![Development Dependencies](
import KeyPress from 'keypress-tool';
// Calling it with the same parameters returns identical objects
KeyPress('A', 'ctrl') === KeyPress('A', 'ctrl'); // true
KeyPress('A', 'ctrl') === KeyPress('A', 'ctrl', 'shift'); // false
// Add listeners like this
KeyPress('A', 'shift').addListener(ev => {
console.log('Key combination pressed');
// Set the second parameter to true if this listener should also fire during text input
KeyPress('A', 'meta').addListener(handleEvent, true);
function handleEvent(event) {
console.log('Key combination pressed');
// Clean up (very important to avoid memory leaks)
KeyPress('A', 'meta').removeListener(handleEvent);
// The default is to preventDefault. Pass 'executeDefault' if you want to change this
KeyPress('A', 'executeDefault');
// Generate a short description of the key combination
let k = KeyPress('A', 'ctrl', 'shift', 'alt', 'meta');
k.toString(); // 'Win+Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A' on most platforms
k.toString(); // '⌃⌥⇧⌘A' on macOS
Only these special keys work in fullscreen in Safari:
Tab, Enter, Space, Left, Up, Right, Down, ; = , - . / \` \[ \] '
See also:
Download source and compile:
git clone
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yarn start
Run tests:
yarn test
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GPL v3.0