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koishi-plugin-common - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.3.0 to 4.3.1



@@ -1,19 +0,2 @@

import { Context, User, Channel, Argv, Extend, Session } from 'koishi-core';
type AdminAction<U extends User.Field, G extends Channel.Field, A extends any[], O extends {}, T> = (argv: Argv<U | 'authority', G, A, Extend<O, 'target', string>> & {
target: T;
}, ...args: A) => void | string | Promise<void | string>;
declare module 'koishi-core' {
interface Command<U, G, A, O> {
adminUser(callback: AdminAction<U, G, A, O, User.Observed<U | 'authority'>>, autoCreate?: boolean): this;
adminChannel(callback: AdminAction<U, G, A, O, Channel.Observed<G>>, autoCreate?: boolean): this;
interface EventMap {
'common/callme'(name: string, session: Session): string | void;
export interface AdminConfig {
admin?: boolean;
generateToken?: () => string;
export function admin(ctx: Context, config?: AdminConfig): void;
import { Context, Session, User, Channel, Argv, Extend } from 'koishi-core';
export function broadcast(ctx: Context): void;

@@ -63,8 +46,9 @@ export function contextify(ctx: Context): void;

export function repeater(ctx: Context, config: HandlerConfig): void;
type RequestHandler = string | boolean | ((session: Session) => string | boolean | void | Promise<string | boolean | void>);
export function verify(ctx: Context, config: HandlerConfig): void;
export interface HandlerConfig {
export interface RepeaterConfig {
onRepeat?: RepeatHandler | StateCallback;
onInterrupt?: StateCallback;
export function repeater(ctx: Context, config?: RepeaterConfig): void;
type RequestHandler = string | boolean | ((session: Session) => string | boolean | void | Promise<string | boolean | void>);
export interface VerifierConfig {
onFriendRequest?: RequestHandler;

@@ -74,5 +58,31 @@ onGroupMemberRequest?: RequestHandler;

export interface Config extends AdminConfig, HandlerConfig, BasicConfig {
export function verifier(ctx: Context, config?: VerifierConfig): void;
export interface HandlerConfig extends RepeaterConfig, VerifierConfig {
type AdminAction<U extends User.Field, G extends Channel.Field, A extends any[], O extends {}, T> = (argv: Argv<U | 'authority', G, A, Extend<O, 'target', string>> & {
target: T;
}, ...args: A) => void | string | Promise<void | string>;
declare module 'koishi-core' {
interface Command<U, G, A, O> {
adminUser(callback: AdminAction<U, G, A, O, User.Observed<U | 'authority'>>, autoCreate?: boolean): this;
adminChannel(callback: AdminAction<U, G, A, O, Channel.Observed<G>>, autoCreate?: boolean): this;
interface EventMap {
'common/callme'(name: string, session: Session): string | void;
export function callme(ctx: Context): void;
export interface BindConfig {
generateToken?: () => string;
export function bind(ctx: Context, config?: BindConfig): void;
export function admin(ctx: Context): void;
export interface UpdaterConfig extends BindConfig {
admin?: boolean;
bind?: boolean;
callme?: boolean;
export interface Config extends HandlerConfig, BasicConfig, UpdaterConfig {
export const name = "common";
export function apply(ctx: Context, config?: Config): void;export default function apply(ctx: Context, config?: HandlerConfig): void;
export function apply(ctx: Context, config?: Config): void;export default function apply(ctx: Context, config?: UpdaterConfig): void;

@@ -45,4 +45,6 @@ var __create = Object.create;

admin: () => admin,
apply: () => apply3,
apply: () => apply4,
bind: () => bind,
broadcast: () => broadcast,
callme: () => callme,
contextify: () => contextify,

@@ -56,360 +58,9 @@ echo: () => echo,

respond: () => respond,
verify: () => verify
verifier: () => verifier
// packages/plugin-common/src/admin.ts
// packages/plugin-common/src/basic.ts
var import_koishi_core = __toModule(require("koishi-core"));
var import_koishi_utils = __toModule(require("koishi-utils"));
var import_koishi_core = __toModule(require("koishi-core"));
import_koishi_utils.template.set("admin", {
"unknown-flag": "未找到标记 {0}。",
"all-flags": "全部标记为:{0}。",
"no-flags": "未设置任何标记。",
"current-flags": "当前的标记为:{0}。",
"user-expected": "请指定目标用户。",
"user-not-found": "未找到指定的用户。",
"user-unchanged": "用户数据未改动。",
"user-updated": "用户数据已修改。",
"channel-not-found": "未找到指定的频道。",
"channel-unchanged": "频道数据未改动。",
"channel-updated": "频道数据已修改。",
"invalid-assignee-platform": "代理者应与目标频道属于同一平台。",
"not-in-group": "当前不在群组上下文中,请使用 -t 参数指定目标频道。"
import_koishi_utils.template.set("callme", {
"current": "好的呢,{0}!",
"unnamed": "你还没有给自己起一个称呼呢~",
"unchanged": "称呼未发生变化。",
"empty": "称呼不能为空。",
"invalid": "称呼中禁止包含纯文本以外的内容。",
"duplicate": "禁止与其他用户重名。",
"updated": "好的,{0},请多指教!",
"failed": "修改称呼失败。"
import_koishi_utils.template.set("bind", {
"generated-1": [
"请在 5 分钟内使用你的账号在要绑定的平台内向机器人发送以下文本:",
"generated-2": [
"请在 5 分钟内使用你的账号在之前的平台内向机器人发送以下文本:",
"failed": "账号绑定失败:你已经绑定过该平台。",
"success": "账号绑定成功!"
import_koishi_utils.template.set("usage", {
"present": "今日 {0} 功能的调用次数为:{1}",
"list": "今日各功能的调用次数为:",
"none": "今日没有调用过消耗次数的功能。"
import_koishi_utils.template.set("timer", {
"present": "定时器 {0} 的生效时间为:剩余 {1}",
"absent": "定时器 {0} 当前并未生效。",
"list": "各定时器的生效时间为:",
"none": "当前没有生效的定时器。"
import_koishi_utils.template.set("switch", {
"forbidden": "您无权修改 {0} 功能。",
"list": "当前禁用的功能有:{0}",
"none": "当前没有禁用功能。"
function flagAction(map, {target, options}, ...flags) {
if (options.set || options.unset) {
const notFound = (0, import_koishi_utils.difference)(flags, (0, import_koishi_utils.enumKeys)(map));
if (notFound.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.unknown-flag", notFound.join(", "));
for (const name2 of flags) {
options.set ? target.flag |= map[name2] : target.flag &= ~map[name2];
if (options.list) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.all-flags", (0, import_koishi_utils.enumKeys)(map).join(", "));
let flag = target.flag;
const keys = [];
while (flag) {
const value = 2 ** Math.floor(Math.log2(flag));
flag -= value;
if (!keys.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.current-flags", keys.join(", "));
import_koishi_core.Command.prototype.adminUser = function(callback, autoCreate) {
const {database} =;
const command = this.userFields(["authority"]).option("target", "-t [user:user] 指定目标用户", {authority: 3}).userFields(({session, options}, fields) => {
const platform = ?":")[0] : session.platform;
command.action(async (argv) => {
const {options, session, args} = argv;
const fields = session.collect("user", argv);
let target;
if (! {
target = await session.observeUser(fields);
} else {
const [platform, userId] = import_koishi_core.Argv.parsePid(;
if (session.user[platform] === userId) {
target = await session.observeUser(fields);
} else {
const data = await database.getUser(platform, userId, [...fields]);
if (!data) {
if (!autoCreate)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.user-not-found");
const fallback = (0, import_koishi_utils.observe)(import_koishi_core.User.create(platform, userId), async () => {
if (!fallback.authority)
await database.createUser(platform, userId, fallback);
target = fallback;
} else if (session.user.authority <= data.authority) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("internal.low-authority");
} else {
target = (0, import_koishi_utils.observe)(data, (diff) => database.setUser(platform, userId, diff), `user ${}`);
const diffKeys = Object.keys(target._diff);
const result = await callback(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, argv), {target}), ...args);
if (typeof result === "string")
return result;
if (!(0, import_koishi_utils.difference)(Object.keys(target._diff), diffKeys).length) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.user-unchanged");
await target._update();
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.user-updated");
return command;
import_koishi_core.Command.prototype.adminChannel = function(callback, autoCreate) {
const {database} =;
const command = this.userFields(["authority"]).option("target", "-t [channel:channel] 指定目标频道", {authority: 3});
command.action(async (argv, ...args) => {
const {options, session} = argv;
const fields = session.collect("channel", argv);
let target;
if ((! || === session.cid) && session.subtype === "group") {
target = await session.observeChannel(fields);
} else if ( {
const [platform, channelId] = import_koishi_core.Argv.parsePid(;
const data = await database.getChannel(platform, channelId, [...fields]);
if (!data) {
if (!autoCreate)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("");
const fallback = (0, import_koishi_utils.observe)(import_koishi_core.Channel.create(platform, channelId), async () => {
if (!fallback.assignee)
await database.createChannel(platform, channelId, fallback);
target = fallback;
} else {
target = (0, import_koishi_utils.observe)(data, (diff) => database.setChannel(platform, channelId, diff), `channel ${}`);
} else {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.not-in-group");
const result = await callback(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, argv), {target}), ...args);
if (typeof result === "string")
return result;
if (!Object.keys(target._diff).length) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("");
await target._update();
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("");
return command;
function admin(ctx, config = {}) {
if (config.admin === false)
ctx ="database");
ctx.command("common/user", "用户管理", {authority: 3});
ctx.command("common/channel", "频道管理", {authority: 3});
ctx.command("common/callme [name:text]", "修改自己的称呼").userFields(["id", "name"]).shortcut("叫我", {prefix: true, fuzzy: true}).action(async ({session}, name2) => {
const {user} = session;
if (!name2) {
if ( {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("callme.current", session.username);
} else {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("callme.unnamed");
} else if (name2 === {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("callme.unchanged");
} else if (!(name2 = name2.trim())) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("callme.empty");
} else if (name2.includes("[CQ:")) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("callme.invalid");
const result = ctx.bail("common/callme", name2, session);
if (result)
return result;
try { = name2;
await user._update();
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("callme.updated", session.username);
} catch (error) {
if (error[Symbol.for("koishi.error-type")] === "duplicate-entry") {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("callme.duplicate");
} else {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("callme.failed");
const tokens = {};
const {generateToken = () => "koishi/" + import_koishi_utils.Random.uuid()} = config;
function generate(session, pending) {
const token = generateToken();
tokens[token] = [session.platform, session.userId, pending];
setTimeout(() => delete tokens[token], 5 * import_koishi_utils.Time.minute);
return token;
async function bind(user, platform, userId) {
await ctx.database.remove("user", {[platform]: [userId]});[platform].set(userId, user);
user[platform] = userId;
await user._update();
ctx.command("user/bind", "绑定到账号", {authority: 0}).action(({session}) => {
const token = generate(session, +(session.subtype === "group"));
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("bind.generated-1", token);
ctx.middleware(async (session, next) => {
const data = tokens[session.content];
if (!data)
return next();
if (data[2] < 0) {
const sess = new import_koishi_core.Session(, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, session), {platform: data[0], userId: data[1]}));
const user = await sess.observeUser([session.platform]);
delete tokens[session.content];
await bind(user, session.platform, session.userId);
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils.template)("bind.success"));
} else {
const user = await session.observeUser(["authority", data[0]]);
if (!user.authority)
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils.template)("internal.low-authority"));
if (user[data[0]])
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils.template)("bind.failed"));
delete tokens[session.content];
if (data[2]) {
const token = generate(session, -1);
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils.template)("bind.generated-2", token));
} else {
await bind(user, data[0], data[1]);
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils.template)("bind.success"));
}, true);
ctx.command("user/authorize <value:posint>", "权限信息", {authority: 4}).alias("auth").adminUser(async ({session, target}, authority) => {
if (session.userId === target[session.platform])
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.user-expected");
if (authority >= session.user.authority)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("internal.low-authority");
if (authority === target.authority)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.user-unchanged");
target.authority = authority;
}, true);
ctx.command("user.flag [-s|-S] [...flags]", "标记信息", {authority: 3}).userFields(["flag"]).option("list", "-l 标记列表").option("set", "-s 添加标记", {authority: 4}).option("unset", "-S 删除标记", {authority: 4}).adminUser(flagAction.bind(null, import_koishi_core.User.Flag));
ctx.command("user.usage [key] [value:posint]", "调用次数信息", {authority: 1}).userFields(["usage"]).option("set", "-s 设置调用次数", {authority: 4}).option("clear", "-c 清空调用次数", {authority: 4}).adminUser(({target, options}, name2, count) => {
if (options.clear) {
name2 ? delete target.usage[name2] : target.usage = {};
if (options.set) {
if (!count)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("internal.insufficient-arguments");
target.usage[name2] = count;
if (name2)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("usage.present", name2, target.usage[name2] || 0);
const output = [];
for (const name3 of Object.keys(target.usage).sort()) {
if (name3.startsWith("$"))
if (!output.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("usage.none");
output.unshift((0, import_koishi_utils.template)("usage.list"));
return output.join("\n");
ctx.command("user.timer [key] [value:date]", "定时器信息", {authority: 1}).userFields(["timers"]).option("set", "-s 设置定时器", {authority: 4}).option("clear", "-c 清空定时器", {authority: 4}).adminUser(({target, options}, name2, value) => {
if (options.clear) {
name2 ? delete target.timers[name2] : target.timers = {};
if (options.set) {
if (!value)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("internal.insufficient-arguments");
target.timers[name2] = +value;
const now =;
if (name2) {
const delta = target.timers[name2] - now;
if (delta > 0)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("timer.present", name2, import_koishi_utils.Time.formatTime(delta));
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("timer.absent", name2);
const output = [];
for (const name3 of Object.keys(target.timers).sort()) {
if (name3.startsWith("$"))
output.push(`${name3}:剩余 ${import_koishi_utils.Time.formatTime(target.timers[name3] - now)}`);
if (!output.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("timer.none");
output.unshift((0, import_koishi_utils.template)("timer.list"));
return output.join("\n");
ctx.command("channel/assign [bot:user]", "受理者账号", {authority: 4}).channelFields(["assignee"]).option("noTarget", "-T 移除受理者").adminChannel(async ({session, options, target}, value) => {
if (options.noTarget) {
target.assignee = "";
} else if (!value) {
target.assignee = session.selfId;
} else {
const [platform, userId] = import_koishi_core.Argv.parsePid(value);
if (platform !== import_koishi_core.Argv.parsePid([0]) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("admin.invalid-assignee-platform");
target.assignee = userId;
}, true);
ctx.command("channel/switch <command...>", "启用和禁用功能", {authority: 3}).channelFields(["disable"]).userFields(["authority"]).adminChannel(async ({session, target}, ...names) => {
if (!names.length) {
if (!target.disable.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("switch.none");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("switch.list", target.disable.join(", "));
names = (0, import_koishi_utils.deduplicate)(names);
const forbidden = names.filter((name2) => {
const command =;
return command && command.config.authority >= session.user.authority;
if (forbidden.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("switch.forbidden", forbidden.join(", "));
const add = (0, import_koishi_utils.difference)(names, target.disable);
const remove = (0, import_koishi_utils.intersection)(names, target.disable);
const preserve = (0, import_koishi_utils.difference)(target.disable, names);
const output = [];
if (add.length)
output.push(`禁用 ${add.join(", ")} 功能`);
if (remove.length)
output.push(`启用 ${remove.join(", ")} 功能`);
target.disable = [...preserve, ...add];
await target._update();
return `已${output.join(",")}。`;
ctx.command("channel.flag [-s|-S] [...flags]", "标记信息", {authority: 3}).channelFields(["flag"]).option("list", "-l 标记列表").option("set", "-s 添加标记", {authority: 4}).option("unset", "-S 删除标记", {authority: 4}).adminChannel(flagAction.bind(null, import_koishi_core.Channel.Flag));
// packages/plugin-common/src/basic.ts
var import_koishi_core2 = __toModule(require("koishi-core"));
var import_koishi_utils2 = __toModule(require("koishi-utils"));
import_koishi_utils2.template.set("common", {
import_koishi_utils.template.set("common", {
"expect-text": "请输入要发送的文本。",

@@ -426,3 +77,3 @@ "expect-command": "请输入要触发的指令。",

if (!message)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("common.expect-text");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("common.expect-text");
if (!options.only) {

@@ -437,3 +88,3 @@ await ctx.broadcast(message, options.forced);

if (!options.forced) {
groups = groups.filter((g) => !(g.flag & import_koishi_core2.Channel.Flag.silent));
groups = groups.filter((g) => !(g.flag & import_koishi_core.Channel.Flag.silent));

@@ -447,6 +98,6 @@ await =>["length"] + 1)), message);

if (!message)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("common.expect-command");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("common.expect-command");
if (options.member) {
if (session.subtype === "private") {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("common.invalid-private-member");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("common.invalid-private-member");

@@ -457,5 +108,5 @@ = session.cid;

if (!options.user && ! {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("common.expect-context");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("common.expect-context");
const sess = new import_koishi_core2.Session(, session);
const sess = new import_koishi_core.Session(, session);
sess.send = session.send.bind(session);

@@ -466,6 +117,6 @@ sess.sendQueued = session.sendQueued.bind(session);

} else if ( !== session.cid) {
sess.channelId = import_koishi_core2.Argv.parsePid([1];
sess.channelId = import_koishi_core.Argv.parsePid([1];
sess.cid = `${sess.platform}:${sess.channelId}`;
sess.subtype = "group";
await sess.observeChannel(import_koishi_core2.Channel.fields);
await sess.observeChannel(import_koishi_core.Channel.fields);
} else {

@@ -475,7 +126,7 @@ =;

if (options.user && options.user !== session.uid) {
sess.userId = = import_koishi_core2.Argv.parsePid(options.user)[1];
sess.userId = = import_koishi_core.Argv.parsePid(options.user)[1];
sess.uid = `${sess.platform}:${sess.userId}`;
const user = await sess.observeUser(import_koishi_core2.User.fields);
const user = await sess.observeUser(import_koishi_core.User.fields);
if (session.user.authority <= user.authority) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("internal.low-authority");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("internal.low-authority");

@@ -498,10 +149,10 @@ } else {

if (!message)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("common.expect-text");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("common.expect-text");
if (options.escape) {
message = import_koishi_utils2.segment.unescape(message);
message = import_koishi_utils.segment.unescape(message);
if (options.forceAnonymous) {
message = (0, import_koishi_utils2.segment)("anonymous") + message;
message = (0, import_koishi_utils.segment)("anonymous") + message;
} else if (options.anonymous) {
message = (0, import_koishi_utils2.segment)("anonymous", {ignore: true}) + message;
message = (0, import_koishi_utils.segment)("anonymous", {ignore: true}) + message;

@@ -527,6 +178,6 @@ const target = options.user ||;

if (!text)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("common.expect-text");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("common.expect-text");
const {username: name2, userId} = session;
const nickname = name2 === "" + userId ? userId : `${name2} (${userId})`;
const message = (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("", nickname, text);
const message = (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("", nickname, text);
const delay =;

@@ -536,8 +187,8 @@ const data = [session.sid, session.channelId, session.groupId];

if (index && delay)
await (0, import_koishi_utils2.sleep)(delay);
const [platform, userId2] = import_koishi_core2.Argv.parsePid(operators[index]);
await (0, import_koishi_utils.sleep)(delay);
const [platform, userId2] = import_koishi_core.Argv.parsePid(operators[index]);
const id = await ctx.getBot(platform).sendPrivateMessage(userId2, message);
feedbacks[id] = data;
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("");
return (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("");

@@ -575,3 +226,3 @@ ctx.middleware((session, next) => {

if (index && delay)
await (0, import_koishi_utils2.sleep)(delay);
await (0, import_koishi_utils.sleep)(delay);
try {

@@ -587,8 +238,8 @@ await, removal[index]);

const relayMap = {};
async function sendRelay(session, {destination, selfId, lifespan = import_koishi_utils2.Time.hour}) {
const [platform, channelId] = import_koishi_core2.Argv.parsePid(destination);
async function sendRelay(session, {destination, selfId, lifespan = import_koishi_utils.Time.hour}) {
const [platform, channelId] = import_koishi_core.Argv.parsePid(destination);
const bot = ctx.getBot(platform, selfId);
if (!session.parsed.content)
const content = (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("common.relay", session.username, session.parsed.content);
const content = (0, import_koishi_utils.template)("common.relay", session.username, session.parsed.content);
const id = await bot.sendMessage(channelId, content, "unknown");

@@ -615,3 +266,3 @@ relayMap[id] = {source: destination, destination: session.cid, selfId: session.selfId, lifespan};

ctx.middleware((session, next) => {
const message = (0, import_koishi_utils2.simplify)(session.content);
const message = (0, import_koishi_utils.simplify)(session.content);
for (const {match, reply} of respondents) {

@@ -634,9 +285,9 @@ const capture = typeof match === "string" ? message === match && [message] : message.match(match);

ctx.plugin(recall, config);
const operators = (0, import_koishi_utils2.makeArray)(config.operator);
const operators = (0, import_koishi_utils.makeArray)(config.operator);
if (operators.length)
ctx.plugin(feedback, operators);
const relays = (0, import_koishi_utils2.makeArray)(config.relay);
const relays = (0, import_koishi_utils.makeArray)(config.relay);
if (relays.length)
ctx.plugin(relay, relays);
const respondents = (0, import_koishi_utils2.makeArray)(config.respondent);
const respondents = (0, import_koishi_utils.makeArray)(config.respondent);
if (respondents.length)

@@ -647,3 +298,3 @@ ctx.plugin(respond, respondents);

// packages/plugin-common/src/handler.ts
var import_koishi_core3 = __toModule(require("koishi-core"));
var import_koishi_core2 = __toModule(require("koishi-core"));
function onRepeat(options) {

@@ -653,5 +304,5 @@ if (!options || typeof options !== "object")

const {minTimes, probability = 1} = options;
return ({repeated, times, content}) => times >= minTimes && !repeated && import_koishi_core3.Random.bool(probability) ? content : "";
return ({repeated, times, content}) => times >= minTimes && !repeated && import_koishi_core2.Random.bool(probability) ? content : "";
function repeater(ctx, config) {
function repeater(ctx, config = {}) {
ctx =;

@@ -713,3 +364,3 @@ const states = {};

function verify(ctx, config) {
function verifier(ctx, config = {}) {
ctx.on("friend-request", async (session) => {

@@ -731,14 +382,393 @@ const result = await getHandlerResult(config.onFriendRequest, session, true);

function apply2(ctx, config = {}) {
function apply2(ctx, config) {
ctx.plugin(repeater, config);
ctx.plugin(verify, config);
ctx.plugin(verifier, config);
// packages/plugin-common/src/updater.ts
var import_koishi_utils2 = __toModule(require("koishi-utils"));
var import_koishi_core3 = __toModule(require("koishi-core"));
import_koishi_utils2.template.set("admin", {
"unknown-flag": "未找到标记 {0}。",
"all-flags": "全部标记为:{0}。",
"no-flags": "未设置任何标记。",
"current-flags": "当前的标记为:{0}。",
"user-expected": "请指定目标用户。",
"user-not-found": "未找到指定的用户。",
"user-unchanged": "用户数据未改动。",
"user-updated": "用户数据已修改。",
"channel-not-found": "未找到指定的频道。",
"channel-unchanged": "频道数据未改动。",
"channel-updated": "频道数据已修改。",
"invalid-assignee-platform": "代理者应与目标频道属于同一平台。",
"not-in-group": "当前不在群组上下文中,请使用 -t 参数指定目标频道。"
import_koishi_utils2.template.set("callme", {
"current": "好的呢,{0}!",
"unnamed": "你还没有给自己起一个称呼呢~",
"unchanged": "称呼未发生变化。",
"empty": "称呼不能为空。",
"invalid": "称呼中禁止包含纯文本以外的内容。",
"duplicate": "禁止与其他用户重名。",
"updated": "好的,{0},请多指教!",
"failed": "修改称呼失败。"
import_koishi_utils2.template.set("bind", {
"generated-1": [
"bind 指令可用于在多个平台间绑定用户数据。绑定过程中,源平台的用户数据将完全保留,而目标平台的用户数据将被源平台的数据所覆盖。",
"请确认当前平台是你的目标平台,并在 5 分钟内使用你的账号在源平台内向机器人发送以下文本:",
"generated-2": [
"请在 5 分钟内使用你的账号在目标平台内向机器人发送以下文本:",
"failed": "账号绑定失败:你已经绑定过该平台。",
"success": "账号绑定成功!"
import_koishi_utils2.template.set("usage", {
"present": "今日 {0} 功能的调用次数为:{1}",
"list": "今日各功能的调用次数为:",
"none": "今日没有调用过消耗次数的功能。"
import_koishi_utils2.template.set("timer", {
"present": "定时器 {0} 的生效时间为:剩余 {1}",
"absent": "定时器 {0} 当前并未生效。",
"list": "各定时器的生效时间为:",
"none": "当前没有生效的定时器。"
import_koishi_utils2.template.set("switch", {
"forbidden": "您无权修改 {0} 功能。",
"list": "当前禁用的功能有:{0}",
"none": "当前没有禁用功能。"
function flagAction(map, {target, options}, ...flags) {
if (options.set || options.unset) {
const notFound = (0, import_koishi_utils2.difference)(flags, (0, import_koishi_utils2.enumKeys)(map));
if (notFound.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.unknown-flag", notFound.join(", "));
for (const name2 of flags) {
options.set ? target.flag |= map[name2] : target.flag &= ~map[name2];
if (options.list) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.all-flags", (0, import_koishi_utils2.enumKeys)(map).join(", "));
let flag = target.flag;
const keys = [];
while (flag) {
const value = 2 ** Math.floor(Math.log2(flag));
flag -= value;
if (!keys.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("");
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.current-flags", keys.join(", "));
import_koishi_core3.Command.prototype.adminUser = function(callback, autoCreate) {
this.config.checkUnknown = true;
const command = this.userFields(["authority"]).option("target", "-t [user:user] 指定目标用户", {authority: 3}).userFields(({session, options}, fields) => {
const platform = ?":")[0] : session.platform;
command.action(async (argv) => {
const {options, args, session: {user, database}} = argv;
const fields = argv.session.collect("user", argv);
let target, session = argv.session;
if (! {
target = await argv.session.observeUser(fields);
} else {
const [platform, userId] = import_koishi_core3.Argv.parsePid(;
if (user[platform] === userId) {
target = await argv.session.observeUser(fields);
} else {
const data = await database.getUser(platform, userId, [...fields]);
if (!data) {
if (!autoCreate)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.user-not-found");
const fallback = (0, import_koishi_utils2.observe)(import_koishi_core3.User.create(platform, userId), async () => {
if (!fallback.authority)
await database.createUser(platform, userId, fallback);
target = fallback;
} else if (user.authority <= data.authority) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("internal.low-authority");
} else {
target = (0, import_koishi_utils2.observe)(data, (diff) => database.setUser(platform, userId, diff), `user ${}`);
if (!autoCreate) {
session = Object.create(argv.session);
session.user = target;
session.uid =;
session.userId = userId;
session.platform = platform;
const diffKeys = Object.keys(target._diff);
const result = await callback(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, argv), {target, session}), ...args);
if (typeof result === "string")
return result;
if (!(0, import_koishi_utils2.difference)(Object.keys(target._diff), diffKeys).length) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.user-unchanged");
await target._update();
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.user-updated");
return command;
import_koishi_core3.Command.prototype.adminChannel = function(callback, autoCreate) {
this.config.checkUnknown = true;
const command = this.userFields(["authority"]).option("target", "-t [channel:channel] 指定目标频道", {authority: 3});
command.action(async (argv, ...args) => {
const {options, session: {cid, subtype, database}} = argv;
const fields = argv.session.collect("channel", argv);
let target, session = argv.session;
if ((! || === cid) && subtype === "group") {
target = await argv.session.observeChannel(fields);
} else if ( {
const [platform, channelId] = import_koishi_core3.Argv.parsePid(;
const data = await database.getChannel(platform, channelId, [...fields]);
if (!data) {
if (!autoCreate)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("");
const fallback = (0, import_koishi_utils2.observe)(import_koishi_core3.Channel.create(platform, channelId), async () => {
if (!fallback.assignee)
await database.createChannel(platform, channelId, fallback);
target = fallback;
} else {
target = (0, import_koishi_utils2.observe)(data, (diff) => database.setChannel(platform, channelId, diff), `channel ${}`);
if (!autoCreate) {
session = Object.create(argv.session); = target;
session.cid =;
session.channelId = channelId;
session.platform = platform;
} else {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.not-in-group");
const result = await callback(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, argv), {target, session}), ...args);
if (typeof result === "string")
return result;
if (!Object.keys(target._diff).length) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("");
await target._update();
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("");
return command;
function callme(ctx) {
ctx ="database");
ctx.command("common/callme [name:text]", "修改自己的称呼").userFields(["id", "name"]).shortcut("叫我", {prefix: true, fuzzy: true}).action(async ({session}, name2) => {
const {user} = session;
if (!name2) {
if ( {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("callme.current", session.username);
} else {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("callme.unnamed");
} else if (name2 === {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("callme.unchanged");
} else if (!(name2 = name2.trim())) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("callme.empty");
} else if (name2.includes("[CQ:")) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("callme.invalid");
const result = ctx.bail("common/callme", name2, session);
if (result)
return result;
try { = name2;
await user._update();
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("callme.updated", session.username);
} catch (error) {
if (error[Symbol.for("koishi.error-type")] === "duplicate-entry") {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("callme.duplicate");
} else {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("callme.failed");
function bind(ctx, config = {}) {
ctx ="database");
const tokens = {};
const {generateToken = () => "koishi/" + import_koishi_utils2.Random.uuid()} = config;
function generate(session, pending) {
const token = generateToken();
tokens[token] = [session.platform, session.userId, pending];
setTimeout(() => delete tokens[token], 5 * import_koishi_utils2.Time.minute);
return token;
async function bind2(user, platform, userId) {
await ctx.database.remove("user", {[platform]: [userId]});[platform].set(userId, user);
user[platform] = userId;
await user._update();
ctx.command("common/bind", "绑定到账号", {authority: 0}).action(({session}) => {
const token = generate(session, +(session.subtype === "group"));
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("bind.generated-1", token);
ctx.middleware(async (session, next) => {
const data = tokens[session.content];
if (!data)
return next();
if (data[2] < 0) {
const sess = new import_koishi_core3.Session(, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, session), {platform: data[0], userId: data[1]}));
const user = await sess.observeUser([session.platform]);
delete tokens[session.content];
await bind2(user, session.platform, session.userId);
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("bind.success"));
} else {
const user = await session.observeUser(["authority", data[0]]);
if (!user.authority)
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("internal.low-authority"));
if (user[data[0]])
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("bind.failed"));
delete tokens[session.content];
if (data[2]) {
const token = generate(session, -1);
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("bind.generated-2", token));
} else {
await bind2(user, data[0], data[1]);
return session.send((0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("bind.success"));
}, true);
function admin(ctx) {
ctx ="database");
ctx.command("common/user", "用户管理", {authority: 3});
ctx.command("common/channel", "频道管理", {authority: 3});
ctx.command("user/authorize <value:posint>", "权限信息", {authority: 4}).alias("auth").adminUser(async ({session, target}, authority) => {
if (session.userId === target[session.platform])
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.user-expected");
if (authority >= session.user.authority)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("internal.low-authority");
if (authority === target.authority)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.user-unchanged");
target.authority = authority;
}, true);
ctx.command("user.flag [-s|-S] [...flags]", "标记信息", {authority: 3}).userFields(["flag"]).option("list", "-l 标记列表").option("set", "-s 添加标记", {authority: 4}).option("unset", "-S 删除标记", {authority: 4}).adminUser(flagAction.bind(null, import_koishi_core3.User.Flag));
ctx.command("user.usage [key] [value:posint]", "调用次数信息", {authority: 1}).userFields(["usage"]).option("set", "-s 设置调用次数", {authority: 4}).option("clear", "-c 清空调用次数", {authority: 4}).adminUser(({target, options}, name2, count) => {
if (options.clear) {
name2 ? delete target.usage[name2] : target.usage = {};
if (options.set) {
if (!count)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("internal.insufficient-arguments");
target.usage[name2] = count;
if (name2)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("usage.present", name2, target.usage[name2] || 0);
const output = [];
for (const name3 of Object.keys(target.usage).sort()) {
if (name3.startsWith("$"))
if (!output.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("usage.none");
output.unshift((0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("usage.list"));
return output.join("\n");
ctx.command("user.timer [key] [value:date]", "定时器信息", {authority: 1}).userFields(["timers"]).option("set", "-s 设置定时器", {authority: 4}).option("clear", "-c 清空定时器", {authority: 4}).adminUser(({target, options}, name2, value) => {
if (options.clear) {
name2 ? delete target.timers[name2] : target.timers = {};
if (options.set) {
if (!value)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("internal.insufficient-arguments");
target.timers[name2] = +value;
const now =;
if (name2) {
const delta = target.timers[name2] - now;
if (delta > 0)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("timer.present", name2, import_koishi_utils2.Time.formatTime(delta));
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("timer.absent", name2);
const output = [];
for (const name3 of Object.keys(target.timers).sort()) {
if (name3.startsWith("$"))
output.push(`${name3}:剩余 ${import_koishi_utils2.Time.formatTime(target.timers[name3] - now)}`);
if (!output.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("timer.none");
output.unshift((0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("timer.list"));
return output.join("\n");
ctx.command("channel/assign [bot:user]", "受理者账号", {authority: 4}).channelFields(["assignee"]).option("noTarget", "-T 移除受理者").adminChannel(async ({session, options, target}, value) => {
if (options.noTarget) {
target.assignee = "";
} else if (!value) {
target.assignee = session.selfId;
} else {
const [platform, userId] = import_koishi_core3.Argv.parsePid(value);
if (platform !== import_koishi_core3.Argv.parsePid([0]) {
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("admin.invalid-assignee-platform");
target.assignee = userId;
}, true);
ctx.command("channel/switch <command...>", "启用和禁用功能", {authority: 3}).channelFields(["disable"]).userFields(["authority"]).adminChannel(async ({session, target}, ...names) => {
if (!names.length) {
if (!target.disable.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("switch.none");
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("switch.list", target.disable.join(", "));
names = (0, import_koishi_utils2.deduplicate)(names);
const forbidden = names.filter((name2) => {
const command =;
return command && command.config.authority >= session.user.authority;
if (forbidden.length)
return (0, import_koishi_utils2.template)("switch.forbidden", forbidden.join(", "));
const add = (0, import_koishi_utils2.difference)(names, target.disable);
const remove = (0, import_koishi_utils2.intersection)(names, target.disable);
const preserve = (0, import_koishi_utils2.difference)(target.disable, names);
const output = [];
if (add.length)
output.push(`禁用 ${add.join(", ")} 功能`);
if (remove.length)
output.push(`启用 ${remove.join(", ")} 功能`);
target.disable = [...preserve, ...add];
await target._update();
return `已${output.join(",")}。`;
ctx.command("channel.flag [-s|-S] [...flags]", "标记信息", {authority: 3}).channelFields(["flag"]).option("list", "-l 标记列表").option("set", "-s 添加标记", {authority: 4}).option("unset", "-S 删除标记", {authority: 4}).adminChannel(flagAction.bind(null, import_koishi_core3.Channel.Flag));
function apply3(ctx, config = {}) {
if (config.admin !== false)
if (config.bind !== false)
ctx.plugin(bind, config);
if (config.callme !== false)
// packages/plugin-common/src/index.ts
var name = "common";
function apply3(ctx, config = {}) {
function apply4(ctx, config = {}) {
ctx.command("common", "基础功能");
ctx.plugin(admin, config);
ctx.plugin(apply, config);
ctx.plugin(apply2, config);
ctx.plugin(apply3, config);

@@ -749,3 +779,5 @@ // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:


@@ -759,4 +791,4 @@ echo,

"name": "koishi-plugin-common",
"description": "Common plugins for Koishi",
"version": "4.3.0",
"version": "4.3.1",
"main": "lib/index.js",

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ "typings": "lib/index.d.ts",

"peerDependencies": {
"koishi-core": "^3.12.1",
"koishi-core": "^3.12.2",
"koishi-utils": "^4.2.3"

@@ -36,0 +36,0 @@ },

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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