Make geometries editable in Leaflet.
This is not a plug and play UI, and will not be. This is a minimal, lightweight,
and fully extendable API to control editing of geometries. So you can easily
build your own UI with your own needs and choices.
See the demo UI, an more examples below.
This is also the drawing engine behind uMap.
Design keys:
- only the core needs
- no UI, instead hooks everywhere needed
- everything programmatically controllable
- MultiPolygon/MultiPolyline support
- Polygons' holes support
- touch support
- tests
You need Leaflet >= 1.0.0, and then include src/Leaflet.Editable.js
Path dragging
If you want path dragging, you need to also include Path.Drag.js.
Quick start
Allow Leaflet.Editable in the map options:
var map = L.map('map', {editable: true});
Then, to start editing an existing feature, call the enableEdit
method on it:
var polyline = L.polyline([[43.1, 1.2], [43.2, 1.3],[43.3, 1.2]]).addTo(map);
If you want to draw a new line:
map.editTools.startPolyline(); // map.editTools has been created
// by passing editable: true option to the map
If you want to continue an existing line:
// or
See the reference
is released under the WTFPL licence.