Koa Body Parsers
A more functional version of body parsing.
Use this module if you want to "lazily" parse the body.
Other middleware automatically parse the body in the middleware chain, which might not be ideal as business logic like authentication, authorization, and routing are not done prior to body parsing.
Includes a json
and urlencoded
import koaBodyParsers from 'koa-body-parsers'
import Koa from 'koa'
const app = new Koa()
app.use(async (ctx) => {
const currentUser = UserService.getCurrentUser(ctx)
ctx.assert(currentUser, 401)
ctx.assert(ctx.request.is('json'), 415)
const body = await ctx.request.json('100kb')
ctx.body = body
Because this module is a plugin for the context
, the API signature is different.
Expect: 100-continue and ctx.response.writeContinue()
Expect: 100-continue
is automatically supported as long as you use app.listen()
Otherwise, create your server like this:
const fn = app.callback();
const server = http.createServer();
server.on('request', fn);
server.on('checkContinue', function (req, res) {
req.checkContinue = true;
fn(req, res);
If Expect: 100-continue
was sent to the client,
this will automatically response with a "100-continue".
Use this right before parsing the body.
Automatically called by all following body parsers,
but you would still have to call it if you're doing something like:
app.use(async (ctx) => {
if (ctx.request.is('image/*')) {
const buffer = await ctx.request.buffer()
const body = await ctx.request.json([limit])
Get the JSON body of the request, if any.
defaults to 100kb
const body = await ctx.request.urlencoded([limit])
Get the traditional form body of the request, if any,
defaults to 100kb
const text = await ctx.request.text([limit])
Get the body of the request as a single text
defaults to 100kb
You could use this to create your own request body parser of some sort.
const buffer = await ctx.request.buffer([limit])
Get the body of the request as a single Buffer
defaults to 1mb