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KNX IP protocol implementation for Node. This is the ENGINE of Node-Red KNX-Ultimate node.

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Control your KNX intallation via Node.js!

This is the official engine of Node-Red node KNX-Ultimate ( I had many users asking for a node.js release of that engine, so here is it. The node will be KNX Secure compatible. I'm already working on that.



KNX-Secure is under development and should be ready by mid 2022.
Many users requested me to "extract" the baseline KNX API from Node-Red KNX-Ultimate node and make it accessible via npmjs. Here is it.
I need volunteer helping in development of KNX Secure.
High knowledge of cryptography and KNX is needed.

Properties to be passed to the connection(see the knxUltimateClientProperties variable below)

ipAddr (string)The IP of your KNX router/interface (for Routers, use "")
ipPort (string)The port, default is "3671"
physAddr (string)The physical address to be identified in the KNX bus
suppress_ack_ldatareq (bool)Avoid sending/receive the ACK telegram. Leave false. If you encounter issues with old interface, set it to true
loglevel (string)The log level. "info", "error", "debug" or "trace"
localEchoInTunneling (bool)Leave true forever. This is used only in Node-Red KNX-Ultimate node
hostProtocol (string)"Multicast" if you're connecting to a KNX Router. "TunnelUDP" for KNX Interfaces, or "TunnelTCP" for secure KNX Interfaces (not yet implemented)
isSecureKNXEnabled (bool)True: Enables the secure connection. Leave false until KNX-Secure has been released.
jKNXSecureKeyring (string)ETS Keyring JSON file content (leave blank until KNX-Secure has been released)
localIPAddress (string)The local IP address to be used to connect to the KNX/IP Bus. Leave blank, will be automatically filled by KNXUltimate
KNXEthInterface (string)"Auto": Bind to the first avaiable local interfavce. "Manual": if you wish to specify the interface (for example eth1); in this case, set the property interface to the interface name (interface:"eth1")
interface (string)Specifies the local eth interface to be used to connect to the KNX Bus. Do not add this parameter if you've set KNXEthInterface to "Auto"

Supported Datapoints

For each Datapoint, there is a sample on how to format the payload (telegram) to be passed.
For example, pass a true for datapoint "1.001", or { red: 125, green: 0, blue: 0 } for datapoint "232.600".
It support a massive number of Datapoints. Please run the sample.js file to view all datapoints in the console window.
Be aware, that the descriptions you'll see, are taken from Node-Red KNX-Ultimate node, so there is more code than you need here. Please take only the msg.payload part in consideration.
You should see something like this in the console window (the msg.payload is what you need to pass as payload):

Commands to be used to write to the KNX BUS

See the examples also.

.write (GA, payload, datapoint)Sends a WRITE telegram to the BUS. GA is the group address (for example "0/0/1"), payload is the value you want to send (for example true), datapoint is a string representing the datapoint (for example "5.001")
.respond (GA, payload, datapoint)Sends a RESPONSE telegram to the BUS. GA is the group address (for example "0/0/1"), payload is the value you want to send (for example true), datapoint is a string representing the datapoint (for example "5.001")
.read (GA)Sends a READ telegram to the BUS. GA is the group address (for example "0/0/1").

Simple sample (you can find this sample in the "simpleSample.js" file):

const knx = require("./index.js");

// Set the properties
let knxUltimateClientProperties = {
    ipAddr: "",
    ipPort: "3671",
    physAddr: "1.1.100",
    suppress_ack_ldatareq: false,
    loglevel: "error", // or "debug" is the default
    localEchoInTunneling: true, // Leave true, forever.
    hostProtocol: "Multicast", // "Multicast" in case you use a KNX/IP Router, "TunnelUDP" in case of KNX/IP Interface, "TunnelTCP" in case of secure KNX/IP Interface (not yet implemented)
    isSecureKNXEnabled: false, // Leave "false" until KNX-Secure has been released
    jKNXSecureKeyring: "", // ETS Keyring JSON file (leave blank until KNX-Secure has been released)
    localIPAddress: "", // Leave blank, will be automatically filled by KNXUltimate
    KNXEthInterface: "Auto", // Bind to the first avaiable local interfavce. "Manual" if you wish to specify the interface (for example eth1); in this case, set the property interface to the interface name (interface:"eth1")

// Instantiate the client
const knxUltimateClient = new knx.KNXClient(knxUltimateClientProperties);

// Setting handlers
knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.indication, function (_datagram, _echoed) {

    // Traffic
    let _evt = "";
    if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupRead) _evt = "GroupValue_Read";
    if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupResponse) _evt = "GroupValue_Response";
    if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupWrite) _evt = "GroupValue_Write";
    console.log("src: " + _datagram.cEMIMessage.srcAddress.toString() + " dest: " + _datagram.cEMIMessage.dstAddress.toString(), " event: " + _evt);


// Connect

knxUltimateClient.write("0/1/1", false, "1.001");

const knx = require("./index.js");
const dptlib = require('./src/dptlib');

// Get a list of supported datapoints
// With this function, you can see what datapoints are supported and a sample on how you need to format the payload to be sent.
// ######################################
// Helpers
sortBy = (field) => (a, b) => {
    if (a[field] > b[field]) { return 1 } else { return -1 }
onlyDptKeys = (kv) => {
    return kv[0].startsWith("DPT")
extractBaseNo = (kv) => {
    return {
        subtypes: kv[1].subtypes,
        base: parseInt(kv[1].id.replace("DPT", ""))
convertSubtype = (baseType) => (kv) => {
    let value = `${baseType.base}.${kv[0]}`;
    //let sRet = value + " " + kv[1].name + (kv[1].unit === undefined ? "" : " (" + kv[1].unit + ")");
    let sRet = value + " " + kv[1].name;
    return {
        value: value
        , text: sRet
toConcattedSubtypes = (acc, baseType) => {
    let subtypes =

    return acc.concat(subtypes)
dptGetHelp = dpt => {
    var sDPT = dpt.split(".")[0]; // Takes only the main type
    var jRet;
    if (sDPT == "0") { // Special fake datapoint, meaning "Universal Mode"
        jRet = {
                ``, "helplink": ""
    jRet = { "help": "No sample currently avaiable", "helplink": "" };
    const dpts =
    for (let index = 0; index < dpts.length; index++) {
        if (dpts[index][0].toUpperCase() === "DPT" + sDPT) {
            jRet = { "help": (dpts[index][1].basetype.hasOwnProperty("help") ? dpts[index][1] : "No sample currently avaiable, just pass the payload as is it"), "helplink": (dpts[index][1].basetype.hasOwnProperty("helplink") ? dpts[index][1].basetype.helplink : "") };
    return (jRet);
const dpts =
        .reduce(toConcattedSubtypes, [])
dpts.forEach(element => {
    console.log(element.text + " USAGE: " + dptGetHelp(element.value).help);
    console.log(" ");
// ######################################

// Let's connect and turn on your appliance.

// Set the properties
let knxUltimateClientProperties = {
    ipAddr: "",
    ipPort: "3671",
    physAddr: "1.1.100",
    suppress_ack_ldatareq: false,
    loglevel: "error", // or "debug" is the default
    localEchoInTunneling: true, // Leave true, forever.
    hostProtocol: "Multicast", // "Multicast" in case you use a KNX/IP Router, "TunnelUDP" in case of KNX/IP Interface, "TunnelTCP" in case of secure KNX/IP Interface (not yet implemented)
    isSecureKNXEnabled: false, // Leave "false" until KNX-Secure has been released
    jKNXSecureKeyring: "", // ETS Keyring JSON file (leave blank until KNX-Secure has been released)
    localIPAddress: "", // Leave blank, will be automatically filled by KNXUltimate
    KNXEthInterface: "Auto", // Bind to the first avaiable local interfavce. "Manual" if you wish to specify the interface (for example eth1); in this case, set the property interface to the interface name (interface:"eth1")

// Let's go
const knxUltimateClient = new knx.KNXClient(knxUltimateClientProperties);

// Setting handlers
// ######################################
knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.indication, handleBusEvents);
knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.error, err => {
    // Error event
    console.log("Error", err)
knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.disconnected, info => {
    // The client is cisconnected
    console.log("Disconnected", info)
knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.close, info => {
    // The client connection has been closed
    console.log("Closed", info)

knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.connected, info => {
    // The client is connected
    console.log("Connected. On Duty", info)

knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.connecting, info => {
    // The client is setting up the connection
    console.log("Connecting...", info)
// ######################################


// Handle BUS events
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function handleBusEvents(_datagram, _echoed) {

    // Traffic
    let _evt = "";
    if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupRead) _evt = "GroupValue_Read";
    if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupResponse) _evt = "GroupValue_Response";
    if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupWrite) _evt = "GroupValue_Write";
    console.log("src: " + _datagram.cEMIMessage.srcAddress.toString() + " dest: " + _datagram.cEMIMessage.dstAddress.toString(), " event: " + _evt);


console.log("WARNING: I'm about to write to your BUS in 10 seconds! Press Control+C to abort!")
console.log("WARNING: I'm about to write to your BUS in 10 seconds! Press Control+C to abort!")
console.log("WARNING: I'm about to write to your BUS in 10 seconds! Press Control+C to abort!")
console.log("WARNING: I'm about to write to your BUS in 10 seconds! Press Control+C to abort!")
console.log("WARNING: I'm about to write to your BUS in 10 seconds! Press Control+C to abort!")

setTimeout(() => {

    // Check wether knxUltimateClient is clear to send the next telegram.
    // This should be called bevore any .write, .response, and .read request.
    // If not clear to send, retry later because the knxUltimateClient is busy in sending another telegram.
    console.log("Clear to send: " + knxUltimateClient._getClearToSend())

    // // Send a WRITE telegram to the KNX BUS
    // // You need: group address, payload (true/false/or any message), datapoint as string
    let payload = true;
    knxUltimateClient.write("0/1/1", payload, "1.001");

    // Send a color RED to an RGB datapoint
    payload = { red: 125, green: 0, blue: 0 };
    knxUltimateClient.write("0/1/2", payload, "232.600");

    // // Send a READ request to the KNX BUS"0/0/1");

    // Send a RESPONSE telegram to the KNX BUS
    // You need: group address, payload (true/false/or any message), datapoint as string
    payload = false;
    knxUltimateClient.respond("0/0/1", payload, "1.001");

}, 10000);

KNX Secure connection sample (you can find this sample in the "sampleSecure.js" file):

The knx secure is under development. You can see this sample as reference, if you wish to contribute to the project.
KNX Secure is not ready and it still in pre alfa.
Loading, decrypting and validating Keyring file has been done.
I'm working on the first secure handshake now.

const knx = require("./index.js");
const KNXsecureKeyring = require("./src/KNXsecureKeyring.js");

// This is the content of the ETS Keyring file obtained doing this:
let rawjKNXSecureKeyring = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Keyring Project="KNX Secure" CreatedBy="ETS 5.7.6 (Build 1398)" Created="2021-11-17T07:43:08" Signature="V279vCe6oJXL/6a06Ys2yQ==" xmlns="">
  <Backbone MulticastAddress="" Latency="2000" Key="CRL14M51oI9pKhzMGGjO1g==" />
  <Interface IndividualAddress="3.1.2" Type="Tunneling" Host="3.1.1" UserID="2" Password="gF8N8lKGU9cD3TNMLEvu50SbI48qI5EeC8WeciL53Zg=" Authentication="jHW6k+R/b+GOfdaNzXXildWI4BrqHkAoa6lUtWCGGDI=" />
  <Interface IndividualAddress="3.1.3" Type="Tunneling" Host="3.1.1" UserID="3" Password="HbvdOCahzdmjhSaMBeFb/2x8+CwYxF1865N3Nrg485o=" Authentication="XtQMiHSX7cwgB3SJL+CZuCePx434JL1p9cZfjLiGfg4=" />
  <Interface IndividualAddress="3.1.4" Type="Tunneling" Host="3.1.1" UserID="4" Password="VPlMEqpC/COz/szs1qsGLg63giJ/E5DbN8MIBgsLYyQ=" Authentication="zmn+tKNmoO+5jiKXeqeDruvC/OA/zNbOdhiWPFQ1+0g=" />
  <Interface IndividualAddress="3.1.5" Type="Tunneling" Host="3.1.1" UserID="5" Password="Dqeea+bKaoe7pk/czGgKdLT5ucuOfwMJmpJ/0Q32woY=" Authentication="glxFMw43J7cUAklu38GVga2AjEcz4PgOc2aTEKpjXEI=" />
  <Interface IndividualAddress="3.1.6" Type="Tunneling" Host="3.1.1" UserID="6" Password="teB74cgZdQL6CR81pyrWmSHUR8wlDw6PXM5oLlAPLyM=" Authentication="vRKBbWxwF1jsvi5oS64YGT3HaPog9Dcg+cVelgay3vY=" />
  <Interface IndividualAddress="3.1.7" Type="Tunneling" Host="3.1.1" UserID="7" Password="BbGlEV5JGosOs2bl6d63rnYDax8S1pMqf5pKluV0l54=" Authentication="3U49RFQAM7pFD40y5zJg2ebcXKCh1cgx41DGzzAZzZE=" />
  <Interface IndividualAddress="3.1.8" Type="Tunneling" Host="3.1.1" UserID="8" Password="8O2/pOsUgxQuTtspPZ2wIo4HQxvcrECaHLtoyUY0CZk=" Authentication="/4XvMBmc60edJUKUzpCrpy+MRfQJR5jN673I/Qa5V5o=" />
  <Interface IndividualAddress="3.1.9" Type="Tunneling" Host="3.1.1" UserID="9" Password="8hIlqwHsQjRGd8sYRiXG/OyPDQObevIDuKRhVQcXxoc=" Authentication="USfsg+wsH0hwoeLq/GqLcPtfGk5XPW3aAjVgwQjYpQs=" />
    <Group Address="16384" Key="CreHKeXp+5U2qMLVU0XWxw==" />
    <Group Address="16385" Key="4N4QIW0wJiRitgxvX4s7ow==" />
    <Group Address="16386" Key="AOqADeC4y2u4kYCtBclCtg==" />
    <Device IndividualAddress="3.1.1" ToolKey="T770+Sebf2zpx3X3A0S64A==" ManagementPassword="6LPLJeu+XxuGpn6tOqt9fw4NuSa/jIQCYXzFVDwPUiU=" Authentication="rywptqDB0/UNF/5VmlTs5YnrIqO9FJ3YGGEIm08Z1UQ=" SequenceNumber="121960556295" />
    <Device IndividualAddress="3.1.10" ToolKey="t8SSY7LxrVgNvXwLqus4Pg==" SequenceNumber="121960675276" />
    <Device IndividualAddress="3.1.11" ToolKey="VMpB+1fIuP4UFaDVQSjNHQ==" SequenceNumber="121960725775" />

// Set the properties
let knxUltimateClientProperties = {
    ipAddr: "",
    ipPort: "3671",
    physAddr: "1.1.100",
    suppress_ack_ldatareq: false,
    loglevel: "debug", // or "debug" is the default
    localEchoInTunneling: true, // Leave true, forever.
    hostProtocol: "TunnelTCP", // "Multicast" in case you use a KNX/IP Router, "TunnelUDP" in case of KNX/IP Interface, "TunnelTCP" in case of secure KNX/IP Interface (not yet implemented)
    isSecureKNXEnabled: true, // Leave "false" until KNX-Secure has been released
    KNXEthInterface: "Auto", // Bind to the first avaiable local interfavce. "Manual" if you wish to specify the interface (for example eth1); in this case, set the property interface to the interface name (interface:"eth1")
    localIPAddress: "", // Leave blank, will be automatically filled by KNXUltimate
    jKNXSecureKeyring: "", // This is the unencrypted Keyring file content (see below)

async function LoadKeyringFile(_keyring, _password) {
    return KNXsecureKeyring.keyring.load(_keyring, _password);

async function go() {

    // Load the Keyring, decrypt it and put it in the jKNXSecureKeyring property.
    // The password "banana" has been used to encrypt the keyring file during export form ETS.
    // Again, see this
    knxUltimateClientProperties.jKNXSecureKeyring = await LoadKeyringFile(rawjKNXSecureKeyring, "banana");

    // Log some infos
    console.log("KNX-Secure: Keyring for ETS proj " + knxUltimateClientProperties.jKNXSecureKeyring.ETSProjectName + ", created by " + knxUltimateClientProperties.jKNXSecureKeyring.ETSCreatedBy + " on " + knxUltimateClientProperties.jKNXSecureKeyring.ETSCreated + " succesfully validated with provided password");

    // Instantiate the client
    const knxUltimateClient = new knx.KNXClient(knxUltimateClientProperties);
    // This contains the decrypted keyring file, accessible to all .js files referencing the "index.js" module.

    // Setting handlers
    // ######################################
    knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.indication, handleBusEvents);
    knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.error, err => {
        // Error event
        console.log("Error", err)
    knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.disconnected, info => {
        // The client is cisconnected
        console.log("Disconnected", info)
    knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.close, info => {
        // The client connection has been closed
        console.log("Closed", info)

    knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.connected, info => {
        // The client is connected
        console.log("Connected. On Duty", info)

    knxUltimateClient.on(knx.KNXClient.KNXClientEvents.connecting, info => {
        // The client is setting up the connection
        console.log("Connecting...", info)
    // ######################################

    // Handle BUS events
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function handleBusEvents(_datagram, _echoed) {

        // Traffic
        let _evt = "";
        if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupRead) _evt = "GroupValue_Read";
        if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupResponse) _evt = "GroupValue_Response";
        if (_datagram.cEMIMessage.npdu.isGroupWrite) _evt = "GroupValue_Write";
        console.log("src: " + _datagram.cEMIMessage.srcAddress.toString() + " dest: " + _datagram.cEMIMessage.dstAddress.toString(), " event: " + _evt);



    // Wait some seconds, just for fun
    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 6000));

    knxUltimateClient.write("0/1/1", false, "1.001");

// Gona fishing.


Why not to try Node-Red and the awesome KNX-Ultimate node ?




Package last updated on 16 Feb 2022

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