Official API Wrapper for KSoft API, written in Node.js
Getting Started
npm install ksoft.js --save
const Ksoft = require('ksoft.js');
const ksoft = new Ksoft(yourtoken, webhookOptions);
Note: When you see a paremeter like this: (value: DataType) I am just defining the type of value it takes. That does not mean it's an object. If it has {} around it then it is an object.
All functions
Images Api
ksoft.images.getRandomImage(tag: String);
ksoft.images.searchTags(tag: String);
ksoft.images.getImageFromId(snowflake: String);
ksoft.images.getRandomWikiHow(nsfw: Boolean);
ksoft.images.getRandomReddit(subReddit: String, removeNSFW: Boolean, span: String);
Bans Api
user: String,
mod: String,
user_name: String,
user_discriminator: String,
reason: String,
proof: String,
appeal_possible: Boolean
ksoft.bans.getBanInfo(userID: String);
ksoft.bans.check(userID: String);
ksoft.bans.list(page: Number, perPage: Number);
ksoft.bans.getUpdate(epochDate: String);
advancedBannedOnly is a special option I added that will read through all of the ids given and filter out the people that aren't banned and will only return the ones that are banned. It will also return their whole ban object. It will throw an error if there are no people banned in the list. Use .catch() if you want to handle the error.
ksoft.bans.bulkCheck(ids, {
moreInfo: Boolean,
bannedOnly: Boolean,
advancedBannedOnly: Boolean
ksoft.bans.guildMembersCheck(guildMemberCollection, {
moreInfo: Boolean,
ignoreBots: Boolean
Kumo Api
ksoft.kumo.search(query: String, {
fast: Boolean,
more: Boolean,
mapZoom: Number,
includeMap: Boolean,
ksoft.kumo.getSimpleWeather(reportType: String, query: String, units: String, lang: String, icons: String);
ksoft.kumo.getAdvancedWeather(latitude: Number, longitude: Number, reportType: String, units: String, lang: String, icons: String)
ksoft.kumo.geoip(ip: String);
ksoft.kumo.convertCurrency(from: String, to: String, value: Number);
Lyrics Api
ksoft.lyrics.search(query: String, {
textOnly: Boolean,
limit: Number,
ksoft.lyrics.getArtistById(id: Number);
ksoft.lyrics.getAlbumById(id: Number);
ksoft.lyrics.getTrackById(id: Number);
voiceConnection is the discord.js/eris voiceConnection object you get when you connect to a voice channel. This command will search both youtube and the api for a song and if you provide a voice channel connection it will start playing the song and in the promise return the lyrics. This isn't 100% accurate so use at your own risk.
Please note: To play music with this feature you are going to need to have ffmpeg, node-opus/opuscript, and ytdl-core installed
ksoft.lyrics.searchAndPlay(query: String, voiceConnection);
Music api
ksoft.music.recommendations(provider: String, tracks: String | Array<String>)
Webhook feature
This just requires adding a few things when we initiate ksoft.js
const Ksoft = require('ksoft.js');
const ksoft = new Ksoft('your ksoft token', {
useWebhooks: true,
port: 2000,
authentication: 'your webhook authentication token'
ksoft.webhook.on('ready', info => {
that was just to get everything up and running now let's see how we can actually access that data. It's really simple :)
ksoft.webhook.on('ban', banData => {
Using the BanCreator utility
const ban = new ksoft.CreateBan()
ksoft.bans.add(ban).then(res => {
Special thanks to sdf for helping me troubleshoot some stuff :)