Lambda ORM
IMPORTANT: the library is in an Alpha version!!!
LambdaORM is an ORM based on using the same syntax of lambda expressions in javascript to write the expressions that will be translated into SQL sentences according to the database.
When starting from javascript lambda expressions we can use the IDE's own intellisense to write the sentences.
Starting from the entity we have the following methods to assemble the sentences.
Operator | Description | SQL Equivalent |
filter | To filter the records. | WHERE |
having | To filter on groupings. | HAVING |
map | To specify the fields to return. | SELECT |
distinct | to specify the fields to return by sending duplicate records. | |
first | returns the first record | SELECT + ORDER BY + LIMIT |
last | returns the last record | SELECT + ORDER BY DESC + LIMIT |
take | returns one record | SELECT + LIMIT |
sort | To specify the order in which the records are returned. | ORDER BY |
page | To paginate. | LIMIT (MySQL) |
include | To get records of related entities | |
insert | To insert records | INSERT |
update | To update records always including a filter | UPDATE with WHERE |
updateAll | to be able to update all the records of an entity | UPDATE without WHERE |
delete | To delete records always including a filter | DELETE with WHERE |
deleteAll | To be able to delete all records of an entity | DELETE without WHERE |
bulkinsert | to insert records in bulk | INSERT |
There are no methods for the INNER JOIN clause since it is deduced when navigating through the relations of a property.
There are no methods for the GROUP BY clause since this is deduced when grouping methods are used.
.filter(p => == customerName)
.map(p => ({ order: p.order.orderDate, total: sum(p.quantity * p.unitPrice) }))
.sort(p => desc(
the previous expression is equivalent to the following statement for MySQL.
SELECT o1.OrderDate AS `order`, SUM(o.Quantity * o.UnitPrice) AS `total`
FROM `Order Details` o
INNER JOIN Orders o1 ON o1.OrderID = o.OrderID
INNER JOIN Customers c ON c.CustomerID = o1.CustomerID
WHERE c.CompanyName = ?
GROUP BY o1.OrderDate
ORDER BY `total` desc
More info:
LambdaORM includes the Include method to load related entities, both for OnetoMany, manyToOne and oneToOne relationships.
We can also apply filters or bring us some fields from the related entities.
For each include, a statement is executed bringing all the necessary records, then the objects with relationships are assembled in memory. In this way, multiple executions are avoided, considerably improving performance.
Includes can be used in selects, insert, update, delete, and bulckinsert.
.filter(p => === id)
.include(p => [ => ({ name:, address: concat(p.address, ', ',, ' (', p.postalCode, ') ', })),
p.details.include(p => p.product
.include(p => =>
.map(p =>
.map(p => [p.quantity, p.unitPrice])])
.map(p => p.orderDate)
The previous sentence will bring us the following result:
"orderDate": "1996-07-03T22:00:00.000Z",
"customer": { "name": "Vins et alcools Chevalier", "address": "59 rue de l'Abbaye, Reims (51100) France"
"details": [
"quantity": 12, "unitPrice": 14,
"product": { "name": "Queso Cabrales", "category": { "name": "Dairy Products"}
"quantity": 10, "unitPrice": 9.8,
"product": { "name": "Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee", "category": { "name": "Grains/Cereals" }}
"quantity": 5, "unitPrice": 34.8,
"product": { "name": "Mozzarella di Giovanni", "category": { "name": "Dairy Products" } }
More info:
The operators used are the same as those of javascript.
below access to their documentation:
In the case of functions, some correspond to javascript functions and others are specific to sql
below access to their documentation:
Using the ORM
To work with the orm we do it through a singleton object called "orm".
This object acts as a facade and from this we access all the functionalities.
to execute we have two methods, one lambda to which the expression is passed as a javascript lambda function and another expression to which we pass a string containing the expression.
If we are going to write the expression in the code, we should do it with the lambda function, since this way we will have the help of intellisense and make sure that the expression does not have syntax errors.
But if the expression comes to us from another side, UI, CLI command, persisted, etc, in this case we will use the expression in a string
import { orm } from 'lambdaorm'
(async () => {
await orm.init()
try {
const query = (id: number) => Orders.filter(p => === id).include(p => p.details)
let result = await orm.lambda(query).execute('source',{ id: 10248 })
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))
const expression = 'Orders.filter(p => === id).include(p => p.details)'
result = await orm.expression(expression).execute('source',{ id: 10248 })
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))
} catch (error) {
} finally {
await orm.end()
Class ORM
method | Description |
version | Prints lambdaorm version this project uses. |
init | Generates lambdaorm project structure. |
model | Generate model. |
sync | Syncronize database. |
export | Export data from a database |
import | Import data from file to database |
drop | Removes all database objects but not the database. |
expression | Run an expression lambda or return information |
To work with transactions use the orm.transaction method.
This method receives the name of the database as the first argument and as the second it is a callback function that does not pass a Transaction object, in the example we name it tr.
We use the lambda or expression method to execute the sentence (as we found it written).
When we reach the end and return the callback, the orm will internally execute the COMMIT, if there is an exception, internally the ROLLBACK will be executed
import { orm } from 'lambdaorm'
(async () => {
const order={customerId:"VINET",employeeId:5,orderDate:"1996-07-03T22:00:00.000Z",requiredDate:"1996-07-31T22:00:00.000Z",shippedDate:"1996-07-15T22:00:00.000Z",shipViaId:3,freight:32.38,name:"Vins et alcools Chevalier",address:"59 rue de l-Abbaye",city:"Reims",region:null,postalCode:"51100",country:"France",details:[{productId:11,unitPrice:14,quantity:12,discount:!1},{productId:42,unitPrice:9.8,quantity:10,discount:!1},{productId:72,unitPrice:34.8,quantity:5,discount:!1}]};
try {
orm.transaction('source', async (tr) => {
const orderId = await tr.lambda(() => Orders.insert().include(p => p.details), order)
const result = await tr.lambda((id:number) => Orders.filter(p => === id).include(p => p.details), { id: orderId })
const order2 = result[0]
order2.address = 'changed 59 rue de l-Abbaye'
order2.details[0].discount = true
order2.details[1].unitPrice = 10
order2.details[2].quantity = 7
const updateCount = await tr.lambda(() => Orders.update().include(p => p.details), order2)
const order3 = await tr.lambda((id:number) => Orders.filter(p => === id).include(p => p.details), { id: orderId })
const deleteCount = await tr.lambda(() => Orders.delete().include(p => p.details), order3[0])
const order4 = await tr.lambda((id:number) => Orders.filter(p => === id).include(p => p.details), { id: orderId })
} catch (error) {
Lambda OMR configuration is through a file called lambdaorm.yaml
by default it must be in the root of the project.
The file structure is divided into 3 parts.
- path: paht configuration
- databases: database configuration
- schema: schemas configuration (represents the entity model that is mapped with the tables of a database)
src: path where the project code is located
data: path where files generated in operations synchronization, export, import, etc. will be stored
- name: name with which the database will be identified
schema: database schema name
dialect: [mysql|mariadb|postgres|mssql|oracle|mongo]
connection: connectionString | environment variable with the connectionString
name: schema name
enums: []
- name: name of entity
mapping: name table on database
primaryKey: []
uniqueKey: []
- name: name of property
mapping: name field on database
type: [string|boolean|integer|decimal|datetime|date|time]
nullable: [true|false]
autoincrement: [true|false]
- name: nameOfIndex
fields: []
- name: name of relation
type: [manyToOne|oneTpMany|oneToOne]
composite: [true|false]
from: field From
entity: name of entity related
to: field in entity related
src: src
data: data
- name: mydb
schema: library
dialect: mysql
- name: mysql
schema: northwind
dialect: mysql
host: ""
port: 3307
user: test
password: test
database: northwind
multipleStatements: true
waitForConnections: true
connectionLimit: 10
queueLimit: 0
name: library
- name: Reader
mapping: TB_READERS
primaryKey: ["id"]
uniqueKey: ["name"]
- name: id
mapping: READER_ID
type: integer
nullable: false
autoincrement: true
- name: name
mapping: NAME
nullable: false
type: string
length: 80
- name: Book
mapping: TB_BOOKS
primaryKey: ["id"]
uniqueKey: ["title"]
- name: id
mapping: BOOK_ID
type: integer
length: 14
nullable: false
autoincrement: true
- name: title
mapping: TITLE
nullable: false
type: string
length: 80
- name: Loan
mapping: TB_LOAN
primaryKey: ["readerId", "bookId"]
uniqueKey: ["lastName", "firstName"]
- name: readerId
mapping: READER_ID
type: integer
nullable: false
- name: bookId
mapping: BOOK_ID
type: integer
nullable: false
- name: reader
type: oneToMany
from: readerId
entity: Reader
to: id
- name: book
type: oneToMany
from: bookId
entity: Book
to: id
If you want to place the configuration file in another location or with another name, you must pass the path including the name of the configuration file to the method: orm.init(configPath)
import { orm } from 'lambdaorm'
(async () => {
await orm.init('/home/my/db/book.yaml')
try {
const result = await orm.expression('>{,,})').execute('mydb')
} catch (error) {
} finally {
await orm.end()
Lambda ORM has the following methods to extract metadata information from expressions.
To execute these methods it is not necessary to connect to the database.
method | Description | Path |
parameters | returns the list of parameters in the expression | orm.lambda(query).parameters(schema) |
model | returns the model of the result in an execution | orm.lambda(query).model(schema) |
metadata | returns the metadata of the expression | orm.lambda(query).metadata(schema) |
sentence | returns the sentence in the specified dialect | orm.lambda(query).sentence('mysql','northwind') |
import { orm } from 'lambdaorm'
(async () => {
await orm.init()
try {
const query = (id:number) => Orders.filter(p => === id).include(p => p.details).map(p => ({ name: p.orderDate, customer: }))
const parameters = await orm.lambda(query).parameters('northwind')
const model = await orm.lambda(query).model('northwind')
const metadata = await orm.lambda(query).metadata('northwind')
const sql = await orm.lambda(query).sentence('mysql', 'northwind')
console.log(JSON.stringify(parameters, null, 2))
console.log(JSON.stringify(model, null, 2))
} catch (error) {
} finally {
await orm.end()
"id": "integer"
"name": "datetime",
"customer": "string",
"details": [
"orderId": "integer",
"productId": "integer",
"unitPrice": "decimal",
"quantity": "decimal",
"discount": "decimal"
{"n":"select","t":"Sentence","c":[{"n":"filter","t":"Filter","c":[{"n":"===","t":"Operator","c":[{"n":"id","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"Orders","m":"o.OrderID"},{"n":"id","t":"Variable","c":[],"u":1}]}]},{"n":"Orders.o","t":"From","c":[]},{"n":"map","t":"Map","c":[{"n":"obj","t":"Obj","c":[{"n":"name","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"orderDate","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"Orders","m":"o.OrderDate"}]},{"n":"customer","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"name","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"Customers","m":"c.CompanyName"}]},{"n":"__id","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"id","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"Orders","m":"o.OrderID"}]}]}]},{"n":"details","t":"SentenceInclude","c":[{"n":"select","t":"Sentence","c":[{"n":"filter","t":"Filter","c":[{"n":"includes","t":"FunctionRef","c":[{"n":"orderId","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"OrderDetails","m":"o1.OrderID"},{"n":"__parentId","t":"Variable","c":[],"u":1}]}]},{"n":"Order Details.o1","t":"From","c":[]},{"n":"map","t":"Map","c":[{"n":"obj","t":"Obj","c":[{"n":"orderId","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"orderId","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"OrderDetails","m":"o1.OrderID"}]},{"n":"productId","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"productId","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"OrderDetails","m":"o1.ProductID"}]},{"n":"unitPrice","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"unitPrice","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"OrderDetails","m":"o1.UnitPrice"}]},{"n":"quantity","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"quantity","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"OrderDetails","m":"o1.Quantity"}]},{"n":"discount","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"discount","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"OrderDetails","m":"o1.Discount"}]},{"n":"__parentId","t":"KeyValue","c":[{"n":"orderId","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"OrderDetails","m":"o1.OrderID"}]}]}]}],"f":[{"name":"orderId","type":"integer"},{"name":"productId","type":"integer"},{"name":"unitPrice","type":"decimal"},{"name":"quantity","type":"decimal"},{"name":"discount","type":"decimal"},{"name":"__parentId","type":"integer"}],"p":[{"name":"__parentId","type":"array"}],"e":"OrderDetails"}],"r":{"name":"details","type":"manyToOne","composite":true,"from":"id","entity":"OrderDetails","to":"orderId"}},{"n":"Customers.c","t":"Join","c":[{"n":"==","t":"Operator","c":[{"n":"id","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"Customers","m":"c.CustomerID"},{"n":"customerId","t":"Field","c":[],"e":"Orders","m":"o.CustomerID"}]}]}],"f":[{"name":"name","type":"datetime"},{"name":"customer","type":"string"},{"name":"__id","type":"integer"}],"p":[{"name":"id","type":"integer"}],"e":"Orders","a":{"name":"id","mapping":"OrderID","type":"integer","nullable":false,"autoincrement":true}}
SELECT o.OrderDate AS `name`, c.CompanyName AS `customer`, o.OrderID AS `__id`
FROM Orders o
INNER JOIN Customers c ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
WHERE o.OrderID = ?
SELECT o1.OrderID AS `orderId`, o1.ProductID AS `productId`, o1.UnitPrice AS `unitPrice`, o1.Quantity AS `quantity`, o1.Discount AS `discount`, o1.OrderID AS `__parentId`
FROM `Order Details` o1
WHERE o1.OrderID IN (?)
install Lambda ORM
npm install lambdaorm
And add the packages according to the databases to be used
npm install mysql2
npm install mariadb
npm install pg
npm install tedious
npm install oracledb
to use cli commands install package globally
npm install lambdaorm -g
Command | Description |
version | Prints lambdaorm version this project uses. |
init | Generates lambdaorm project structure. |
model | Generate model. |
sync | Syncronize database. |
export | Export data from a database |
import | Import data from file to database |
drop | Removes all database objects but not the database. |
expression | Run an expression lambda or return information |