Job Queues an pipelines on selectable backends (for now: mongodb and redis) for node.js
Keuss is an attempt or experiment to provide a serverless, persistent and high-available queue middleware supporting delays/schedule, using mongodb and redis to provide most of the backend needs. As of now, it has evolved into a rather capable and complete queue middleware
The underlying idea is that the key to provide persistency, HA and load balance is to to rely on a storage subsystem
that provides that,, and build the rest on top. Instead of reinventing the wheel by
building such as storage I simply tried to adapt what's already out there
Modelling a queue with mongodb, for example, proved easy enough. It resulted simple, cheap and provides great persistency and HA and decent support for load balancing. Although using Redis provided similar results, in both cases the load balancing part was somewhat incomplete: the whole thing lacked a bus to signal all clients about, for example, when an insertion in a particular queue takes place. Without this layer a certain amount of polling is needed, so it's obviously a Nice Thing To Have
Keuss ended up being a somewhat serverless queue system, where the server or common parts are bare storage systems such as redis or mongodb. There is no need for any extra keuss server in between clients and storage (although an actual keuss-server does exist, serving a different purpose on top of plain keuss). Thus, all keuss actually lays at the client side
a Queue is more of an interface, a definition of what it can do. Keuss queues are capable of:
- insert one element
- schedule an element: insert one element with a not-before datetime
- get an element, and block for some specified time if no element is available
- reserve an element, and block for some specified time if no element is available
- commit (remove) or rollback (return back) a previously reserved element
- get element count
- get element count whose not-before datetime is in the future (scheduled elements)
- get usage stats: elements inserted, elements extracted
element here translates to any js object. Internally, it's usually managed as json
A pipeline is an enhanced queue that provides an extra operation: pass an element to another queue atomically. In an scenario where processors are linked with queues, it is usually a good feature to allow the 'commit element in incoming queue, insert element in the next queue' to be atomic. This removes chances for race conditions, or message losses
The pipeline concept is, indeed, an extension of the reserve-commit model; it is so far implemented only atop mongodb, and it is anyway considered as a 'low-level' feature, best used by means of specialized classes to encapsulate the aforementioned processors
Storage or Backend provides almost-complete queue primitives, fully functional and already usable as is. Keuss comes with 7 backends, with various levels of features and performance:
- mongo, a mongodb-based backend that provides te full set of queue features, still with decent performance
- redis-oq, backed using an ordered queue on top of redis (made in turn with a sorted set, a hash and some lua). Provides all queue features including reserve-commit-rollback. Noticeable faster than mongodb
- redis-list, backed using a redis list. Does not offer reserve-commit-rollback nor the ability to schedule, but is much faster than redis-oq
- pl-mongo, a version of the mongo backend that provides pipelining capabilities (the queues it produces are also pipelines).
- ps-mongo, a verion of mongo backend where elements are not physically deleted from the collection when extracted; instead, they are just marked as processed and later deleted automatically using a mongodb TTL index
- bucket-mongo, a first attepmt on storing more than one element on each mongodb record in irder to break past mongodb I/O limitations. It is very simple, lacking schedule and reserve support. However, it has staggering throughput on a reasonable durability
- bucket-mongo-safe, an evolution of mongo-safe, provides both scheduling and reserve support with a performance only a bit below bucket-mongo
As mentioned before, persistence and HA depends exclusively on the underliying system: mongodb provides production-grade HA and persistence while using potentially gigantic queues, and with redis one can balance performance and simplicity over reliability and durability, by using standalone redis, redis sentinel or redis cluster. Keuss uses ioredis as redis driver, which supports all 3 cases
The following table shows the capabilities of each backend:
backend | delay/schedule | reserve/commit | pipelining | history | throughput |
redis-list | - | - | - | - | ++++ |
redis-oq | x | x | - | - | +++ |
mongo | x | x | - | - | ++ |
pl-mongo | x | x | x | - | + |
ps-mongo | x | x | - | x | ++ |
bucket-mongo | - | - | - | - | +++++ |
bucket-mongo-safe | x | x | - | - | +++++ |
Signaller provides a bus interconnecting all keuss clients, so events can be shared. Keuss provides 3 signallers:
- local : provides in-proccess messaging, useful only for simple cases or testing
- redis-pubsub: uses the pubsub subsystem provided by redis
- mongo-capped: uses pubsub on top of a mongodb capped collection, using mubsub
So far, the only events published by keuss is element inserted in queue X, which allows other clients waiting for elements to be available to wake up and retry. A client will not fire an event if another one of the same type (same client, same queue) was already fired less than 50ms ago
Stats provides counters and metrics on queues, shared among keuss clients. So far, only 'elements inserted' and 'elements got' are maintained. Three options are provided:
- mem: very simple in-process, memory based
- redis: backed by redis hashes. Modifications are buffered in memory and flushed every 100ms
- mongo: backed by mongodb usnig one object per queue inside a singel collection. Modifications are buffered in memory and flushed every 100ms
How all fits together
- Queues, or rather clients to individual queues, are created using a backend as factory
- Backends need to be intialized before being used. Exact initialization details depend on each backend
- When creating a queue, a signaller and a stats are assigned to it. The actual class/type to be used can be specified at the queue's creation moment, or at the backend initialization moment. By default local and mem, respectively, are used
- Queues are created on-demand, and are never destroyed as far as keuss is concerned. They do exist as long as the underlying backend kepts them in existence: for example, redis queues dissapear as such when they become empty
- Pipelines are, strictly speaking, just enhanced queues; as such they behave and can be used as a queue
More info on pipelines here
npm install keuss
Factory API
Backends, which work as queue factories, have the following operations
var QM = require ('keuss/backends/<backend>');
MQ (opts, function (err, factory) {
where 'opts' is an object containing initialization options. Options common to all backends are:
- name: Name for the factory, defaults to 'N'
- stats:
- provider: stats backend to use, as result of
require ('keuss/stats/<provider>')
. Defaults to require ('keuss/stats/mem')
- opts: options for the provider
- signaller:
- provider: signaller provider to use, as result of
require ('keuss/signal/<provider>')
. Defaults to require ('keuss/signal/local')
- opts: options for the provider
the following backend-dependent values:
- backends mongo, pl-mongo and ps-mongo
- url: mongodb url to use, defaults to
- backends redis-list and redis-oq
- redis: data to create a redis connection to the Redis acting as backend, see below
- backend ps-mongo
- ttl: time to keep consumed elements in the collection after being removed. Defauls to 3600 secs
Queue creation
var q = factory.queue (<name>, <options>);
- name: string to be used as queue name. Queues with the same name are in fact the same queue if they're backed in the same factory type using the same initialization data (mongodb url or redis conn-data)
- options: the options passed at backend initialization are used as default values:
- pollInterval: rearm or poll period in millisecs for get operations, defaults to 15000 (see Working with no signallers below)
- signaller: signaller to use for the queue
- provider: signaller factory
- opts: options for the signaller factory (see below)
- stats: stats store to use for this queue
- provider: stats factory
- opts: options for the stats factory (see below)
Factory close
factory.close (function (err {...}));
Frees up resources on the factory. Queues created with the factory will become unusable afterwards. See 'Shutdown process' below for more info
Signaller factory is passed to queues either in queue creation or in backend init, inside opts.signaller. Note that the result fo the new operation is indeed the factory; the result of the require is therefore a metafactory
var signal_redis_pubsub = require ('keuss/signal/redis-pubsub');
var local_redis_opts = {
Redis: {
port: 6379,
host: 'localhost',
db: 6
var f_opts = {
signaller: {
provider: signal_redis_pubsub,
opts: local_redis_opts
MQ (f_opts, function (err, factory) {
The signaller has no public api per se; it is considered just a piece of infrastructure to glue queues together
Stats factory is passed to queues either in queue creation or in backend init, inside opts.signaller. Note that the result fo the new operation is indeed the factory; the result of the require is therefore a metafactory
var local_redis_pubsub = require ('keuss/signal/redis-pubsub');
var local_redis_opts = {
Redis: {
port: 6379,
host: 'localhost',
db: 6
var f_opts = {
stats: {
provider: signal_redis_pubsub,
opts: local_redis_opts
MQ (f_opts, function (err, factory) {
Stats objects, as of now, store the numer of elements inserted and the number of elements extracted; they are created behind the scenes and tied to queue instances, and the stats-related interface is in fact part fo the queues' interface
Queue API
Get Stats
q.stats (function (err, res) {
- res contains usage stats (elements insterted, elements extracted)
Queue name
var qnane = ()
Queue type
var qtype = q.type ()
returns a string with the type of the queue (the type of backend who was used to create it)
Queue occupation
q.size (function (err, res){
res contains the number of elements in the queue that are already elligible (that is, excluding scheduled elements with a schedule time in the future)
Total Queue occupation
q.totalSize (function (err, res){
res contains the number of elements in the queue (that is, including scheduled elements with a schedule time in the future)
Time of schedule of next message
q.next_t (function (err, res){
Returns a Date, or null if queue is empty. Queues with no support for schedule/delay always return null
Add element to queue
q.push (payload, [opts,] function (err, res) {
Adds payload to the queue, calls passed callback upon completion. Callback's res will contain the id assigned to the inserted element, if the backup provides one
Possible opts:
- mature: unix timestamp where the element would be elligible for extraction. It is guaranteed that the element won't be extracted before this time
- delay: delay in seconds to calculate the mature timestamp, if mature is not provided. For example, a delay=120 guarantees the element won't be extracted until 120 secs have elapsed at least
- tries: value to initialize the retry counter, defaults to 0 (still no retries).
note: mature and delay have no effect if the backend does not support delay/schedule
Get element from queue
var tr = q.pop (cid, [opts,] function (err, res) {
Obtains an element from the queue. Callback is called with the element obtained if any, or if an error happened. If defined, the operation will wait for opts.timeout seconds for an element to appear in the queue before bailing out (with both err and res being null). However, it immediately returns an id that can be used to cancel the operation at anytime
cid is an string that identifies the consumer entity; it is used only for debugging purposes
Possible opts:
- timeout: milliseconds to wat for an elligible element to appear in the queue to be returned. If not defined it will wait forever
- reserve: if true the element is only reserved, not completely returned. This means either ok or ko operations are needed upon the obtained element once processed, otherwise the element will be rolled back (and made available again) at some point in the future (this is only available on backends capable of reserve/commit)
Cancel a pending Pop
var tr = q.pop (cid, opts, function (err, res) {...});
q.cancel (tr);
Cancels a pending pop operation, identified by the value returned by pop()
If no tr is passed, or it is null, all pending pop operations on the queue are cancelled. Cancelled pop operations will get 'cancel' (a string) as error in teh callback
Commit a reserved element
q.ok (id, function (err, res) {
commits a reserved element by its id (the id would be at res._id on the res param of pop() operation). This effectively erases the element from the queue
Rolls back a reserved element
q.ko (id, next_t, function (err, res) {
rolls back a reserved element by its id (the id would be at res._id on the res param of pop() operation). This effectively makes the element available again at the queue, marking to be mature at next_t (next_t being a millsec-unixtime). If no next_t is specified or a null is passed, 'now' is assumed.
Drain queue
q.drain (function (err) {
drains a queue. This is a needed operation when a backend does read-ahead upon a pop(), or buffers push() operations for later; in this case, you may want to be sure that all extra elemens read are actually popped, and all pending pushes are committed.
'drain' will immediately inhibit push(): any call to push() will immediately result in a 'drain' (a string) error. The callback will be called when all pending pushes are committed, and all read-ahead on a pop() has been actually popped
Also, drain() will also call cancel() on the queue immediately before finishing, in case of success
Redis connections
Keuss relies on ioredis for connecting to redis. Anytime a redis connection is needed, keuss will
create it from the opts object passed:
- if opts is a function, it is executed. It is expected to return a redis connection
- if it's an object and contains a 'Redis' field, this field is used to create a new ioredis Redis object, as in return new Redis (opts.Redis)
- if it's an object and contains a 'Cluster' field, this field is used to create a new ioredis Redis.Cluster object, as in return new Redis.Cluster (opts.Cluster)
- else, a ioredis Redis object is created with opts as param, as in return new Redis (opts)
- default options
var MQ = require ('keuss/backends/redis-list');
var factory_opts = {};
MQ (factory_opts, function (err, factory) {
- specific redis params for ioredis Redis client
var MQ = require ('keuss/backends/redis-list');
var factory_opts = {
redis: {
Redis: {
port: 12293,
host: '',
family: 4,
password: 'xxxx',
db: 0
MQ (factory_opts, function (err, factory) {
- use a factory function
var MQ = require ('keuss/backends/redis-list');
var Redis = require ('ioredis');
var factory_opts = {
redis: function () {
return new Redis ({
port: 12293,
host: '',
family: 4,
password: 'xxxx',
db: 0
MQ (factory_opts, function (err, factory) {
Shutdown process
It is a good practice to call close(cb) on the factories to release all resources once you're done, or at shutdown if you want your shutdowns clean and graceful; also, you should loop over your queues and perform a drain() on them before calling close() on their factories: this will ensure any un-consumed data is popped, and any unwritten data is written. Also, it'll ensure all your (local) waiting consumers will end (on 'cancel' error)
Factories do not keep track of the created Queues, so this can't be done internally as part of the close(); this may change in the future
Working with no signallers
Even when using signallers, get operations on queue never block or wait forever; waiting get operations rearm themselves
every 15000 millisec (or whatever specified in the pollInterval). This feature provides the ability to work with more than one process
without signallers, geting a maximum latency of pollInterval millisecs, but also provides a safe backup in the event of signalling loss
Bucket-based backends
Up to version 1.4.X all backends worked in the same way, one element at a time: pushing and popping elements fired one or more operations pero element on the underlying storage. This means teh bottleneck would end up being the storage's I/O; redis and mongo both allow quite high I/O rates, enough to work at thousands of operations per second. Still, the limit was there
Starting with v1.5.2 keuss includes 2 backends that do not share this limitation: they work by packing many elements inside a single 'storage unit'. Sure enough, this adds some complexity and extra risks, but the throughput improvement is staggering: on mongodb it goes from 3-4 Ktps to 35-40Ktps, and the bottleneck shifted from mongod to the client's cpu, busy serializing and deserializing payloads
Two bucked-based backends were added, both based on mongodb: bucket-mongo and bucket-mongo-safe. Both are usable, but there is little gain on using fhe first over the second: bucket-mongo was used as a prototyping area, and although perfectly usable, it turned out bucket-mongo-safe is better in almost every aspect: it provides better guarantees and more features, at about the same performance
In addition to the general options, the factory accepts the following extra options:
- bucket_max_size: maximum number of elements in a bucket, defaults to 1024
- bucket_max_wait: milliseconds to wait before flushing a push bucket: pushes are buffered in a push bucket, which are flushed when they're full (bucket_max_size elements). IF this amont of millisecs go by and the push bucket is not yet full, it is flushed as is. Defaults to 500
- reserve_delay: number of seconds a bucket keeps its 'reserved' status when read from mongodb. Defaults to 30
- state_flush_period: changes in state on each active/read bucket are flushed to mongodb every those milliseconds. Defaults to 500;
- reject_delta_base, reject_delta_factor: if no call to ko provide a next_t, the backend will set one using a simple grade-1 polynom, in the form of reject_delta_factor * tries + reject_delta_base, in millisecs. They default to 10000 and ((reserve_delay * 1000) || 30000) respectively
- reject_timeout_grace: number of seconds to wait since a bucket is reserver/read until it is considered timed out; after this, what is left of the bucket is rejected/retried. Defaults to (reserve_delay * 0.8)
- state_flush_period: flush intermediate state chenges in each active read bucked every this amount of millisecs
bucket-mongo-safe works by packing many payloads in a single mongodb object:
- at push() time, objects are buffered in memory and pushed (inserted) only when bucket_max_size has been reached or when a bucket has been getting filled for longer than bucket_max_wait millisecs.
- Then, at pop/reserve time full objects are read into mem, and then individual payloads returned from there. Both commits and pops are just marked in memory and then flushed every state_flush_period millisecs, or when the bucked is exhausted
- Therefore, buckets remain unmodified since they are created in terms of the payloads theu contain: a pop() or commit/ok would only mark payloads inside buckets as read/not-anymore-available, but buckets are never splitted nor merged
Thus, it is important to call drain() on queues of this backend: this call ensures all pending write buckes are interted in mongodb, and also ensures all in-memory buckets left are completely read (served through pop/reserve)
Also, there is little difference in performance and I/O between pop and reserve/commit; performance is no loner a reason to prefer one over the other
Note on scheduling
Scheduling on bucket-mongo-safe is perfectly possible, but with a twist: the effective mature_t of a message will be the oldest in the whole bucket it resides in. This applies to both insert and rollback/ko. In practice this is usually not a big deal, since anyway the mature_t is a 'not before' time, and that's all Keuss (or any other queuing middleware) would guarantee
This is a simpler version of buckets-on-mongodb, and to all purposes bucket-mongo-safe should be preferred; it does not provide reserve, nor schedule. It is however a tad faster and lighter on I/O
It is provided only for historical and educational purposes
A set of funcioning examples can be found inside the examples directory