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lark-mvc - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.2 to 2.0.0




@@ -1,13 +0,30 @@

var koa = require('koa');
var mvc = require('lark-mvc')
var app = koa();
'path': './models'
.use(function *(next){
yield next;
this.body = this.pageServices.demo.render() +
* Lark-mvc example raw use with Koa
'use strict';
import _debug from 'debug';
import Koa from 'koa';
import MVC from '..';
const debug = _debug('lark-mvc');
const app = new Koa();
debug("Example: create an instance of MVC, and save it");
const access = new MVC('models').saveInstance().access();
debug("Example: prepare koa app");
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
debug("Example: without ctx");
try {
ctx.body = await;
catch (e) {
debug("Example: load!");

@@ -1,102 +0,108 @@

var path = require('path');
var rd = require('rd');
var layerproxy = require("./lib/layerproxy")
* @param options
* @param options.path {string} It locate to models, where files will automate load if its filetype is js.
* Lark-mvc
'use strict';
var larkMVC = function(options, lark){
if (!options || !options.path) {
var _path = 'models'
var _path = options.path
if (process.mainModule) {
_path = path.join(path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename), _path);
if (_path[_path.length - 1] !== '/') {
_path += '/';
rd.eachFileFilterSync(_path, /\.js$/, function (file) {
if (0 !== file.indexOf(_path)) {
throw new Error("File path " + file + " not expected, should be under " + _path);
var filename = path.basename(file)
if (filename && filename[0] === '.') {
var relativePath = file.slice(_path.length);
var _pathsplit = relativePath.split('/');
if (_pathsplit.length <= 1) {
throw new Error('Invalid model path : ' + _path);
var filename = _pathsplit[_pathsplit.length - 1];
_pathsplit[_pathsplit.length - 1] = path.basename(filename, path.extname(filename));
import _debug from 'debug';
import path from 'path';
import savable from 'save-instance';
import Layer from './lib/layer';
import Service from './lib/service';
import defaultConfig from './conf/default';
var modelproxy = createModel(layerproxy, _pathsplit, null, options);
if (!modelproxy) {
const debug = _debug("lark-mvc");
var model;
try {
model = require(file);
class MVC extends Layer {
constructor (modelPath, options = defaultConfig) {
debug("MVC: constructing");
if (!modelPath || 'string' !== typeof modelPath) {
modelPath = 'models';
catch (e) {
console.log('Lark-MVC loading model ' + file + ' failed, skip...');
if (!path.isAbsolute(modelPath)) {
modelPath = path.join(path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename), modelPath);
if (model instanceof Function) {
return model(layerproxy, lark);
debug("MVC: loading models");
this._layers = {};
const entrylayers = {};
for (const layername in options) {
const dirname = path.join(modelPath, options[layername].path || '');
debug("MVC: layer " + layername + ", path is " + dirname);
for (const _layername in this._layers) {
const layer = this._layers[_layername];
const layerPath = layer.path;
if (!layerPath) {
if (layerPath.indexOf(dirname) === 0 || dirname.indexOf(layerPath) === 0) {
throw new Error("Can not add layer with path " + dirname + ", conflict with " + layerPath);
debug("MVC: creating layer " + layername);
this._layers[layername] = new Layer(this);
entrylayers[layername] = this._layers[layername];
debug("MVC: loading directory " + dirname);
else if (model instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(model)) {
for (var property in model) {
if (!!modelproxy[property]) {
throw new Error('Property ' + property + ' in in use!');
debug("MVC: add access to each layer");
for (const layername in options) {
debug("MVC: adding access layers to " + layername);
const layer = this._layers[layername];
let accessList = options[layername].access;
if (!Array.isArray(accessList)) {
accessList = [accessList];
for (const accessLayername of accessList) {
if ('string' !== typeof accessLayername) {
modelproxy[property] = model[property];
debug("MVC: adding access layer " + accessLayername + " to " + layername);
layer.addAccessLayer(accessLayername, this._layers[accessLayername]);
delete entrylayers[accessLayername];
return function*(next) {
this.pageServices = layerproxy.pageServices
yield next
function createModel (layerproxy, _pathsplit, type, options) {
var type = type || _pathsplit.shift();
if (options && options.ignore) {
if (!Array.isArray(options.ignore)) {
options.ignore = [options.ignore];
debug("MVC: adding entry access layers");
for (const layername in entrylayers) {
debug("MVC: adding access layer " + layername + " to entry layer");
const layer = this._layers[layername];
this.addAccessLayer(layername, layer);
for (var i = 0; i < options.ignore.length; i++) {
var ignore = options.ignore[i];
if (_pathsplit.indexOf(ignore) >=0) {
access () {
return this._accessWithPath();
_accessWithPath (modulePath) {
debug("MVC: access");
this._accessed = this._accessed || {};
modulePath = modulePath || this._currentModulePath || null;
debug("MVC: caller is " + modulePath);
if (!modulePath) {
return super.access();
if (this._accessed[modulePath]) {
debug("MVC: using cache");
return this._accessed[modulePath];
for (const layername in this._layers) {
const layer = this._layers[layername];
const dirname = layer.path;
if (!dirname) {
if (modulePath.indexOf(dirname) === 0) {
debug("MVC: layer found");
this._accessed[modulePath] = layer.access();
return layer.access();
debug("MVC: no layer found, use entry layer");
return super.access();
var name = _pathsplit.join('/');
switch (type) {
case 'dao' :
type = 'daoService';
case 'dataServices' :
type = 'dataService';
case 'pageServices' :
type = 'pageService';
default :
throw new Error('Unknown model type ' + type);
createService () {
return new Service(this, this._currentModulePath);
return layerproxy[type].create(name);
var output = layerproxy;
output.middleware = larkMVC
module.exports = output
debug("MVC: load");
export default MVC;
"name": "lark-mvc",
"version": "1.0.2",
"description": "MVC for building web server with lark.js",
"main": "index.js",
"directories": {
"example": "examples",
"test": "test"
"scripts": {
"test": "NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --harmony --require should test/"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"keywords": [
"author": {
"name": "lark.js Team"
"license": "FreeBSD",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"dependencies": {
"rd": "~0.0.2"
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "^2.0.1",
"should": "^4.4.1",
"supertest": "^0.15.0"
"homepage": "",
"readme": "MVC for building web server using lark.js\n\n [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url]\n [![build status][travis-image]][travis-url]\n\n## Features:\n\n * Seperate bussiness codes into `pageService`, `dataService` and `dao`, which accord to `MVC` concept. (`C`in `MVC` implements in `lark-router`).\n * Make calling rules between MVC layers.\n * Support hook between MVC layers.\n\n## Install:\n\n```\nnpm install lark-mvc\n```\n\n## Example:\n\nFirst of all, import web server and this module in the app. \n\n```\nvar larkMVC = require('lark-mvc')\nvar app = require('lark')\napp.use(larkMVC()) \\n```\n\nSecondely, write `pageService` layer to implement `V` in MVC, which generates html codes by rendering tempalate and data.\n\n```\nvar pageService = require('lark-mvc').pageService\nvar demo = pageService.create('demo')\ndemo.render = function(){\n var res = ''\n co(function *(){\n var categroy = yield this.dataService.demo.getArticles(\n var articles = yield this.dataService.demo.getArticles(categroy)\n var data = {\n 'categroy': categroy,\n 'articles': articles\n }\n res = yield this.render('demo.html', data)\n })\n return res\n})\nmodule.exports = demo\n```\n\nThirdly, write `dataService` layer to implement `M` in MVC, which collects data from database and passes them to `pageService`.\n\n```\nvar dataService = require('lark-mvc').dataService\nvar demo = dataService.create('demo')\ndemo.getData = * function(){\n // get data by dao\n articles = {}\n co (function *(){\n var articles = yeild this.dao.demo.get(;\n if articles\n })\n return articles\n}\n\nmodule.exports = demo\n```\n\nForthly, write `dao` layer, which is a wrapper of accessing database.\n\n```\nvar dao = require('lark-mvc').dataService\nvar demo = dao.create('dao')\ndemo.getData = * function(){\n db = redis.conn()\n data = db.get('test-key')\n return data\n}\nmodule.exports = demo\n```\n\nWe have all done here. And then, run the app to see the results.\n\n```\nnode --harmony app.js\n```\n\n<hr>\n\n一个支持MVC模式的中间件\n\n## 功能:\n\n * MVC 分层逻辑\n * app中只能相邻层调用,不允许跨层调用\n * hook功能支持:支持hook功能,在跨层调用前后,发送相应事件,添加自定义逻辑。\n\n## 示例:\n\n在 bootstrap 中启用本模块\n\n```\nvar larkMVC = require('lark-mvc')\nvar app = require('lark')\napp.use(larkMVC()) // lark 默认是支持本模块的,本行代码可以删除\n```\n\ncontroller层在 lark-router中实现\nview 层在template 模板目录里\nmodel 层又分3层: pageService, dataService, dao, 功能如下:\n\n * pageService 负责页面数据逻辑, 被action调用,调用dataService\n * dataService 负责业务数据逻辑,被pageService调用,调用dao\n * dao 负责数据库相关业务逻辑\n\npageService 样例:\n\n```\nvar pageService = require('lark-mvc').pageService\nvar demo = pageService.create('demo')\ndemo.render = function(){\n var res = ''\n co(function *(){\n var categroy = yield this.dataService.demo.getArticles(\n var articles = yield this.dataService.demo.getArticles(categroy)\n var data = {\n 'categroy': categroy,\n 'articles': articles\n }\n res = yield this.render('demo.html', data)\n })\n return res\n})\nmodule.exports = demo\n```\n\naction 层调\n\n```\nthis.pageService.demo.render() [ok]\nthis.dataService.demo.getArticles() [no]\n```\n\ndataService 样例:\n\n```\nvar dataService = require('lark-mvc').dataService\nvar demo = dataService.create('demo')\ndemo.getData = * function(){\n // get data by dao\n articles = {}\n co (function *(){\n var articles = yeild this.dao.demo.get(;\n if articles\n })\n return articles\n}\n\nmodule.exports = demo\n```\n\ndao 样例:\n\n```\nvar dao = require('lark-mvc').dataService\nvar demo = dao.create('dao')\ndemo.getData = * function(){\n db = redis.conn()\n data = db.get('test-key')\n return data\n}\nmodule.exports = demo\n```\n\n层之间hook样例:\n\n```\npageSerice.on('beferDataService', function(params){\n validate(params)\n})\n```\n\n[npm-image]:\n[npm-url]:\n\n[travis-image]:\n[travis-url]:\n",
"readmeFilename": ""
"name": "lark-mvc",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "MVC for building web server with lark.js",
"main": ".easy",
"directories": {
"example": "examples",
"test": "test"
"scripts": {
"test": "cd .easy && rm -rf node_modules && ln -s ../node_modules node_modules && NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --harmony --require should test/"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"keywords": [
"author": {
"name": "lark.js Team"
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"dependencies": {
"chalk": "^1.1.1",
"readdir": "0.0.13",
"save-instance": "0.0.3"
"devDependencies": {
"easy-babel": "^1.0.1",
"koa": "^2.0.0-alpha.3",
"mocha": "^2.0.1",
"should": "^4.4.1",
"supertest": "^0.15.0"
"homepage": "",
"readmeFilename": "",
"engines": {
"node": ">=4.0.0"
"easy": {
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --harmony --require should test/"

@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ MVC for building web server using lark.js

* Seperate bussiness codes into `pageService`, `dataService` and `dao`, which accord to `MVC` concept. (`C`in `MVC` implements in `lark-router`).
* Seperate bussiness codes into layers such as `pageServices`, `dataServices` and `daoServices`, which accord to `MVC` concept. (`C`in `MVC` implements in `lark-router`).
* Make calling rules between MVC layers.
* Support hook between MVC layers.
* Support hook between MVC layers (not implemented yet).

@@ -24,161 +24,66 @@ ## Install:

var larkMVC = require('lark-mvc')
var app = require('lark')
import mvc from 'lark-mvc/middleware';
import KOA from 'koa'; // koa2.x
const app = new Koa();
Secondely, write `pageService` layer to implement `V` in MVC, which generates html codes by rendering tempalate and data.
Secondely, write `pageServices` layer to implement `V` in MVC, which generates html codes by rendering tempalate and data.
var pageService = require('lark-mvc').pageService
var demo = pageService.create('demo')
demo.render = function(){
var res = ''
co(function *(){
var categroy = yield this.dataService.demo.getArticles(
var articles = yield this.dataService.demo.getArticles(categroy)
var data = {
import MVC from 'lark-mvc';
const service = MVC.getInstance().createService();
const access = service.access();
service.render = async (ctx) => {
let res = '';
let categroy = await;
let articles = await;
let data = {
'categroy': categroy,
'articles': articles
res = yield this.render('demo.html', data)
return res
res = await ctx.render('demo.html', data);
return res;
module.exports = demo
export default service;
Thirdly, write `dataService` layer to implement `M` in MVC, which collects data from database and passes them to `pageService`.
Thirdly, write `dataServices` layer to implement `M` in MVC, which collects data from database and passes them to `pageServices`.
var dataService = require('lark-mvc').dataService
var demo = dataService.create('demo')
demo.getData = * function(){
import MVC from 'lark-mvc';
const service = MVC.getInstance().createService();
const access = service.access();
service.getData = async (ctx) => {
// get data by dao
articles = {}
co (function *(){
var articles = yeild this.dao.demo.get(;
if articles
let articles = {}
articles = await access.dao.demo.get(;
return articles
module.exports = demo
export default service;
Forthly, write `dao` layer, which is a wrapper of accessing database.
Forthly, write `daoServices` layer, which is a wrapper of accessing database.
var dao = require('lark-mvc').dataService
var demo = dao.create('dao')
demo.getData = * function(){
db = redis.conn()
data = db.get('test-key')
return data
module.exports = demo
import MVC from 'lark-mvc';
const service = MVC.getInstance().createService();
const access = service.access();
We have all done here. And then, run the app to see the results.
node --harmony app.js
## 功能:
* MVC 分层逻辑
* app中只能相邻层调用,不允许跨层调用
* hook功能支持:支持hook功能,在跨层调用前后,发送相应事件,添加自定义逻辑。
## 示例:
在 bootstrap 中启用本模块
var larkMVC = require('lark-mvc')
var app = require('lark')
app.use(larkMVC()) // lark 默认是支持本模块的,本行代码可以删除
controller层在 lark-router中实现
view 层在template 模板目录里
model 层又分3层: pageService, dataService, dao, 功能如下:
* pageService 负责页面数据逻辑, 被action调用,调用dataService
* dataService 负责业务数据逻辑,被pageService调用,调用dao
* dao 负责数据库相关业务逻辑
pageService 样例:
var pageService = require('lark-mvc').pageService
var demo = pageService.create('demo')
demo.render = function(){
var res = ''
co(function *(){
var categroy = yield this.dataService.demo.getArticles(
var articles = yield this.dataService.demo.getArticles(categroy)
var data = {
'categroy': categroy,
'articles': articles
res = yield this.render('demo.html', data)
return res
module.exports = demo
action 层调
this.pageService.demo.render() [ok]
this.dataService.demo.getArticles() [no]
dataService 样例:
var dataService = require('lark-mvc').dataService
var demo = dataService.create('demo')
demo.getData = * function(){
// get data by dao
articles = {}
co (function *(){
var articles = yeild this.dao.demo.get(;
if articles
return articles
service.getData = async (ctx) => {
db = redis.conn();
data = await db.get('test-key');
return data;
module.exports = demo
export default service;
dao 样例:
We have all done here. And then, run the app to see the results.
(Remember to compile with babel before running it)
var dao = require('lark-mvc').dataService
var demo = dao.create('dao')
demo.getData = * function(){
db = redis.conn()
data = db.get('test-key')
return data
module.exports = demo
pageSerice.on('beferDataService', function(params){

@@ -185,0 +90,0 @@ [npm-url]:

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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