Tiny and fast effects compositor on WebGL
kampos lets you filter effects and beautiful transitions to your site's media,
be that images, video, etc.
Just like SVG filter effects,
only using WebGL, and hence works everywhere!
- Filter effects for images and videos that you can mix and compose.
- As tiny as ~4KB (minified and gzipped).
- Core engine for creating and running effects.
- Plugins for effects and transitions - available for import.
- Custom plugins? Extremely easy by using the effects/transitions descriptors DSL.
Here's a simple example for using kampos:
import {Kampos, effects} from 'kampos';
const target = document.querySelector('canvas');
const media = document.querySelector('video');
const hueSaturation = effects.hueSaturation();
hueSaturation.hue = 90;
const kampos = new Kampos({target, effects: [hueSaturation]});
Watch a live demo.
For API reference and examples read the docs.
Getting started
Grab the source from here, or install via package manager.
npm example:
npm install kampos
Import the default build:
import {Kampos, Ticker, effects, transitions} from 'kampos';
Or just what you need:
import {Kampos} from './node_modules/kampos/src/kampos';
import duotone from './node_modules/kampos/src/effects/duotone';
import displacement from './node_modules/kampos/src/effects/displacement';
Building locally
npm install
npm run build
Running tests
npm run test
Contributions are welcome! (:
kampos is distributed under the MIT license.