What is koa-compose?
The koa-compose package is a middleware composition utility for Koa, a web framework for Node.js. It allows developers to combine multiple middleware functions into a single middleware without altering their signature. This is particularly useful for creating complex sequences of asynchronous operations that can be executed in a defined order.
Middleware Composition
This feature allows the combination of multiple middleware functions into a single middleware chain. The code sample demonstrates how to compose two middleware functions and apply them to a Koa application.
const Koa = require('koa');
const compose = require('koa-compose');
const app = new Koa();
async function randomMiddleware(ctx, next) {
// perform some operations
await next();
async function anotherMiddleware(ctx, next) {
// perform other operations
await next();
const allMiddlewares = compose([randomMiddleware, anotherMiddleware]);