Keystok Node.js Client Library
This library is used to access your Keystok keys from your Node.js applications.
npm install keystok
Retrieving a single key
var keystok = require('keystok')('accesstoken');
keystok.get('keyid', function(err, key) {
console.log('key:', key);
Retrieving multiple keys
var keystok = require('keystok')('accesstoken');
keystok.get(['keyid1', 'keyid2', 'keyid3'], function(err, keys) {
console.log('keys:', keys);
Retrieving all keys
var keystok = require('keystok')('accesstoken');
keystok.getAll(function(err, keys) {
console.log('keys:', keys);
When creating the Keystok client library object, you can specify either
an access token string or an options object. The options object can
specify these options (all except accessToken have default values):
var keystok = require('keystok')({
accessToken: 'accesstoken',
apiHost: '',
timeout: 5000,
cache: true,
cacheDir: '/tmp/keystok'
To use the default options, just use this:
var keystok = require('keystok')('accesstoken');
Note: The cacheDir option actually defaults to os.tmpdir() instead of '/tmp'.