Module for reading weather data from various public APIs.
Currently supports:
- DarkSky (at least until Apple shuts it down...)
- AccuWeather
- OpenWeatherMap
Weather UnderGround (API depriciated)
The goal is to create a weather module that returns a standardized weather object regardless of the API used. This serves a few purposes:
- Being able to seamlessly transition to another service in case the API is depreciated. Which is why this project was started, and is already happening again with the DarkSky API.
- Being able to switch to another service if costs or needs change.
- Being able to use more then one service simultaneously to increase the frequency that you are able to query the APIs since the providers limit allowed queries for a given license.
Because reason #1 is the main purpose of this module certain features that are nice to have but differ between services have been omitted. For example AccuWeather allows you to specify a zipcode for your location but DarkSky doesn't, so even though using the zipcode might be preferable vs. the latitude/longitude, that capability has been removed because it would make the usage incompatible between services.
Sample use in Node.js:
var jw-weather = require('jw-weather');
var boston = new jw-weather.service({
provider: 'darksky',
key: '0123456789abcdef9876543210fedcba', //this is a fake key
latitude: 42.3601,
longitude: -71.0589
boston.update(function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log('ERROR: ' + err);
} else {
console.log('Temp: ' + boston.temp);
The weather object currently includes:
- lastUpdate (When the update was run locally)
- forecastTime (The actual forecast time from the the provider)
- temp
- feelsLike
- humidity
- currentCondition
- An icon name/number
- sunrise
- sunset
- A 5-day forecast (Accuweather does not forecast humidity)
Startup options:
- provider: string, 'darksky' || 'accuweather' || 'openweathermap'
- key: string, provided by weather service
- latitude: number
- longitude: number
- celsius: boolean (default=false, i.e. fahrenheit)
List of Functions:
List of Properties:
- raw: The raw API response from the provider
- lastUpdate: The last time the weather object was updated
- forecastTime: The time of the forecast
- temp: The current temperature
- humidity: The current humidity
- currentCondition: A text description of the current condition
- icon: An icon number
- feelsLike: The "Real Feel" temperature
- sunrise: Sunrise time
- sunset: Sunset time
- forecast: A 5-day forecast
Review demo.js for example use.