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kmore-types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.5 to 3.0.0



@@ -6,2 +6,10 @@ # Change Log

# 3.0.0 (2021-04-23)
**Note:** Version bump only for package kmore-types
## [2.0.5]( (2021-01-26)

@@ -8,0 +16,0 @@



@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ /**

* @version 2.0.4
* @version 2.0.5
* @author waiting

@@ -16,1647 +16,17 @@ * @license MIT

var sharedCore = require('@waiting/shared-core');
var operators = require('rxjs/operators');
var ts = require('typescript');
var rxjs = require('rxjs');
var rxwalker = require('rxwalker');
var sourceMapSupport = require('source-map-support');
var fs = require('fs');
var sharedTypesDev = require('@waiting/shared-types-dev');
const globalCallerFuncNameSet = new Set(['genDbDictFromType', 'kmore']);
const initGenDbDictFromTypeOpts = {
callerDistance: 0,
const initOptions = {
exportVarPrefix: 'dict_',
forceLoadDbDictJs: false,
forceLoadDbDictJsPathReplaceRules: null,
outputBanner: `/**
* Dynamically generated by Kmore, do NOT modify me.
* This file contains variables of database model necessary for running production.
* @link
*/\n/* eslint-disable */\n/* tslint-disalbe */\n`,
outputFileNameSuffix: '__built-dict',
refTablesPrefix: 'reftb_',
DictTypeSuffix: 'Dict',
DictTypeFolder: false,
DictTypeFileName: '.kmore.ts',
DictTypeBanner: `/**
* Dynamically generated by Kmore, do NOT modify me.
* This file contains types of database model for auto-complete help in IDE during code development.
* @link
*/\n/* eslint-disable */\n/* tslint-disalbe */\n`,
const initBuildSrcOpts = {
path: [],
concurrent: 5,
excludePathKeys: ['node_modules'],
maxScanLines: 128,
columnNameCreationFn: defaultCreateScopedColumnName,
const reservedTbListKeys = [
const defaultPropDescriptor = {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: false,
const cacheMap = {
/** CallerId -> TbListParam */
dbMap: new Map(),
dbColsMap: new Map(),
/** CallerId -> LocalTypeId */
callerIdToLocalTypeIdMap: new Map(),
/** LocalTypeId -> TableListTagMap */
localTypeMap: new Map(),
function defaultCreateScopedColumnName(options) {
const { tableName, columnName } = options;
return `${tableName}.${columnName}`;
(function (KmorePropKeys) {
KmorePropKeys["dbh"] = "dbh";
KmorePropKeys["tables"] = "tables";
KmorePropKeys["columns"] = "columns";
KmorePropKeys["scopedColumns"] = "scopedColumns";
KmorePropKeys["aliasColumns"] = "aliasColumns";
KmorePropKeys["refTables"] = "rb";
* Type ref to generics param Db only, do NOT access as variable!
* @example ```ts
* const km = kmore<Db, KDD>({ config })
* type DbRef = typeof km.DbModel
* type User = DbRef['tb_user'] // equal to Db['tb_user']
* ```
KmorePropKeys["DbModel"] = "DbModel";
KmorePropKeys["DbModelAlias"] = "DbModelAlias";
KmorePropKeys["dummy"] = "dymmy";
})(exports.KmorePropKeys || (exports.KmorePropKeys = {}));
/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
async function updateDbDictFile(targetPath, code, dbDictExportNameToCheck) {
await checkDbDictNameDup(targetPath, dbDictExportNameToCheck);
const str = `\n${code.trim()}\n`.replace(/ {4}/ug, ' ');
await sharedCore.writeFileAsync(targetPath, str, { flag: 'a' });
return targetPath;
async function checkDbDictNameDup(targetPath, dbDictExportName) {
if (!await sharedCore.isFileExists(targetPath)) {
const buf = await sharedCore.readFileAsync(targetPath);
const code = buf.toString();
const needle = `export interface ${dbDictExportName}`;
if (code.length && code.includes(needle)) {
throw new Error(`type name dbDictExportName: "${dbDictExportName}" already exists in the file: "${targetPath}",
file content: ${code}
/* eslint-disable node/no-unpublished-import */
* Generate DbDict type declaration code from dbDict variable
* @returns ```ts
* export interface DbDict {....}
* ```
* Transformer needle.
* Should running expression only under development.
* Will be transformed to js literal object in js file under production
function genDbDictTypeDeclaration(dbDict, dbDictExportName = 'DbDict') {
// const targetPath = './.kmore-debug.ts'
// const srcCode = 'const dbDict = ' + JSON.stringify(dbDict)
// const ast2 = ts.createSourceFile(
// targetPath,
// srcCode,
// ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext,
// false,
// )
// const str2 = JSON.stringify(ast2.statements, null, 2)
// const printer = ts.createPrinter()
// const codeAfterTransform = printer.printFile(ast2)
const srcCode = `export interface ${dbDictExportName} {}`;
let ast = ts.createSourceFile('', srcCode, ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext, false);
const tablesTypeNode = genTablesNode(dbDict.tables);
ast = updateSourceFile('tables', tablesTypeNode, ast, dbDictExportName);
const colsTypeNode = genColsNode(dbDict.columns);
ast = updateSourceFile('columns', colsTypeNode, ast, dbDictExportName);
const scopedColsTypeNode = genColsNode(dbDict.scopedColumns);
ast = updateSourceFile('scopedColumns', scopedColsTypeNode, ast, dbDictExportName);
const aliasColsTypeNode = genAliasColsNode(dbDict.aliasColumns);
ast = updateSourceFile('aliasColumns', aliasColsTypeNode, ast, dbDictExportName);
const code = ts.createPrinter().printFile(ast);
const ret = code.replace(/\r\n/ug, '\n').replace(/\r/ug, '\n');
function genDbDict() {
const needle = 'genDbDict';
const ret = sharedTypesDev.computeCallExpressionToLiteralObj(needle);
return ret;
function genTablesNode(tables) {
const ret = genLiteralTypeElements(tables);
return ret;
* LiteralTypeElement of returns
* @returns ```ts
* key: value
* ```
function genLiteralTypeElement(item) {
const [key, value] = item;
const token = ts.createStringLiteral(value);
const typeNode = ts.createLiteralTypeNode(token);
const typeElm = ts.createPropertySignature(undefined, ts.createIdentifier(key), undefined, typeNode, undefined);
return typeElm;
* @returns ```ts
* tb_user: {
* uid: 'uid',
* name: 'name',
* },
* tb_user_detail: {},
* ```
function genColsNode(rows) {
const nodes = [];
Object.entries(rows).forEach(([key, items]) => {
const itemType = genLiteralTypeElements(items);
const node = ts.createPropertySignature(undefined, ts.createIdentifier(key), undefined, itemType, undefined);
const ret = ts.createTypeLiteralNode(nodes);
if (!ts.isTypeLiteralNode(ret)) {
throw new TypeError('Result is NOT TypeLiteralNode');
return ret;
* @returns ```ts
* tb_user: {
* uid: {
* tbUserUid: 'tb_user.uid'
* }
* name: {
* tbUserName: ''
* }
* },
* tb_user_detail: {},
* ```
function genAliasColsNode(rows) {
const nodes = [];
Object.entries(rows).forEach(([key, items]) => {
const itemType = genColsNode(items);
const node = ts.createPropertySignature(undefined, ts.createIdentifier(key), undefined, itemType, undefined);
const ret = ts.createTypeLiteralNode(nodes);
if (!ts.isTypeLiteralNode(ret)) {
throw new TypeError('Result is NOT TypeLiteralNode');
return ret;
* {
* uid: 'uid',
* name: 'name',
* }
function genLiteralTypeElements(row) {
const typeElms = [];
Object.entries(row).forEach((item) => {
const typeElm = genLiteralTypeElement(item);
const ret = ts.createTypeLiteralNode(typeElms);
return ret;
function updateSourceFile(key, value, ast, dbDictExportName) {
const transformerFactory = (ctx) => {
const visitor = (node) => {
if (ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) {
if ( !== dbDictExportName) {
return node;
const typeElm = ts.createPropertySignature(undefined, ts.createIdentifier(key), undefined, value, undefined);
const decla = ts.updateInterfaceDeclaration(node, undefined, node.modifiers, // [ts.createModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)],, [], [], [...node.members, typeElm]);
return decla;
return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, ctx);
return visitor;
const ret = ts.transform(ast, [transformerFactory]);
const sourceFileRet = ret.transformed[0];
if (!sourceFileRet) {
throw new Error('result error');
// const printer = ts.createPrinter()
// const codeAfterTransform = printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, sourceFileRet, ast)
//{ codeAfterTransform })
return sourceFileRet;
function genAliasColumns(scopedColumns) {
const ret = {};
Object.entries(scopedColumns).forEach((item) => {
const tbAlias = item[0];
const cols = item[1];
const tableFlds = {};
Object.entries(cols).forEach((field) => {
const [colAlias, scopedColName] = field;
// tb_user.uid -> tbUserUid
const output = scopedSnakeToCamel(scopedColName);
const value = {
[output]: scopedColName,
Object.defineProperty(tableFlds, colAlias, {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
Object.defineProperty(ret, tbAlias, {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: tableFlds,
return ret;
* @returns - DbCols<T> ```
* {
* tb_user: {
* uid: "tb_user.uid",
* name: "",
* },
* tb_user_detail: {...},
* }
* ```
function genDbScopedCols(dbDictBase,
/** false will use original col name w/o table name prefix */
createColumnNameFn = defaultCreateScopedColumnName) {
const ret = {};
const props = {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
writable: false,
const { tables, columns } = dbDictBase;
Object.entries(columns).forEach((tb) => {
const [tbAlias, tbFields] = tb;
const tableName = tables[tbAlias];
const tmpTableFields = {};
Object.entries(tbFields).forEach((field) => {
const [colKey, columnName] = field;
let value = columnName;
if (typeof createColumnNameFn === 'function') {
value = createColumnNameFn({
Object.defineProperty(tmpTableFields, colKey, {
Object.defineProperty(ret, tbAlias, {
value: tmpTableFields,
return ret;
/** Allow empty Object */
function validateParamTables(tbs) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
if (tbs === null) {
throw new TypeError('Parameter tables of DbFacrory() invalid. Values is null.');
if (typeof tbs === 'symbol') {
throw new TypeError('Parameter tables of DbFacrory() invalid. Values is symbol.');
else if (Array.isArray(tbs)) {
throw new TypeError('Parameter tables of DbFacrory() invalid, value is Array.');
// tbs.forEach((tb) => {
// if (typeof tb !== 'string') {
// throw new TypeError(`TableName in parameter of DbFacrory() invalid: "${tb}"`)
// }
// validateTbName(tb)
// })
if (typeof tbs === 'object') {
if (!tbs || !Object.keys(tbs).length) {
Object.entries(tbs).forEach((item) => {
const [aliasOri, tbName] = item;
if (typeof aliasOri !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('TableModel name in parameter of DbFacrory() invalid.' + item.toString());
else if (!aliasOri.trim()) {
throw new RangeError('Value of Parameter alias/tbl of DbFacrory() invalid.');
else {
throw new TypeError('Parameter tables of DbFacrory() invalid.');
function validateTbName(tb) {
if (typeof tb !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('TableName in parameter of DbFacrory() empty.');
const tbName = tb.trim();
if (!tbName) {
throw new RangeError('Value of Parameter alias/tbl of DbFacrory() invalid.');
else if (reservedTbListKeys.includes(tbName)) {
throw new TypeError(`tableName "${tbName}" of param tables is in reservedTbListKeys`);
function validateDuplicateProp(tbs, key) {
if (typeof key === 'string' && typeof tbs[key] !== 'undefined') {
throw Error(`Object has duplicate key: "${key}" to assign`);
function getCallerStack(callerDistance) {
const depth = callerDistance + 2;
const caller = getStack(depth);
return caller;
* @see
function getStack(depth = 0) {
// Save original Error.prepareStackTrace
let origPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!origPrepareStackTrace) {
// MUST installing inner getStack()
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!Error.prepareStackTrace) {
throw new Error('Error.prepareStackTrace not defined');
origPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
// void else in debug hooked by source-map-support already
// Override with function that just returns `stack`
Error.prepareStackTrace = function (_err, stack) {
const target = stack[depth + 1];
// @ts-expect-error
const ret = origPrepareStackTrace(_err, [target]);
return ret;
const limit = Error.stackTraceLimit;
Error.stackTraceLimit = depth + 2;
const err = new Error();
const { stack } = err;
// Restore original `Error.prepareStackTrace`
Error.prepareStackTrace = origPrepareStackTrace;
Error.stackTraceLimit = limit;
if (!stack) {
throw new Error('stack EMPTY!');
const arr = stack.split('\n');
const line = arr.pop(); // one StackFram, but may all stacks sometime
if (!line) {
throw new Error('Retrieve stack of caller failed, line empty.');
const path = line.slice(line.indexOf('(') + 1, -1);
if (!path) {
throw new Error('Retrieve stack of caller failed');
const matched = /^(.+):(\d+):(\d+)$/u.exec(path);
if (!matched || matched.length !== 4) {
throw new Error('Retrieve stack of caller failed. ' + (matched ? JSON.stringify(matched) : ''));
const caller = {
path: matched[1].replace(/\\/gu, '/'),
line: +matched[2],
column: +matched[3],
return caller;
function isTsFile(path) {
return !!path.endsWith('.ts');
/** Build DbTables from TableListTagMap */
function buildDbParam(tagMap) {
const ret = createNullObject();
if (tagMap.size) {
tagMap.forEach((_tags, key) => {
Object.defineProperty(ret, key, {
value: key,
else {
throw new TypeError('Value of tagMap invalid.');
return ret;
/** Build DbTableCols from TableColListTagMap */
function buildDbColsParam(tagMap) {
const ret = createNullObject();
if (tagMap.size) {
tagMap.forEach((colListTagMap, tb) => {
const cols = createNullObject();
colListTagMap.forEach((_tags, col) => {
Object.defineProperty(cols, col, {
value: col,
Object.defineProperty(ret, tb, {
value: cols,
else {
throw new TypeError('Value of tagMap invalid.');
return ret;
/** Build DbTableScopedCols from TableColListTagMap */
// export function buildTbScopedColListParam<T extends DbModel>(
// tagMap: TbColListTagMap,
// tables: DbTables<T>,
// ): DbTableScopedCols<T> {
// const ret = createNullObject()
// if (! tables || ! Object.keys(tables).length) {
// return ret
// }
// if (tagMap && tagMap.size) {
// tagMap.forEach((colListTagMap, tbAlias) => {
// const tb = tbAlias as keyof DbTables<T>
// if (typeof tables[tb] !== 'string') {
// return
// }
// const tbName = tables[tb]
// const cols = createNullObject()
// colListTagMap.forEach((_tags, colAlias) => {
// Object.defineProperty(cols, colAlias, {
// ...defaultPropDescriptor,
// value: `${tbName}.${colAlias}`,
// })
// })
// Object.defineProperty(ret, tbAlias, {
// ...defaultPropDescriptor,
// value: cols,
// })
// })
// }
// else {
// throw new TypeError('Value of tagMap invalid.')
// }
// return ret
// }
function isCallerNameMatched(name, matchFuncNameSet) {
if (!name) {
return false;
else if (matchFuncNameSet.has(name)) {
return true;
// else if (typeof matchFuncNameSet === 'string' && matchFuncNameSet === name) {
// return true
// }
// else if (Array.isArray(matchFuncNameSet) && matchFuncNameSet.includes(name)) {
// return true
// }
else {
return false;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function createNullObject() {
return Object.create(null);
function genDbDictTsFilePath(srcPath, outputFileNameSuffix) {
const ret = srcPath.slice(0, -3) + `.${outputFileNameSuffix}.ts`;
return ret.replace(/\\/ug, '/');
* Return relative or absolute path
async function genDbDictTypeTsFilePath(srcPath, targetDir, targetFileName) {
if (!targetFileName) {
throw new TypeError('Value of targetFileName empty.');
const arr = ['.', './'];
let ret = '';
if (targetDir === false || arr.includes(targetDir)) {
const dir = sharedCore.dirname(srcPath);
ret = sharedCore.join(dir, targetFileName);
else if (await sharedCore.isDirExists(targetDir)) {
ret = sharedCore.join(targetDir, targetFileName);
else {
const dir = sharedCore.dirname(srcPath);
ret = sharedCore.join(dir, targetFileName);
if (!ret) {
throw new TypeError('Result path empty.');
return ret.replace(/\\/ug, '/');
* Generate DbDict Type name from generics name of DbModel,
* validate by the content to avoid confliction.
* @example 'DbModelDict' => 'DbModelDictAlias{1|2|3|...}'
function genValidDictTypeAliasName(content, dictTypeName) {
const id = `${dictTypeName}Alias`;
if (!includeExportTypeName(content, id)) {
return id;
for (let i = 1; i < 10000; i += 1) {
const name = `${id}${i}`;
if (!includeExportTypeName(content, name)) {
return id;
return id + Math.random().toString().slice(10);
/** Generate dict var name to output */
function genVarName(exportVarPrefix, line, column) {
const varName = `${exportVarPrefix}${line}_${column}`;
return varName;
* Generate DbDict Type name from generics name of DbModel
* @example 'DbModel' => 'DbModelDict'
function genDictTypeName(dbModelName, nameSuffix) {
return `${dbModelName}${nameSuffix}`;
* Generate dict var name from DictTypeName, will be write to the file together with DictType declaration
* @example 'DbModelDict' => 'dbModelDict'
function genDictVarNameFromDictTypeName(dictTypeName) {
const ret = dictTypeName.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + dictTypeName.slice(1);
return ret;
* Generate dict var name from DictTypeName, will be write to the file together with DictType declaration
* @example 'DbModel' => 'dbModelDict'
function genDictVarNameFromDbName(dbModelName, nameSuffix) {
const typeName = genDictTypeName(dbModelName, nameSuffix);
const ret = typeName.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + typeName.slice(1);
return ret;
* Generate DbDict Type name from generics name of DbModel
* @example 'DbModel' => 'DbModelDict'
function genDictTypeNameFromCallerId(id, nameSuffix) {
const { typeId } = pickInfoFromCallerTypeId(id);
const ret = genDictTypeName(typeId, nameSuffix);
return ret;
function reWriteLoadingPath(path, rules) {
let ret = path;
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (rules && rules.length) {
rules.forEach(([re, str]) => {
ret = ret.replace(re, str);
return ret;
* Load dbDictBase var from a js file
function loadDbDictVarFromFile(loadOpts) {
const { path, caller, options } = loadOpts;
const dbDictVarName = genVarName(options.exportVarPrefix, caller.line, caller.column);
const mods = loadFile(path);
if (!mods) {
throw new TypeError(`Loaded mods empty, path: "${path}"`);
else if (typeof mods[dbDictVarName] === 'object') {
return mods[dbDictVarName];
throw new TypeError(`Loaded mods[${dbDictVarName}] not object, path: "${path}"`);
function loadFile(path) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires, @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const mods = require(path);
return mods;
* Scan and emit .ts type files containing keywords of Options['callerFuncNames']
function walkDirForCallerFuncTsFiles(options) {
const opts = {
const { path: basePath, excludePathKeys, maxScanLines } = opts;
const maxDepth = 99;
const concurrent = opts.concurrent && opts.concurrent > 0
? opts.concurrent
: 5;
const matchFuncNameSet = new Set(globalCallerFuncNameSet);
const dir$ = rxjs.iif(() => {
if (typeof basePath === 'string') {
return true;
else if (Array.isArray(basePath)) {
return false;
else {
throw new TypeError('Value of baseDir invalid, should be String or Array.');
}, rxjs.of(basePath), rxjs.from(basePath));
const path$ = dir$.pipe(operators.mergeMap(path => rxwalker.walk(path, { maxDepth }), concurrent), operators.filter((ev) => {
const { path } = ev;
return path ? !ifPathContainsKey(path, excludePathKeys) : false;
}), operators.filter(ev => ev.type === "file" /* file */
&& ev.path.endsWith('.ts')
&& !ev.path.endsWith('.d.ts')), => ev.path), operators.mergeMap((path) => {
const flag$ = ifFileContentContainsCallerFuncNames(matchFuncNameSet, maxScanLines, path);
return flag$.pipe( => {
return contains ? path : '';
}, concurrent), operators.filter(path => path.length > 0));
const ret$ = path$.pipe(operators.reduce((acc, val) => {
const path = sharedCore.pathResolve(val);
if (!acc.includes(path)) {
return acc;
}, []), operators.mergeMap(paths => rxjs.from(paths)));
return ret$;
function ifPathContainsKey(path, keys) {
if (!path) {
return false;
if (typeof keys === 'string' && keys) {
return path.includes(keys);
else if (Array.isArray(keys)) {
for (const key of keys) {
if (key && path.includes(key)) {
return true;
return false;
function ifFileContentContainsCallerFuncNames(matchFuncNameSet, maxLines, path) {
const line$ = sharedCore.readFileLineRx(path);
const scan$ = line$.pipe(operators.take(maxLines >= 0 ? maxLines : 128), => {
return hasContainsCallerFuncNames(matchFuncNameSet, content);
}), operators.filter(exists => !!exists), operators.catchError(() => rxjs.of(false)));
const notExists$ = rxjs.of(false);
const ret$ = rxjs.concat(scan$, notExists$).pipe(operators.take(1));
return ret$;
function hasContainsCallerFuncNames(matchFuncNameSet, content) {
if (content) {
for (const key of matchFuncNameSet.keys()) {
if (content.includes(key)) {
return true;
return false;
function parseCallerFuncNames(callerFuncNameSet, names) {
const st = new Set(callerFuncNameSet);
if (!names) {
return st;
else if (typeof names === 'string') {
else if (Array.isArray(names) && names.length) {
names.forEach(name => st.add(name));
else {
throw new TypeError('Value of param invalid.');
return st;
* Generate DbDict from generics type T,
* Loading compiled js file if prod env.
* Param columnNameCreationFn ignored if dbDictBase is type DbDict<D>.
function genDbDictFromBase(dbDictBase,
/** false will use original col name w/o table name prefix */
columnNameCreationFn = defaultCreateScopedColumnName) {
const ret = { ...dbDictBase };
if (!hasExtColumns(dbDictBase, exports.KmorePropKeys.scopedColumns)) {
ret.scopedColumns = genDbScopedCols(dbDictBase, columnNameCreationFn);
if (!hasExtColumns(dbDictBase, exports.KmorePropKeys.aliasColumns)) {
ret.aliasColumns = genAliasColumns(ret.scopedColumns);
return ret;
function hasExtColumns(dict, key) {
if (!, exports.KmorePropKeys.tables)) {
throw new TypeError('Value of parameter dbDictBase of has no tables property');
else if (!, exports.KmorePropKeys.columns)) {
throw new TypeError('Value of parameter dbDictBase of has no columns property');
return !!, key);
* tb_user => tbUser,
* tb-user => tbUser
function snakeToCamel(string) {
return string.replace(/([-_][a-z])/uig, ($1) => {
return $1.toUpperCase()
.replace('-', '')
.replace('_', '');
* tb_user.uid => tbUserUid,
* tb-user.uid => tbUserUid
function scopedSnakeToCamel(input) {
return snakeToCamel(input.replace(/\./ug, '_'));
function includeExportTypeName(content, typeName) {
const name = typeName.trim();
if (!content || !name) {
return false;
const needles = [
`export interface ${name}`,
`export interface '${name}'`,
`export interface "${name}"`,
// const ret = needles.some(needle => content.includes(needle))
const ret = needles.some((needle) => {
const bb = content.includes(needle);
return bb;
return ret;
* Retrieve dict var name and type name from the content by the dict const
function retrieveDictInfoByDictConst(content, dbDict) {
const ret = { dictVarName: '', dictTypeName: '' };
if (!content.trim().length) {
return ret;
const dictMap = retrieveDictVarMapFrom(content);
if (!dictMap.size) {
return ret;
for (const [id, dict] of dictMap.entries()) {
if (dictObjectEquals(dict, dbDict)) {
ret.dictVarName = id.trim();
if (ret.dictVarName) {
const dictTypeName = ret.dictVarName.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + ret.dictVarName.slice(1).trim();
if (includeExportTypeName(content, dictTypeName)) {
ret.dictTypeName = dictTypeName;
return ret;
* Whether content has the same dict variable
function hasSameDictVar(content, dbDict) {
if (!content.trim().length) {
return false;
const dicts = retrieveDictVarsFrom(content);
if (!dicts.length) {
return false;
const ret = dicts.some(dict => dictObjectEquals(dict, dbDict));
return ret;
function retrieveDictVarMapFrom(content) {
const ret = new Map();
if (!content.trim().length) {
return ret;
const re = /^export const\s+(\S+?)\s+=.+$/ugm;
let arr = re.exec(content);
while (arr) {
const [pick, id] = arr;
if (!pick || !id || !pick.includes('{') || !pick.includes('}')) {
const start = pick.indexOf('{');
const end = pick.lastIndexOf('}');
const json = pick.slice(start, end + 1);
const dict = JSON.parse(json);
if (typeof dict === 'object') {
ret.set(id, dict);
arr = re.exec(content);
return ret;
function retrieveDictVarsFrom(content) {
const dictMap = retrieveDictVarMapFrom(content);
const ret = Array.from(dictMap.values());
return ret;
* If deep equal of two Dict object
function dictObjectEquals(d1, d2) {
if (!d1 || !d2) {
throw new TypeError('invalid param 1');
else if (typeof d1 !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError('d1 invalid param');
else if (typeof d2 !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError('d2 invalid param');
else if (Array.isArray(d1) || Array.isArray(d2)) {
throw new TypeError('invalid param array');
// recursive object equality check
const keys1 = Object.keys(d1);
const keys2 = Object.keys(d2);
const r1 = keys2.every(key => keys1.includes(key));
if (!r1) {
return false;
const r2 = dictElementEquals(d1.tables, d2.tables);
const r3 = dictColsEquals(d1.columns, d2.columns);
const r4 = dictColsEquals(d1.scopedColumns, d2.scopedColumns);
const r5 = dictAliasColsEquals(d1.aliasColumns, d2.aliasColumns);
const ret = r1 && r2 && r3 && r4 && r5;
return ret;
function dictElementEquals(t1, t2) {
if (!t1 || !t2) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid value of param to compare.');
const keys1 = Object.keys(t1);
const keys2 = Object.keys(t2);
if (keys1.length === 0 && keys2.length === 0) {
return true;
else if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) {
return false;
const ret = keys1.every((key) => {
if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
return false;
const v1 = t1[key];
const v2 = t2[key];
return typeof v1 === 'string' && v1 === v2;
return ret;
function dictColsEquals(cols1, cols2) {
if (!cols1 || !cols2) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid value of param to compare');
const keys1 = Object.keys(cols1);
const keys2 = Object.keys(cols2);
if (keys1.length === 0 && keys2.length === 0) {
return true;
else if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) {
return false;
const ret = keys1.every((key) => {
if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
return false;
return dictElementEquals(cols1[key], cols2[key]);
return ret;
function dictAliasColsEquals(cols1, cols2) {
if (!cols1 || !cols2) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid value of dictAliasColsEquals() param to compare.');
const keys1 = Object.keys(cols1);
const keys2 = Object.keys(cols2);
if (keys1.length === 0 && keys2.length === 0) {
return true;
else if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) {
return false;
const ret = keys1.every((key) => {
if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
return false;
return dictColsEquals(cols1[key], cols2[key]);
return ret;
/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
* @param id <path>:<line>:<col>:typeid-<typeName>
function pickInfoFromCallerTypeId(id) {
const matched = /^(.+):(\d+):(\d+):typeid-([\d\w]+)$/u.exec(id);
if (matched && matched.length === 5) {
const ret = {
path: matched[1],
line: +matched[2],
column: +matched[3],
typeId: matched[4],
return ret;
throw new TypeError('CallerTypeId value invalid');
function genCallerTypeMapFromNodeSet(nodes, checker, sourceFile, // sourceFileObject
path) {
const retMap = new Map();
nodes.forEach((node) => {
const obj = genInfoFromNode({
if (obj) {
const { callerTypeId, dbTagMap: tbTagMap, dbColsTagMap: tbColTagMap } = obj;
retMap.set(callerTypeId, [tbTagMap, tbColTagMap]);
return retMap;
function genInfoFromNode(options) {
const { node, checker, sourceFile, path, } = options;
if (!node.typeArguments) {
// if (ts.isIdentifier(node)) {
// const sym = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node)
// }
const typeRefNode = retrieveTypeRefNodeFromGenerics(node);
const gType = checker.getTypeAtLocation(typeRefNode.typeName);
// const gType = checker.getTypeFromTypeNode(refTypeNode)
// const props = checker.getPropertiesOfType(type2)
const sym = gType.getSymbol();
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!sym) {
const { line, character } = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart());
const inputTypeName = sym.getName();
// "/kmore-mono/packages/kmore-types/test/config/test.config2.ts:4:1:typeid-Db"
const callerTypeId = `${path}:${line + 1}:${character + 1}:typeid-${inputTypeName}`;
// const gTypeId: number = typeof === 'number' ? : Math.random()
// "/kmore-mono/packages/kmore-types/test/config/test.config2.ts:typeid-76"
// "/kmore-mono/packages/kmore-types/test/config/test.config2.ts:typeid-Db"
const localTypeId = `${path}:typeid-${inputTypeName}`;
const { dbTagMap, dbColsTagMap } = genTbListTagMapFromSymbol(checker, sym);
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (dbTagMap.size) {
return {
function genTbListTagMapFromSymbol(checker, symbol) {
const { members } = symbol;
// Map<TableAlias, Map<TagName, TagComment> >
const dbTagMap = new Map();
const dbColsTagMap = new Map();
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (members) {
members.forEach((tbNameSym) => {
const { name: tbName, tags } = retrieveInfoFromSymbolObject(tbNameSym);
// tags can be empty array
dbTagMap.set(tbName, tags);
// fields
const colTagMap = genColListTagMapFromTbSymbol(checker, tbNameSym);
dbColsTagMap.set(tbName, colTagMap);
return { dbTagMap, dbColsTagMap };
function genColListTagMapFromTbSymbol(checker, tbNameSym) {
const ret = new Map();
const tbType = checker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(tbNameSym, tbNameSym.valueDeclaration);
const sym = tbType.getSymbol();
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (sym && sym.members) {
sym.members.forEach((member) => {
const { name: colName, tags } = retrieveInfoFromSymbolObject(member);
ret.set(colName, tags);
return ret;
function retrieveInfoFromSymbolObject(symbol) {
return {
name: symbol.getName(),
tags: symbol.getJsDocTags(),
* Retrieve TypeReferenceNode
* @example genDbDictFromType<Db>()
function retrieveTypeRefNodeFromGenerics(node) {
const { isTypeReferenceNode, isTypeLiteralNode, } = require('typescript');
if (!node.typeArguments) {
throw new TypeError('Generics param required, like kmore<Db>() genDbDictFromType<Db>() ');
else if (node.typeArguments.length !== 1 && node.typeArguments.length !== 2) {
throw new TypeError(`Generics param required, like kmore<Db>() or genDbDictFromType<Db>(),
node.typeArguments.length: ${node.typeArguments.length}, should be 1 or 2
const [typeNode] = node.typeArguments;
// typeNode TypeReference = 169
if (isTypeReferenceNode(typeNode)) {
return typeNode;
else if (isTypeLiteralNode(typeNode)) {
throw new TypeError(`Literal Type param not supported, such as
genDbDictFromType<{ tb_user: { uid: number } }>(),
should be an TypeReference like: genDbDictFromType<Db>(),
else {
throw new TypeError(`Not supported TypeNode Kind: ${node.kind}`);
function matchSourceFileWithFilePath(path) {
const { createProgram } = require('typescript');
const srcPath = sharedCore.pathResolve(path).replace(/\\/gu, '/');
const srcLower = srcPath.toLowerCase();
const program = createProgram([srcPath], {
noEmitOnError: true,
noImplicitAny: true,
// target: ScriptTarget.ESNext,
target: 99,
inlineSourceMap: false,
// module: ModuleKind.CommonJS,
module: 1,
const ret = {
// ! otherwise node.getText() will fail
checker: program.getTypeChecker(),
sourceFile: null,
for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (sourceFile.fileName.toLowerCase() === srcLower) {
ret.sourceFile = sourceFile;
return ret;
/** Retrieve node with specified position from caller */
function walkNodeWithPosition(options) {
const { isCallExpression, forEachChild } = require('typescript');
const visit = (node, opts) => {
const { line, character } = opts.sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart());
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (line + 1 === opts.matchLine && character + 1 === opts.matchColumn) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (isCallExpression(node)) {
return node; // stop walk
// void else continue walk
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (node.getChildCount()) {
return forEachChild(node, childNode => visit(childNode, opts));
}; // End of visit
const targetNode = forEachChild(options.sourceFile, node => visit(node, options));
return targetNode;
/** Retrieve node with specified matchFuncName */
function walkNode(options) {
const { isCallExpression, forEachChild } = require('typescript');
const ret = new Set();
const visitor = (node, opts) => {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (isCallExpression(node)) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (isCallerNameMatched(node.expression.getText(), options.matchFuncNameSet)) {
} // void else
} // void else continue walk
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (node.getChildCount()) {
forEachChild(node, childNode => visitor(childNode));
}; // End of visit
forEachChild(options.sourceFile, node => visitor(node));
return ret;
* Generate dbDict .ts files, for CLI
* include extra scopedColumns, aliasColumns,
* for testing.
* no path value emitted if no file generated.
function buildSource(options) {
const opts = {
const walk$ = walkDirForCallerFuncTsFiles(opts);
const build$ = walk$.pipe(operators.mergeMap(path => buildDbDict(path, opts), opts.concurrent), operators.filter(paths => paths.dictPath.length > 0 && paths.DictTypePath.length > 0));
return build$;
* Build dbDict const and type code
async function buildDbDict(file, options) {
let dictPath = '';
let DictTypePath = '';
const srcFile = file.replace(/\\/ug, '/');
const dbMap = retrieveTypeFromTsFile(file);
if (dbMap.size) {
dictPath = await buildDbDictFile(srcFile, options, dbMap);
if (dictPath.length) {
DictTypePath = await buildDbDictTypeFile(srcFile, options, dbMap);
return { dictPath, DictTypePath };
* Build dbdict code from generics type for ts source file
* @returns file path if src file need parsed
async function buildDbDictFile(file, options, callerDbMap) {
const opts = {
await unlinkBuildFile(file, opts);
let path = '';
let content = '';
const map = callerDbMap ? callerDbMap : retrieveTypeFromTsFile(file);
if (map.size) {
map.forEach((arr, key) => {
const kdd = genDbDict(arr);
const [str, dbDictCode] = genDbDictConst(key, kdd, opts);
if (!path) {
path = str; // all value are the same one
content += `${dbDictCode}\n\n`;
if (!path) {
throw new Error('path value is empty');
await appendDataToFile(path, content, opts.outputBanner);
path = path.replace(/\\/ug, '/');
return path;
* Build dbdict code from generics type for ts source file
* @returns file path if src file need parsed
async function buildDbDictTypeFile(srcFile, options, callerDbMap) {
const opts = {
const targetPath = await genDbDictTypeTsFilePath(srcFile, opts.DictTypeFolder, opts.DictTypeFileName);
let targetFileContent = '';
if (await sharedCore.isFileExists(targetPath)) {
targetFileContent = (await sharedCore.readFileAsync(targetPath)).toString();
const DictTypeBanner = targetFileContent.includes(opts.DictTypeBanner.trim())
? ''
: opts.DictTypeBanner;
let content = '';
const map = callerDbMap ? callerDbMap : retrieveTypeFromTsFile(srcFile);
if (map.size) {
map.forEach((tablesMapArr, callerId) => {
content = content + genDbDictTypeCode({
DictTypeSuffix: opts.DictTypeSuffix,
}) + '\n';
if (content.trim().length) {
await appendDataToFile(targetPath, content, DictTypeBanner);
return targetPath.replace(/\\/ug, '/');
function retrieveTypeFromTsFile(file) {
const path = sharedCore.pathResolve(file).replace(/\\/ug, '/');
const { checker, sourceFile } = matchSourceFileWithFilePath(path);
const ret = new Map();
if (sourceFile) {
const nodeSet = walkNode({
matchFuncNameSet: globalCallerFuncNameSet,
const callerTypeMap = genCallerTypeMapFromNodeSet(nodeSet, checker, sourceFile, path);
callerTypeMap.forEach(([dbTagMap, dbColsTagMap], callerTypeId) => {
const tbs = buildDbParam(dbTagMap);
const mtCols = buildDbColsParam(dbColsTagMap);
ret.set(callerTypeId, [tbs, mtCols]);
return ret;
function genDbDictConst(callerTypeId, dbDict, options) {
const { path, line, column } = pickInfoFromCallerTypeId(callerTypeId);
// const relativePath = relative(base, path)
const targetPath = genDbDictTsFilePath(path, options.outputFileNameSuffix);
const dbDictVarName = genVarName(options.exportVarPrefix, line, column);
const code = `export const ${dbDictVarName} = ${JSON.stringify(dbDict, null, 2)} as const`;
return [targetPath, code];
function genDbDict(arr) {
const [tables, columns] = arr;
const base = {
const kdd = genDbDictFromBase(base);
return kdd;
/** Save (k)tables of one file */
async function appendDataToFile(path, code, outputPrefix) {
const retCode = outputPrefix
? `${outputPrefix}\n\n${code}\n\n`
: `${code}\n\n`;
await sharedCore.writeFileAsync(path, retCode, { flag: 'a' });
return path.replace(/\\/gu, '/');
* Unlink dbDict const file starting with path,
* create if not exists, empty if exists
async function unlinkBuildFile(path, options) {
const target = genDbDictTsFilePath(path, options.outputFileNameSuffix);
if (await sharedCore.isFileExists(target)) {
await sharedCore.unlinkAsync(target);
return path;
function validateContentHasDupTypeName(opts) {
if (includeExportTypeName(opts.targetFileContent, opts.typeName)) {
const msg = `Build warn:
Target file has same typeName: "${opts.typeName}" but different type declaration in the source file, use other generics input name, or create type alias of the type and pass the alias as generics param. Like:
type DbAlias = Db
export const dbDict = genDbDictFromType<DbAlias>()
source: "${opts.srcFile}",
target file name: "${opts.targetPath}",
target file content:
------- target content start ------------
------- target content end ------------
throw new TypeError(msg);
else if (includeExportTypeName(opts.content, opts.typeName)) {
const msg = `Build warn:
Duplicate typeName: "${opts.typeName}" but different type declaration in the source file, use other generics input name, or create type alias of the type and pass the alias as generics param. Like:,
type DbAlias = Db
export const dbDict = genDbDictFromType<DbAlias>()
source: "${opts.srcFile}",
------- content start ------------
------- content end ------------
throw new TypeError(msg);
function genDbDictTypeCode(options) {
const { callerId, tablesMapArr, DictTypeSuffix, content, targetFileContent, srcFile, targetPath, } = options;
let ret = '';
const kdd = genDbDict(tablesMapArr);
const dictTypeName = genDictTypeNameFromCallerId(callerId, DictTypeSuffix);
const dictVarName = genDictVarNameFromDictTypeName(dictTypeName);
let writeDictConst = true;
if (hasSameDictVar(targetFileContent, kdd)) {
if (includeExportTypeName(targetFileContent, dictTypeName)) {`Build notice:
message: skip write data, taregetFileContent already has same DictType: "${dictTypeName}",
srcFile: "${srcFile}",
targetPath: "${targetPath}".
return '';
else {
// same generics type declaration but different type name, so create an ref type instead of write same type once more
// const dictTypeNameAlias = genValidDictTypeAliasName(
// targetFileContent,
// dictTypeName,
// )
const info = retrieveDictInfoByDictConst(targetFileContent, kdd);
if (info.dictTypeName) {
return `export type ${dictTypeName} = ${info.dictTypeName}`;
else {
// only dict var, no DictType, strange. go down to create type declaration
writeDictConst = false;
else if (hasSameDictVar(content, kdd)) {
return '';
else {
srcFile, targetPath, targetFileContent, typeName: dictTypeName, content,
const code = genDbDictTypeDeclaration(kdd, dictTypeName).trim();
const code2 = code.replace(/ {4}/ug, ' ');
if (writeDictConst) {
// ! code must one line w/o new line
const code3 = `export const ${dictVarName} = ` + JSON.stringify(kdd, null, 0).replace(/\n|\r/ug, '');
ret += `${code2}\n${code3}`;
else {
ret += `${code2}`;
return ret.trim();
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
* Generate DbDict from generics type T
* Loading compiled js file if prod env
function genDbDictFromType(options) {
const opts = options
? { ...initOptions, ...options }
: { ...initOptions };
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
opts.forceLoadDbDictJs = true;
if (opts.forceLoadDbDictJsPathReplaceRules === null) {
opts.forceLoadDbDictJsPathReplaceRules = [[/\/src\//u, '/dist/']];
const caller = getCallerStack(opts.callerDistance);
const kdd = loadDbDictParamFromCallerInfo(opts, caller, opts.columnNameCreationFn);
return kdd;
function loadDbDictParamFromCallerInfo(options, caller,
/** false will use original col name w/o table name prefix */
columnNameCreationFn = defaultCreateScopedColumnName) {
if (!options.forceLoadDbDictJs && isTsFile(caller.path)) {
return loadDbDictFromTsTypeFile(options.callerDistance + 3, columnNameCreationFn);
else { // run in js or debug in ts
return loadDbDictFromJsBuiltFile(options, caller);
function loadDbDictFromTsTypeFile(callerDistance,
/** false will use original col name w/o table name prefix */
columnNameCreationFn = defaultCreateScopedColumnName) {
const base = genDbDictBaseFromType({ callerDistance });
const ret = genDbDictFromBase(base, columnNameCreationFn);
return ret;
function loadDbDictFromJsBuiltFile(options, caller) {
const { outputFileNameSuffix, forceLoadDbDictJsPathReplaceRules } = options;
let path = `${caller.path.slice(0, -3)}.${outputFileNameSuffix}.js`;
path = reWriteLoadingPath(path, forceLoadDbDictJsPathReplaceRules);
fs.accessSync(path, fs.constants.R_OK);
const ret = loadDbDictVarFromFile({ path, caller, options });
return ret;
* Generate DbDictBase from generics type T
function genDbDictBaseFromType(options) {
const opts = options
? { ...initGenDbDictFromTypeOpts, ...options }
: { ...initGenDbDictFromTypeOpts };
const depth = typeof opts.callerDistance === 'number' && opts.callerDistance > 0
? opts.callerDistance
: 0;
const caller = getCallerStack(depth);
if (isTsFile(caller.path)) {
return genDbDictBaseFromCaller(caller, opts);
else {
throw TypeError('Not .ts file');
function genDbDictBaseFromCaller(caller, options) {
const opts = {
// callerDistance: initOptions.callerDistance,
// callerFuncNames: initOptions.callerFuncNames,
cacheMap: cacheMap,
// "/kmore-mono/packages/kmore-types/test/test.config.ts:13:23"
const callerId = `${caller.path}:${caller.line}:${caller.column}`;
const localTypeId = opts.cacheMap.callerIdToLocalTypeIdMap.get(callerId);
if (localTypeId) { // from cache
const tagsMapArr = opts.cacheMap.localTypeMap.get(localTypeId);
if (tagsMapArr) {
return buildDbDictBaseFromTagsMapArr(tagsMapArr);
else {
throw new Error(`cacheMap.localTypeMap not contains key: "${localTypeId}".`);
else {
const localTypeItem = retrieveLocalTypeItemFromType(opts);
if (!localTypeItem) {
throw new Error(`retrieveLocalTypeMapFromType() return empty with key: "${localTypeId ? localTypeId : 'N/A'}".`);
// id is localTypeId
// map maybe empty, so try from cache
const { localTypeId: id, tagsMapArr } = localTypeItem;
opts.cacheMap.callerIdToLocalTypeIdMap.set(callerId, id);
if (tagsMapArr && tagsMapArr[0].size) {
opts.cacheMap.localTypeMap.set(id, tagsMapArr);
return buildDbDictBaseFromTagsMapArr(tagsMapArr);
else { // retrieved only localTypeId, then try from cache
const tagsMapArr2 = opts.cacheMap.localTypeMap.get(id);
if (!tagsMapArr2) {
throw new Error(`cacheMap.localTypeMap not contains key: "${id}" or value empty.`);
else if (!tagsMapArr2[0].size) {
throw new Error(`cacheMap.localTypeMap key: "${id}" value empty.`);
return buildDbDictBaseFromTagsMapArr(tagsMapArr2);
function buildDbDictBaseFromTagsMapArr(tagsMapArr) {
const [dbTagMap, dbColsTagMap] = tagsMapArr;
const ret = {
tables: buildDbParam(dbTagMap),
columns: buildDbColsParam(dbColsTagMap),
return ret;
function retrieveLocalTypeItemFromType(options) {
const { caller } = options;
const { checker, sourceFile } = matchSourceFileWithFilePath(caller.path);
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!sourceFile) {
// throw new Error(`Can not retrieve generics type info from file: "${caller.path}"`)
// genDbDictFromType<Db>()
const node = walkNodeWithPosition({
matchLine: caller.line,
matchColumn: caller.column,
matchFuncNameSet: globalCallerFuncNameSet,
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (node) {
const nodeInfo = genInfoFromNode({
path: caller.path,
if (nodeInfo) {
const { localTypeId, dbTagMap, dbColsTagMap } = nodeInfo;
if (dbTagMap.size) {
// localTypeId: "/kmore-mono/packages/kmore-types/test/test.config.ts:typeid-Db"
return {
tagsMapArr: [dbTagMap, dbColsTagMap],
else {
return {
// function transformerFactory<T extends ts.Node>(ctx: ts.TransformationContext): ts.Transformer<T> {
// const transformer = (rootNode: T) => {
// const visit: ts.Visitor = (nodeParam: ts.Node): ts.Node => {
// const node = ts.visitEachChild(nodeParam, visit, ctx)
// return node
// }
// return ts.visitNode(rootNode, visit)
// }
// return transformer
// }
exports.buildDbColsParam = buildDbColsParam;
exports.buildDbDict = buildDbDict;
exports.buildDbParam = buildDbParam;
exports.buildSource = buildSource;
exports.cacheMap = cacheMap;
exports.createNullObject = createNullObject;
exports.defaultCreateScopedColumnName = defaultCreateScopedColumnName;
exports.defaultPropDescriptor = defaultPropDescriptor;
exports.dictObjectEquals = dictObjectEquals;
exports.genCallerTypeMapFromNodeSet = genCallerTypeMapFromNodeSet;
exports.genDbDictFromBase = genDbDictFromBase;
exports.genDbDictFromType = genDbDictFromType;
exports.genDbDictTsFilePath = genDbDictTsFilePath;
exports.genDbDictTypeDeclaration = genDbDictTypeDeclaration;
exports.genDbDictTypeTsFilePath = genDbDictTypeTsFilePath;
exports.genDictTypeName = genDictTypeName;
exports.genDictTypeNameFromCallerId = genDictTypeNameFromCallerId;
exports.genDictVarNameFromDbName = genDictVarNameFromDbName;
exports.genDictVarNameFromDictTypeName = genDictVarNameFromDictTypeName;
exports.genInfoFromNode = genInfoFromNode;
exports.genValidDictTypeAliasName = genValidDictTypeAliasName;
exports.genVarName = genVarName;
exports.getCallerStack = getCallerStack;
exports.getStack = getStack;
exports.globalCallerFuncNameSet = globalCallerFuncNameSet;
exports.hasContainsCallerFuncNames = hasContainsCallerFuncNames;
exports.hasExtColumns = hasExtColumns;
exports.hasSameDictVar = hasSameDictVar;
exports.includeExportTypeName = includeExportTypeName;
exports.initBuildSrcOpts = initBuildSrcOpts;
exports.initGenDbDictFromTypeOpts = initGenDbDictFromTypeOpts;
exports.initOptions = initOptions;
exports.isCallerNameMatched = isCallerNameMatched;
exports.isTsFile = isTsFile;
exports.loadDbDictParamFromCallerInfo = loadDbDictParamFromCallerInfo;
exports.loadDbDictVarFromFile = loadDbDictVarFromFile;
exports.loadFile = loadFile;
exports.matchSourceFileWithFilePath = matchSourceFileWithFilePath;
exports.parseCallerFuncNames = parseCallerFuncNames;
exports.pickInfoFromCallerTypeId = pickInfoFromCallerTypeId;
exports.reWriteLoadingPath = reWriteLoadingPath;
exports.reservedTbListKeys = reservedTbListKeys;
exports.retrieveDictInfoByDictConst = retrieveDictInfoByDictConst;
exports.retrieveDictVarMapFrom = retrieveDictVarMapFrom;
exports.retrieveDictVarsFrom = retrieveDictVarsFrom;
exports.retrieveLocalTypeItemFromType = retrieveLocalTypeItemFromType;
exports.scopedSnakeToCamel = scopedSnakeToCamel;
exports.snakeToCamel = snakeToCamel;
exports.updateDbDictFile = updateDbDictFile;
exports.validateDuplicateProp = validateDuplicateProp;
exports.validateParamTables = validateParamTables;
exports.validateTbName = validateTbName;
exports.walkDirForCallerFuncTsFiles = walkDirForCallerFuncTsFiles;
exports.walkNode = walkNode;
exports.walkNodeWithPosition = walkNodeWithPosition;
exports.genDbDict = genDbDict;

@@ -1,7 +0,1 @@

export * from './lib/config';
export * from './lib/model';
export * from './lib/build';
export * from './lib/compiler';
export * from './lib/ts-util';
export * from './lib/util';
export * from './lib/db-dict';
export * from './lib/index';

@@ -1,1 +0,2 @@

"use strict";
export * from './dict';
export * from './types';
"name": "kmore-types",
"author": "waiting",
"version": "2.0.5",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "Retrieve types info from ts file",

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ "keywords": [

"module": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"types": "./src/index.ts",
"bugs": {

@@ -29,29 +29,31 @@ "url": ""

"dependencies": {
"@waiting/shared-core": "5",
"@waiting/shared-types": "5",
"rxjs": "6",
"rxwalker": "^3.0.0",
"source-map-support": "^0.5.13"
"@waiting/shared-core": "8",
"@waiting/shared-types": "8"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/source-map-support": "*",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "11",
"@waiting/shared-types-dev": "2",
"cross-env": "7",
"rxrunscript": "5",
"typescript": "4"
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.30.0"
"peerDependencies": {
"typescript": "^4.1"
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.13.0"
"node": ">=14.15.0"
"files": [
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run tsc && npm run rp",
"clean": "rm -rf dist/* .vscode/.tsbuildinfo .vscode/.tsbuildinfo.* ",
"cov": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT=test/tsconfig.json nyc mocha",
"clean": "rm -rf dist/* -rf && npm run clean:lock && npm run clean:cache",
"clean:cache": "rm -rf .eslintcache .vscode/.tsbuildinfo .vscode/.tsbuildinfo.*",
"clean:lock": "rm package-lock.json -f",
"cov": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT=test/tsconfig.json nyc mocha --parallel=false",
"lint": "eslint --fix --cache {src,test}/**/*.ts",
"lint:nofix": "eslint --cache {src,test}/**/*.ts",
"purge": "npm run clean && rm node_modules -rf",
"rp": "rollup -c rollup.config.js",

@@ -92,3 +94,3 @@ "rp:w": "npm run tsc:w | rollup -wc rollup.config.js",

"gitHead": "6b32c45aa6785e39ef8bffb807b45f2ba03eba13"
"gitHead": "35a1501ffd04f87eae83654fcf8c09a449b1ab88"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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