
finalProps[classNamePropKey] = className;
return finalProps;
return styleCache;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
// global flag makes subsequent calls of capRegex.test advance to the next match
var capRegex$1 = /[A-Z]/g;
var capRegex = /[A-Z]/g;
var commonComponentProps = {

@@ -667,3 +265,3 @@ // class (preact) and className (React) are handled separately

var pseudoelements$1 = {
var pseudoelements = {
after: true,

@@ -674,3 +272,3 @@ before: true,

var pseudoclasses$1 = {
var pseudoclasses = {
active: true,

@@ -691,3 +289,3 @@ checked: true,

var skippedProps$1 = {
var skippedProps = {
component: true,

@@ -745,3 +343,3 @@ mediaQueries: true,

if (
skippedProps$1.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
skippedProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
originalPropName === classNamePropKey ||

@@ -757,8 +355,8 @@ !props.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName)

var specificity = 0;
capRegex$1.lastIndex = 0;
capRegex.lastIndex = 0;
var splitIndex = 0;
var propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex$1.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component

@@ -770,18 +368,18 @@ if (propNamePrefix === 'on') {

if (propNamePrefix && pseudoelements$1[propNamePrefix]) {
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoelements[propNamePrefix]) {
pseudoelement = propNamePrefix;
splitIndex = capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1);
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoclass prefix
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoclasses$1[propNamePrefix]) {
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoclasses[propNamePrefix]) {
pseudoclass = propNamePrefix;
splitIndex = capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1);
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check if we need to bump specificity

@@ -990,2 +588,96 @@

/* tslint:disable no-bitwise */
// thx darksky:
function stringHash(str) {
var hash = 5381;
var i = str.length;
while (i) {
hash = (hash * 33) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
/* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed
* integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the
* signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */
return hash >>> 0;
function cannotInject() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` must be called before any jsxstyle components mount.'
function alreadyInjected() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` should be called once and only once.'
var getStringHash = function getStringHash(key) {
return '_' + stringHash(key).toString(36);
function getStyleCache() {
var _classNameCache = {};
var getClassNameForKey = getStringHash;
var onInsertRule;
var memoizedGetClassNameForKey = function memoizedGetClassNameForKey(key) {
if (!_classNameCache[key]) {
_classNameCache[key] = getClassNameForKey(key);
return _classNameCache[key];
var styleCache = {
reset: function reset() {
_classNameCache = {};
injectOptions: function injectOptions(options) {
if (options) {
if (options.getClassName) {
getClassNameForKey = options.getClassName;
if (options.onInsertRule) {
onInsertRule = options.onInsertRule;
styleCache.injectOptions = alreadyInjected;
getComponentProps: function getComponentProps(props, classNamePropKey) {
if (classNamePropKey === void 0) {
classNamePropKey = 'className';
styleCache.injectOptions = cannotInject;
var componentProps = processProps(
if (!componentProps) {
return null;
componentProps.rules.forEach(function (rule) {
if (
onInsertRule && // if the function returns false, bail.
onInsertRule(rule, props) === false
) {
return componentProps.props;
return styleCache;
export {

@@ -996,8 +688,5 @@ addStyleToHead,


@@ -215,22 +215,2 @@ define('jsxstyle-utils', ['exports'], function (exports) {

function _extends() {
_extends =
Object.assign ||
function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
var uppercasePattern = /([A-Z])/g;

@@ -252,387 +232,12 @@ var msPattern = /^ms-/;

/* tslint:disable no-bitwise */
// thx darksky:
function stringHash(str) {
var hash = 5381;
var i = str.length;
function _extends() {
_extends =
Object.assign ||
function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
while (i) {
hash = (hash * 33) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
/* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed
* integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the
* signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */
return hash >>> 0;
var capRegex = /[A-Z]/g;
var componentProps = {
// class (preact) and className (React) are handled separately
checked: true,
children: true,
href: true,
id: true,
name: true,
placeholder: true,
style: true,
type: true,
value: true,
var pseudoelements = {
after: true,
before: true,
placeholder: true,
selection: true,
var pseudoclasses = {
active: true,
checked: true,
disabled: true,
empty: true,
enabled: true,
focus: true,
hover: true,
invalid: true,
link: true,
required: true,
target: true,
valid: true,
/** Props that are used internally and not passed on to the underlying component */
var skippedProps = {
component: true,
mediaQueries: true,
props: true,
var sameAxisPropNames = {
paddingH: ['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight'],
paddingV: ['paddingTop', 'paddingBottom'],
marginH: ['marginLeft', 'marginRight'],
marginV: ['marginTop', 'marginBottom'],
function getStyleKeysForProps(props, classNamePropKey, pretty) {
if (pretty === void 0) {
pretty = false;
if (typeof props !== 'object' || props === null) {
return null;
var propKeys = Object.keys(props).sort();
var keyCount = propKeys.length;
if (keyCount === 0) {
return null;
var mediaQueries = props.mediaQueries;
var usesMediaQueries = false;
var stylesByKey = {};
var styleKeyObj = {
classNameKey: '',
stylesByKey: stylesByKey,
props: typeof props.props === 'object' ? _extends({}, props.props) : null,
var classNameKey = '';
var animations;
var seenMQs = {};
var mqSortKeys = {};
if (mediaQueries != null) {
var idx = -1;
for (var k in mediaQueries) {
mqSortKeys[k] = '@' + (1000 + ++idx);
for (var _idx = -1; ++_idx < keyCount; ) {
var originalPropName = propKeys[_idx]; // separate known component props from style props
if (componentProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName)) {
(styleKeyObj.props = styleKeyObj.props || {})[originalPropName] =
if (
skippedProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
originalPropName === classNamePropKey ||
) {
var propName = originalPropName;
var propSansMQ = void 0;
var pseudoelement = void 0;
var pseudoclass = void 0;
var mqKey = void 0;
capRegex.lastIndex = 0;
var splitIndex = 0;
var prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component
if (prefix === 'on') {
(styleKeyObj.props = styleKeyObj.props || {})[originalPropName] =
} // check for media query prefix
if (
prefix &&
mediaQueries != null &&
) {
usesMediaQueries = true;
mqKey = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propSansMQ =
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1);
prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
propSansMQ.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - splitIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoelement prefix
if (prefix && pseudoelements.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
pseudoelement = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
prefix =
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoclass prefix
if (prefix && pseudoclasses.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
pseudoclass = prefix;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
} // trim prefixes off propName
if (splitIndex > 0) {
propName =
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1);
var styleValue = props[originalPropName];
var space = pretty ? ' ' : '';
var colon = ':' + space;
var newline = pretty ? '\n' : '';
var semicolon = ';' + newline;
var indent = pretty ? ' ' : '';
if (
propName === 'animation' &&
styleValue &&
typeof styleValue === 'object'
) {
var animationValue = newline;
for (var _k in styleValue) {
var obj = styleValue[_k];
animationValue += _k + space + '{' + newline;
for (var childPropName in obj) {
var _value = dangerousStyleValue(childPropName, obj[childPropName]);
animationValue +=
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(childPropName) +
colon +
_value +
animationValue += '}' + newline;
var animationKey =
'jsxstyle_' + stringHash(animationValue).toString(36);
propName = 'animationName';
styleValue = animationKey;
animations = animations || {};
animations[animationKey] = animationValue;
} else {
styleValue = dangerousStyleValue(propName, props[originalPropName]);
if (styleValue === '') {
var mediaQuery = mqKey && mediaQueries[mqKey];
var mqSortKey = mqKey && mqSortKeys[mqKey];
var key =
'.' +
(mqSortKey || '') +
(pseudoclass ? ':' + pseudoclass : '') +
(pseudoelement ? '::' + pseudoelement : '');
if (!stylesByKey.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
stylesByKey[key] = {
styles: newline,
if (mediaQuery) {
stylesByKey[key].mediaQuery = mediaQuery;
if (pseudoclass) {
stylesByKey[key].pseudoclass = pseudoclass;
if (pseudoelement) {
stylesByKey[key].pseudoelement = pseudoelement;
if (mediaQuery) {
seenMQs[mediaQuery] = seenMQs[mediaQuery] || '';
seenMQs[mediaQuery] += propSansMQ + ':' + styleValue + ';';
} else {
classNameKey += originalPropName + ':' + styleValue + ';';
var value = colon + styleValue + semicolon;
var propArray = sameAxisPropNames[propName];
if (propArray) {
stylesByKey[key].styles +=
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(propArray[0]) +
value +
indent +
hyphenateStyleName(propArray[1]) +
} else {
stylesByKey[key].styles +=
indent + hyphenateStyleName(propName) + value;
} // append media query key
if (usesMediaQueries) {
var mqKeys = Object.keys(seenMQs).sort();
for (var _idx2 = -1, len = mqKeys.length; ++_idx2 < len; ) {
var _mediaQuery = mqKeys[_idx2];
classNameKey += '@' + _mediaQuery + '~' + seenMQs[_mediaQuery];
if (animations) {
styleKeyObj.animations = animations;
styleKeyObj.classNameKey = classNameKey || null;
return styleKeyObj;
function cannotInject() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` must be called before any jsxstyle components mount.'
function alreadyInjected() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` should be called once and only once.'
var getStringHash = function getStringHash(key) {
return '_' + stringHash(key).toString(36);
function getStyleCache() {
var _classNameCache = {};
var getClassNameForKey = getStringHash;
var onInsertRule;
var pretty = false;
var styleCache = {
reset: function reset() {
_classNameCache = {};
injectOptions: function injectOptions(options) {
if (options) {
if (options.getClassName) {
getClassNameForKey = options.getClassName;
if (options.onInsertRule) {
onInsertRule = options.onInsertRule;
if (options.pretty) {
pretty = options.pretty;
styleCache.injectOptions = alreadyInjected;
getComponentProps: function getComponentProps(props, classNamePropKey) {
if (classNamePropKey === void 0) {
classNamePropKey = 'className';
styleCache.injectOptions = cannotInject;
var styleObj = getStyleKeysForProps(props, classNamePropKey, pretty);
if (styleObj == null) {
return null;
var key = styleObj.classNameKey;
if (key && !_classNameCache.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
_classNameCache[key] = getClassNameForKey(key, props);
.forEach(function (k) {
var selector = '.' + _classNameCache[key]; // prettier-ignore
var _styleObj$stylesByKey = styleObj.stylesByKey[k],
pseudoclass = _styleObj$stylesByKey.pseudoclass,
pseudoelement = _styleObj$stylesByKey.pseudoelement,
mediaQuery = _styleObj$stylesByKey.mediaQuery,
styles = _styleObj$stylesByKey.styles;
var rule =
selector +
(pseudoclass ? ':' + pseudoclass : '') +
(pseudoelement ? '::' + pseudoelement : '') +
(' {' + styles + '}');
if (mediaQuery) {
rule = '@media ' + mediaQuery + ' { ' + rule + ' }';
if (
onInsertRule && // if the function returns false, bail.
onInsertRule(rule, props) === false
) {
var animations = styleObj.animations;
if (animations) {
for (var animationKey in animations) {
var rule =
'@keyframes ' +
animationKey +
' {' +
animations[animationKey] +
if (!onInsertRule || onInsertRule(rule, props) !== false) {
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];

@@ -642,23 +247,10 @@ }

var classNameProp = props[classNamePropKey];
var classNameForKey = key && _classNameCache[key];
var className =
classNameForKey && classNameProp
? classNameProp + ' ' + classNameForKey
: classNameForKey || classNameProp || null;
return target;
var finalProps = _extends({}, styleObj.props);
if (className) {
finalProps[classNamePropKey] = className;
return finalProps;
return styleCache;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
// global flag makes subsequent calls of capRegex.test advance to the next match
var capRegex$1 = /[A-Z]/g;
var capRegex = /[A-Z]/g;
var commonComponentProps = {

@@ -676,3 +268,3 @@ // class (preact) and className (React) are handled separately

var pseudoelements$1 = {
var pseudoelements = {
after: true,

@@ -683,3 +275,3 @@ before: true,

var pseudoclasses$1 = {
var pseudoclasses = {
active: true,

@@ -700,3 +292,3 @@ checked: true,

var skippedProps$1 = {
var skippedProps = {
component: true,

@@ -754,3 +346,3 @@ mediaQueries: true,

if (
skippedProps$1.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
skippedProps.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName) ||
originalPropName === classNamePropKey ||

@@ -766,8 +358,8 @@ !props.hasOwnProperty(originalPropName)

var specificity = 0;
capRegex$1.lastIndex = 0;
capRegex.lastIndex = 0;
var splitIndex = 0;
var propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex$1.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.lastIndex > 1 &&
originalPropName.slice(0, capRegex.lastIndex - 1); // all /^on[A-Z]/ props get passed through to the underlying component

@@ -779,18 +371,18 @@ if (propNamePrefix === 'on') {

if (propNamePrefix && pseudoelements$1[propNamePrefix]) {
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoelements[propNamePrefix]) {
pseudoelement = propNamePrefix;
splitIndex = capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1);
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check for pseudoclass prefix
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoclasses$1[propNamePrefix]) {
if (propNamePrefix && pseudoclasses[propNamePrefix]) {
pseudoclass = propNamePrefix;
splitIndex = capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1;
splitIndex = capRegex.lastIndex - 1;
propNamePrefix =
capRegex$1.test(originalPropName) &&
capRegex.test(originalPropName) &&
originalPropName[splitIndex].toLowerCase() +
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex$1.lastIndex - 1);
originalPropName.slice(splitIndex + 1, capRegex.lastIndex - 1);
} // check if we need to bump specificity

@@ -1004,2 +596,96 @@

/* tslint:disable no-bitwise */
// thx darksky:
function stringHash(str) {
var hash = 5381;
var i = str.length;
while (i) {
hash = (hash * 33) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
/* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed
* integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the
* signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */
return hash >>> 0;
function cannotInject() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` must be called before any jsxstyle components mount.'
function alreadyInjected() {
throw new Error(
'jsxstyle error: `injectOptions` should be called once and only once.'
var getStringHash = function getStringHash(key) {
return '_' + stringHash(key).toString(36);
function getStyleCache() {
var _classNameCache = {};
var getClassNameForKey = getStringHash;
var onInsertRule;
var memoizedGetClassNameForKey = function memoizedGetClassNameForKey(key) {
if (!_classNameCache[key]) {
_classNameCache[key] = getClassNameForKey(key);
return _classNameCache[key];
var styleCache = {
reset: function reset() {
_classNameCache = {};
injectOptions: function injectOptions(options) {
if (options) {
if (options.getClassName) {
getClassNameForKey = options.getClassName;
if (options.onInsertRule) {
onInsertRule = options.onInsertRule;
styleCache.injectOptions = alreadyInjected;
getComponentProps: function getComponentProps(props, classNamePropKey) {
if (classNamePropKey === void 0) {
classNamePropKey = 'className';
styleCache.injectOptions = cannotInject;
var componentProps = processProps(
if (!componentProps) {
return null;
componentProps.rules.forEach(function (rule) {
if (
onInsertRule && // if the function returns false, bail.
onInsertRule(rule, props) === false
) {
return componentProps.props;
return styleCache;
exports.addStyleToHead = addStyleToHead;

@@ -1009,7 +695,4 @@ exports.componentStyles = componentStyles;

exports.getStyleCache = getStyleCache;
exports.getStyleKeysForProps = getStyleKeysForProps;
exports.hyphenateStyleName = hyphenateStyleName;
exports.processProps = processProps;
exports.pseudoclasses = pseudoclasses;
exports.pseudoelements = pseudoelements;
exports.stringHash = stringHash;

@@ -1016,0 +699,0 @@

"name": "jsxstyle-utils",
"version": "0.0.0-canary-20217216441",
"version": "0.0.0-canary-202172171529",
"description": "Utilities used by jsxstyle and tooling built for jsxstyle",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "Pete Hunt",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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