Adapter for the Dart unittest testing framework.
For more information on Karma-runner see the homepage.
Getting Started
npm install karma@canary-dart
npm install karma-dart@canary
and that you have the following dependencies in your pubspec.yaml
unittest: any
browser: any
js: any
The following is an example of karma config.
basePath = '.';
frameworks = ['dart-unittest'];
files = [
{pattern: '**/*.dart', watched: false, included: false, served: true},
autoWatch = true;
captureTimeout = 5000;
plugins = [
You can run karma locally:
node node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma-dart.conf
Known Limitations/Issues
- Each test file must be a library -- due to the nature of the test runner, this is required.
- When Dart syntax error is encountered, karma might get stuck until captureTimeout. There is no way to work around this until