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minimal QR code generation

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Lean QR

Minimal library for generating QR Codes in the browser and server-side. Includes a convenience wrapper for React / Preact.

Optimised for code size while maintaining decent performance and supporting all QR features. Less than 8kB uncompressed (less than 4kB compressed).

You can see it in action at

Or try it from the commandline: npx lean-qr 'MY MESSAGE HERE'

Install dependency

npm install --save lean-qr

Updating from version 1.x? See the notable changes.



import { generate } from 'lean-qr';

const code = generate('LEAN-QR LIBRARY');

<canvas id="my-canvas" />

#my-canvas {
  width: 100%;
  image-rendering: crisp-edges; /* for firefox */
  image-rendering: pixelated;

React / Preact

A wrapper is available which is compatible with React and Preact (and any other library which offers createElement and React-style hooks)

import { generate } from 'lean-qr';
import { makeAsyncComponent } from 'lean-qr/extras/react';
import * as React from 'react';

const QR = makeAsyncComponent(React, generate);

const MyComponent = () => (
    Scan this QR Code!
    <QR content="LEAN-QR LIBRARY" className="qr-code" />
.qr-code {
  width: 300px;

See below for an alternative if you need server-side rendering.

import { generate } from 'lean-qr';
import { makeAsyncComponent } from 'lean-qr/extras/react';
import { createElement } from 'preact';
import * as hooks from 'preact/hooks';

const QR = makeAsyncComponent({ createElement, ...hooks }, generate);

If you want to reduce the build size further, you can provide just the useRef and useEffect hooks rather than all hooks to enable tree shaking optimisations during the build. Note that the set of required hooks may change in future versions.


import { generate } from 'lean-qr';

const code = generate('LEAN-QR LIBRARY');

  on: '\u001B[7m  \u001B[0m', // ANSI escape: inverted
Example output QR Code


There is also a small commandline tool included for testing:

npx lean-qr 'MY MESSAGE HERE'

npx lean-qr '漢字'

npx lean-qr --format svg 'hello'

For full documentation, run npx lean-qr --help.


By default, the optimal encoding mode is chosen to minimise the resulting image size (this includes switching modes part way through a message if it reduces the size). If you want to specify an explicit mode, you can:

import { mode, generate } from 'lean-qr';
const code = generate(mode.alphaNumeric('LEAN-QR LIBRARY'));
modebits / charcharset
mode.numeric10 / 30-9
mode.alphaNumeric11 / 20-9A-Z $%*+-./:
mode.ascii8 / 17-bit ASCII
mode.iso8859_18 / 1ISO-8859-1
mode.shift_jis13 / 1See notes below

Note that if you specify a mode explicitly, it is your responsibility to ensure the content you are encoding conforms to the accepted character set. If you provide mismatched content, the resulting QR Code will likely be malformed.

shift_jis supports all double-byte Shift-JIS characters in the ranges: [0x8140 – 0x9FFC], [0xE040 – 0xEBBF].


mode.multi enables switching modes during a message, for example:

const code = generate(mode.multi(

eci / bytes

mode.eci lets you switch the Extended Channel Interpretation of the message. After setting this, subsequent mode.bytes will be interpreted in the specified character set. Wikipedia includes a list of possible values.

const code = generate(mode.multi(
  mode.eci(24), // Arabic (Windows-1256)
  mode.bytes([0xD3]), // Shin character

mode.eci will avoid outputting additional switches if the ECI already matches the requested value.

Note that mode.iso8859_1 sets ECI 3 for its content, and mode.utf8 sets ECI 26. mode.ascii does not set an explicit ECI mode, as readers are supposed to default to ECI 3, and even though some default to ECI 26 instead, these share the same codepoints for all ASCII values.

If you set an ECI which is not compatible with ASCII, do not follow it with a mode.ascii section (prefer mode.iso8859_1 or mode.utf8, as these will explicitly set the ECI for their content).

auto will pick the optimal combination of modes for the message. This is used by default if you provide a plain string to generate, but you can also use it explicitly to get more control:

const code = generate('FOOBAR', {
  modes: [mode.numeric, mode.iso8859_1], // exclude alphaNumeric mode

You can omit the modes argument to default to the standard modes. You can also provide your own custom modes, and auto will consider them alongside the built-in modes (see below for details).

As a convenience, you can also pass auto configuration directly to generate:

const code = generate('FOOBAR', {
  modes: [mode.numeric, mode.iso8859_1],

Custom modes

Other modes are not currently supported, but it is possible to write custom modes:

const myMode = (value) => (data, version) => {
  // call functions on data to encode the value
  data.push(0b101010, 6); // value, bits (supports up to 24-bits)

const code = generate(myMode('foobar'));

If you want your custom mode to be compatible with auto, you need to provide a pair of properties:

// a function taking a character and returning true if it is suppoerted
myMode.test = RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/[0-9a-zA-Z]/);
// or
myMode.test = (c) => /[0-9a-zA-Z]/.test(c);

// a function which estimates the number of bits required for an input
// (fractional results will be rounded up)
myMode.est = (value, version) => (12 + value.length * 8);

You can then register it using .with to be automatically considered alongside other possible modes:

const myGenerate = generate.with(myCustomMode);
const code = myGenerate('text');

Or for more control you can specify all modes explicitly:

const code = generate('text', {
  modes: [

The implementation of ascii:

const ascii = (value) => (data, version) => {
  data.push(0b0100, 4);
  data.push(value.length, version < 10 ? 8 : 16);
  [...value].forEach((c) => data.push(c.codePointAt(0), 8));
ascii.test = RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/[\u0000-\u007F]/);
ascii.est = (value, version) => (
  4 + (version < 10 ? 8 : 16) +
  value.length * 8

Correction Levels

You can specify minimum and maximum correction levels:

const code = generate(mode.alphaNumeric('LEAN-QR LIBRARY'), {
  minCorrectionLevel: correction.M,
  maxCorrectionLevel: correction.Q,

generate will pick the smallest code size which supports the minCorrectionLevel, then within this version will use the highest possible correction level up to maxCorrectionLevel.

correction levelerror tolerancedata overhead


By default, all versions (sizes) can be used. To restrict this, you can specify a minimum and/or maximum version:

const code = generate(mode.alphaNumeric('LEAN-QR LIBRARY'), {
  minVersion: 10,
  maxVersion: 20,

Versions must be integers in the range 1 – 40 (inclusive). The resulting size will be 17 + version * 4.

If there is too much data for the maxVersion size, an exception will be thrown.


ISO 18004 requires masks be chosen according to a specific algorithm which is designed to maximize readability by QR Code readers. This is done by default, however if you would like to specify a particular mask, you can:

const code = generate(mode.alphaNumeric('LEAN-QR LIBRARY'), {
  mask: 5,

Valid masks are integers in the range 0 – 7 (inclusive).


The output can be displayed in several ways.


toString takes several options. The defaults are shown here:

  on: '##',
  off: '  ',
  lf: '\n',
  padX: 4,
  padY: 4,

Note that 4-cell padding is required by the standard to guarantee a successful read, but you can change it to any value if you want.

Ensure the on and off strings have the same length or the resulting code will be misaligned.

Note that if your terminal's line height is greater than the character height (usually the case in terminal emulators running inside a graphical interface), you should use ANSI escape sequences as shown in the top example to ensure the code will be readable. But it is also possible to display the result in other ways:

  on: '\u001B[40m  ',   // ANSI escape: black background
  off: '\u001B[107m  ', // ANSI escape: white background
  lf: '\u001B[0m\n',    // ANSI escape: default

// Or using unicode box drawing characters:
  on: '\u2588\u2588',
  off: '  ',

toCanvas(canvas[, options])

toCanvas takes several options. The defaults are shown here:

code.toCanvas(myTargetCanvas, {
  on: [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF],
  off: [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],
  padX: 4,
  padY: 4,

This will replace the image in myTargetCanvas (which must be a canvas element) with a copy of the current code. The result is always at a scale of 1 pixel per module (the canvas will be resized to the correct size automatically). To display this image at a reasonable size, it is recommended that you use the following CSS:

.myTargetCanvas {
  width: 100%;
  image-rendering: crisp-edges; /* for firefox */
  image-rendering: pixelated;

The values of on and off should be arrays in [red, green, blue, alpha] format. If alpha is omitted, 255 is assumed.

toImageData(context[, options])

If you do not want to replace the entire content of a canvas, you can can use toImageData instead. This returns an ImageData representation of the code (created using context.createImageData).

const imageData = code.toImageData(myContext, {
  on: [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF],
  off: [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],
  padX: 4,
  padY: 4,

// later
myContext.putImageData(imageData, 200, 100);

myContext must be a 2D context (i.e. the result of calling myCanvas.getContext('2d')) on a canvas element.

Note that until version 1.4.0, toImageData did not include padding. To get the same behaviour in 1.4.0+, set padX and padY to 0.


Returns a string which can be used as a href, e.g. for downloading;

const url = code.toDataURL({
  type: 'image/png',
  on: [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF],
  off: [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],
  padX: 4,
  padY: 4,
  scale: 1,

// use with elements such as:
// <a href="<url>" download="my-qr.png">Download</a>

This URL can also be used as an img source, but this is not recommended (for best results use toCanvas as shown above — this will avoid blurry edges on high resolution displays and if the user zooms in).

Note that this is only available in-browser; it will fail if called in NodeJS.

toSvg(code, target[, options])

This is not included in the main library to keep it small, but if you need SVG output, you can access it from a separate import (adds ~2kB):

import { toSvg } from 'lean-qr/extras/svg';

const mySvg = document.getElementById('my-svg');
const svg = toSvg(code, mySvg, {
  on: 'black',
  off: 'transparent',
  padX: 4,
  padY: 4,
  width: null,
  height: null,
  scale: 1,

This will replace the image in mySvg (which must be an svg element) with a copy of the current code. The result is always at a scale of 1 SVG unit per module (the viewBox will be resized to the correct size automatically). You can define a different size for the SVG element to scale the image.

If mySvg is the document object, this will create and return a new SVG entity associated with the document (but not attached to it).

If width / height is given, the root SVG element will have the explicit size applied. If these are not specified, they will be auto-calculated by multiplying the code size + padding by scale. You can override this for display by setting CSS properties (e.g. = '100%'; = 'auto';).

toSvgSource(code[, options])

Like toSvg but returns the source code for an SVG, rather than manipulating DOM nodes (can be called inside NodeJS).

import { toSvgSource } from 'lean-qr/extras/svg';

const svgSource = toSvgSource(code, {
  on: 'black',
  off: 'transparent',
  padX: 4,
  padY: 4,
  width: null,
  height: null,
  xmlDeclaration: false,
  scale: 1,

Returns a complete SVG document which can be written to a standalone file or included inside a HTML document.

If writing to a file, you should set xmlDeclaration to true (this prefixes the source with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>).

toSvgDataURL(code[, options])

Like toSvg but returns a data:image/svg+xml URL containing the image data, suitable for displaying in an img tag or downloading from an a tag. Can be called inside NodeJS.

import { toSvgDataURL } from 'lean-qr/extras/svg';

const dataURL = toSvgDataURL(code, {
  on: 'black',
  off: 'transparent',
  padX: 4,
  padY: 4,
  width: null,
  height: null,
  scale: 1,


A raw SVG path definition for the QR code. Used by toSvg and toSvgSource.

import { toSvgPath } from 'lean-qr/extras/svg';

const svgPath = toSvgPath(code);
// e.g. "M1 2L1 1L2 1L2 2ZM3 3L3 2L4 2L4 3Z"

The returned path is always at a scale of 1 SVG unit to 1 module, with no padding. The path will define the whole QR code in a single string suitable for use inside <path d="[path here]">, and can be used with fill-rule of either evenodd or nonzero. The path is optimised to ensure only true edges are defined; it will not include overlapping edges (and will not have "cracks" between pixels). No other guarantees are made about the structure of this string, and the details could change in later versions.

get(x, y)

For other types of output, you can inspect the data directly:

for (let y = 0; y < code.size; y++) {
  for (let x = 0; x < code.size; x++) {
    process.stdout.write(code.get(x, y) ? '##' : '  ');

Requests outside the range 0 <= x < size, 0 <= y < size will return false.

React / Preact API

Call makeAsyncComponent from the global scope (not inside a render method) to generate a component which can be rendered later:

import { generate } from 'lean-qr';
import { makeAsyncComponent } from 'lean-qr/extras/react';
import * as React from 'react';

const QR = makeAsyncComponent(React, generate);

All the configuration options documented above can be passed to the wrapper component, plus a className for the rendered canvas:

  on={[0, 0, 0, 255]}
  off={[0, 0, 0, 0]}

All properties are optional except content. The property values shown above are the defaults.

You can also change the default values for the component by passing an extra argument to the make function. For example, if you want all QR codes to use at least correction level H:

const QR = makeAsyncComponent(React, generate, {
  minCorrectionLevel: correction.H,

Server-side Rendering

The makeAsyncComponent helper will render to a <canvas> from a useEffect hook (this is the most performant option if the code will change dynamically), but this cannot be server-side rendered.

If you need server-side rendering, you can use makeSyncComponent instead, which will render an <img> tag with an SVG data source calculated in a useMemo hook:

import { generate } from 'lean-qr';
import { makeSyncComponent } from 'lean-qr/extras/react';
import { toSvgDataURL } from 'lean-qr/extras/svg';
import * as React from 'react';

const QR = makeSyncComponent(React, generate, toSvgDataURL);

const MyComponent = () => (
    Scan this QR Code!
    <QR content="LEAN-QR LIBRARY" className="qr-code" />

The API for this is slightly different: on and off take string values for the colour, rather than arrays:

<QR content="Hello!" on="black" off="rgba(0,0,0,0)" />

This version may also be preferable to avoid the code "flickering" when it first appears, but note that it causes the QR code to be calculated synchronously during the render, which may introduce some lag if the code changes (especially if it changes in response to live user input). For this reason, makeSyncComponent is only recommended for relatively static codes.


Errors are reported as numbers to save space. Errors contain a stable code property which can be used to look up the type of error:

1lean-qr error 1No data provided
2lean-qr error 2maxVersion must be >= minVersion
3lean-qr error 3maxCorrectionLevel must be >= minCorrectionLevel
4lean-qr error 4data exceeds maximum capacity of maxVersion
5lean-qr error 5data cannot be encoded using the chosen modes
6lean-qr error 6Invalid framework provided to the React wrapper
7lean-qr error 7Invalid generate function provided to the React wrapper
8lean-qr error 8Invalid toSvgDataURL function provided to the React wrapper

If you want to display errors in a moderately human-readable way, you can import the errors extra:

import { readError } from 'lean-qr/extras/errors';

try {
  const code = generate('LEAN-QR LIBRARY');
} catch (e) {
  const message = readError(e);

Notable Changes in Version 2

For basic use, updating from version 1.x to 2.x should have no issues, but if you are using more advanced customisation options or relying on specific behaviours, you may need to update your code:

  • .reg (regular expression) properties of modes have been replaced with .test (API compatible with RegExp.test). Custom modes will need updating;
  • iso8859_1 mode will now explicitly set the ECI to 3 for better compatibility with some readers. If you only need 7-bit ASCII characters, use ascii mode instead (which does not set the ECI, saving some space). auto mode will handle this automatically;
  • auto mode is now able to mix utf8 with other modes if it will save space (some QR codes may change, but the meaning will be the same);
  • shift_jis mode is now available by default (the extras/jis export has been removed);
  • custom modes can now be registered using updatedGenerator = generator.with(myCustomMode), avoiding the need to specify all the default modes;
  • toSvgSource / toSvgDataURL now accept rgb() / rgba() syntax for colours, matching toSvg;
  • toCanvas / toImageData / toDataURL no longer accept 32-bit little-endian integer values for colours. If you were using this legacy behaviour, update your code to pass colours as arrays instead: [red, green, blue, alpha?] (for example, [255, 0, 255, 255] = purple);
  • errors are now reported as codes to save space. If you want to present errors in a human-readable way, you can use extras/errors to convert;
  • internal properties and methods are now minified (documented methods are not affected);
  • the library is smaller than ever!




Package last updated on 31 Mar 2023

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