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TypeScript is Porting Its Compiler to Go for 10x Faster Builds
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
Advanced tools
The LeanKit API Client module for Node.js provides an easy-to-use set of functions designed to simplify the integration of external systems and utilities with your LeanKit account.
Note: There is a separate LeanKit Events module for Node.js used to subscribe and monitor board events, such as when cards are created, updated, or moved.
npm install leankit-client
The first step in using the LeanKit client is to create a new client with your LeanKit credentials.
const LeanKitClient = require( "leankit-client" );
const auth = {
account: "account-name", // change these properties to match your account
email: "your@email.com", // for token auth, see below
password: "your-p@ssw0rd"
// create a client with the account credentials
const client = LeanKitClient( auth );
// use the client to get a list of boards
client.board.list().then( response => {
console.log( response.data );
} );
The LeanKit API Client supports both "Basic" and "Bearer" authentication.
For most production uses, it's recommended that you use token authentication so that you don't need to worry about protecting your password. See the API section Auth Tokens for information on how to create and manage auth tokens.
Using a token is simple:
const auth = {
account: "account-name",
token: "2a0ec41e4fca6a10727a33je4f409545870c0ce199fd8cde287a027acdf671d73da3f5af1ee983441d1993dc3a2181302690885c0b46692e39b6c9e29bd132eb"
const client = LeanKitClient( auth );
The LeanKit API Client provides a number of functions for retrieving and managing your LeanKit data. Each of these functions return a JavaScript Promise instead of expecting a callback function. Promises provide an easy way to chain commands together.
// start by requesting all the boards
client.board.list().then( res => {
// get the first board's ID
const boardId = res.data.boards[ 0 ].id;
// request the full board by ID
return client.board.get( boardId );
} ).then( boardRes => {
// response from client.board.get()
const board = boardRes.data;
console.log( board );
} ).catch( err => {
// any errors that occur will be caught here
console.log( "Error:", err );
} );
Newer versions of the JavaScript language, such as found in Node.js version 8.x or higher, support the use of async
and await
, making it even easier to work with functions that return a Promise.
const LeanKitClient = require( "leankit-client" );
const getBoardByTitle = async ( client, title ) => {
try {
// search boards by title
const res = await client.board.list( { search: title } );
if ( res.data.length === 0 ) {
return { msg: `Cound not find board with the title: ${ title }` };
// get the board ID
const boardId = res.data.boards[ 0 ].id;
// retrieve the board by ID
const boardRes = await client.board.get( boardId );
return boardRes.data;
} catch ( err ) {
// any errors will be caught here.
console.log( "Error:", err );
return { msg: err.message };
const main = async () => {
const auth = {
account: "account-name",
email: "your@email.com",
password: "your-p@ssw0rd"
const client = LeanKitClient( auth );
const board = await getBoardByTitle( client, "Team Awesome" );
console.log( board );
main().then( () => {
// async functions automatically return a Promise
console.log( "done" );
} );
const createCard = async ( client, boardId, cardTitle, cardDescription, cardTypeName, laneName ) => {
try {
// get the board for identifiers like card types, lanes, users, etc.
const boardRes = await client.board.get( boardId );
const board = boardRes.data;
// find the card type by name
const cardType = board.cardTypes.find( x => x.name === cardTypeName );
// find the lane by name
const lane = board.lanes.find( x => x.name === laneName );
// create the card
const cardCreateRes = await client.card.create( {
title: cardTitle,
description: cardDescription,
typeId: cardType.id,
laneId: lane.id
} );
// return the new card id
return cardCreateRes.data;
} catch ( err ) {
console.log( err );
return null;
const updateCardTitle = async ( client, cardId, newTitle ) => {
// replace the existing title
const updateCardRes = await client.card.update( cardId, [ {
op: "replace",
path: "/title",
value: newTitle
} ] );
// return the updated card object
return updateCardRes.data;
This appends the tag to the card. Any existing tags are preserved.
const addTagToCard = async ( client, cardId, tag ) => {
// replace the existing title
const updateCardRes = await client.card.update( cardId, [ {
op: "add",
path: "/tags/-",
value: tag
} ] );
// return the updated card object
return updateCardRes.data;
const fs = require( "fs" );
const path = require( "path" );
const addAttachmentToCard = async ( client, cardId, filePath, description ) => {
try {
// create a readable stream of the given file
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream( filePath );
// get the base filename without the directory or path (e.g. 'QuarterlyResults.pdf')
const fileName = path.basename( filePath );
const fileData = {
file: fileStream,
name: fileName,
const createRes = await client.card.attachment.create( cardId, fileData );
return createRes.data;
} catch ( err ) {
console.log( err );
const createNewBoardFromTemplate = async ( client, categoryName, templateName, newBoardTitle, description ) => {
try {
// get a list of all the templates
const templateList = await client.template.list();
// find the category by name
const category = templateList.data.categories.find( x => x.name === categoryName );
// find the template by name
const template = category.find( x => x.name === templateName );
// create the board
const createBoard = await client.board.create( {
templateId: template.id,
title: newBoardTitle,
} );
return createBoard.data;
} catch ( err ) {
console.log( err );
Note: This is a premium feature that may not be available, depending on your subscription level.
const fs = require( "fs" );
const exportCardsByBoardId = async ( client, boardId, filePath ) => {
try {
const createTokenResponse = await client.reporting.auth.token();
const token = createTokenResponse.data.token;
const cardExportRes = await client.reporting.export.cards( {
stream: fs.createWriteStream( filePath ),
config: {
format: "csv", // optional format ( csv, tab, json )
quotedString: false, // optional, quotes will only be used when necessary
boardId // optional board id. If no boardId or boardId = 0, all cards will be returned
} );
return cardExportRes.status === 200;
} catch ( err ) {
console.log( err );
The LeanKit Client supports all new /io
API endpoints, as well as legacy /kanban/api
The following is a list of current generation endpoints supported by the LeanKit Client. For more details about the expected data expected for each endpoint, please refer to the developer documentation provided in your LeanKit account by visiting:
Replace {your-account}
in the URL with the name of your LeanKit account.
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.account.get() | GET /io/account | Get the user profile of the authenticated user. |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.auth.token.list() | GET /io/auth/token | Get a list of tokens created for the authenticated user. |
.auth.token.create( description ) | POST /io/auth/token | Create a new token. |
.auth.token.revoke( id ) | DELETE /io/auth/token/$id | Revoke a token. |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.board.list( { params } ) | GET /io/board | Get a list of boards the authenticated user has access to. params may include search and paging options. Refer to the API documentation for details. |
.board.get( boardId ) | GET /io/board/$boardId | Get a specific board. |
.board.create( { boardCreateRequest } ) | POST /io/board/ | Create a new board based on a template or existing board. Refer to the API documentation for details. |
.board.customFields.list( boardId ) | GET /io/board/$boardId/customfield | Get a list of custom fields configured for the given board ID. |
.board.customFields.update( boardId, [ { operations } ] ) | PATCH /io/board/$boardId/customfield | Modify the custom fields for the given board ID. The array of operations can include adding, replacing, or removing custom fields. Refer to the API documentation for details. |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.template.list() | GET /io/template | Get a list of all board templates. |
.template.create( { templateCreateRequest } ) | POST /io/template | Create a board template. Refer to the API documentation for details. |
.template.destroy( id ) | DELETE /io/template/$id | Delete a board template. |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.card.list( { params } ) | GET /io/card | Get a list of cards the authenticated user has access to. params may include search and paging options. Refer to the API documentation for details. |
.card.get( cardId ) | GET /io/card/$cardId | Get a specific card by its ID. |
.card.create( { cardCreateRequest } ) | POST /io/card | Creates a new card. Refer to the API documentation for details. |
.card.update( cardId, [ { operations } ] ) | PATCH /io/card/$cardId | Modify properties of the given card ID. The array of operations can include adding, replacing, or removing property values. Refer to the API documentation for details. |
.card.destroy( cardId ) | DELETE /io/card/$cardId | Delete the specified card. |
.card.comment.list( cardId ) | GET /io/card/$cardId/comment | Get a list of card comments. |
.card.comment.create( cardId, text ) | POST /io/card/$cardId/comment | Add a new comment to the given card. |
.card.comment.update( cardId, commentId, text ) | PUT /io/card/$cardId/comment/$commentId | Update a comment by its ID. |
.card.comment.destroy( cardId, commentId ) | DELETE /io/card/$cardId/comment/$commentId | Delete the specified comment. |
.card.attachment.list( cardId ) | GET /io/card/$cardId/attachment | Get a list of file attachments. |
.card.attachment.create( cardId, { name, description, file } ) | POST /io/card/$cardId/attachment | Add a new file attachment to the given card. file must be a readable stream. |
.card.attachment.download( cardId, attachmentId, stream ) | GET /io/card/$cardId/attachment/$attachmentId/content | Download a file attachment. stream must be a writeable stream. |
.card.attachment.destroy( cardId, attachmentId ) | DELETE /io/card/$cardId/attachment/$attachmentId | Delete the specified file attachment. |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.task.get( cardId, taskId ) | GET /io/card/$cardId/tasks/$taskId | Get a task card by the given ID. |
.task.create( cardId, { taskCreateRequest } ) | POST /io/card/$cardId/tasks | Create a task card on the given card's taskboard. |
Note: This is a premium feature that may not be available, depending on your subscription level.
For reporting API export configuration options, please refer Reporting API documentation.
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.reporting.auth.token() | POST /io/reporting/auth | Generate a reporting API authentication token. A token is required to access the other reporting API endpoints. |
.reporting.export.cards( { token, stream, config } ) | GET /io/reporting/export/cards | Download all the cards the authenticated user has access to. |
.reporting.export.cardpositions( { token, stream, config } ) | GET /io/reporting/export/cardpositions | Download all the card lane positions. |
.reporting.export.userassignments( { token, stream, config } ) | GET /io/reporting/export/userassignments/current | Download all the current user assignments. |
.reporting.export.userassignments.history( { token, stream, config } ) | GET /io/reporting/export/userassignments/history | Download the history of user assignments. |
.reporting.export.lanes( { token, stream, config } ) | GET /io/reporting/export/lanes | Download all board lanes. |
.reporting.export.tags( { token, stream, config } ) | GET /io/reporting/export/tags | Download all tags currently assigned to cards. |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.user.list( { params } ) | GET /io/user | Get a list of users. params can include data paging operations. Refer to the API documentation for details. |
.user.me() | GET /io/user/me | Get the profile of the current authenticated user. |
.user.get( userId ) | GET /io/user/$userId | Get the profile of the given user ID. |
.user.boards.recent() | GET /io/user/me/board/recent | Get a list of recently accessed boards for the currently authenticated user. |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.v1.board.list() | GET /kanban/api/boards | |
.v1.board.get( boardId ) | GET /kanban/api/boards/$boardId | |
.v1.board.identifiers( boardId ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/GetBoardIdentifiers | |
.v1.board.backlog( boardId ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/backlog | |
.v1.board.archive( boardId ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/archive | |
.v1.board.archive.cards( boardId ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/archivecards | |
.v1.board.since.version( boardId, version ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/boardversion/$version/GetNewerIfExists | |
.v1.board.since.version.history( boardId, version ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/boardversion/$version/GetBoardHistorySince | |
.v1.board.since.version.updates( boardId, version ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/boardversion/$version/CheckForUpdates |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.v1.card.get( boardId, cardId ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/getcard/$cardId | |
.v1.card.get.by.externalCardId( boardId, externalCardId ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/GetCardByExternalId/$externalCardId | |
.v1.card.create( boardId, cardObject [, laneId] [, position] [, wipOverrideComment] ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/AddCardWithWipOverride/lane/$laneId/position/$position | |
.v1.card.create.multiple( boardId, cardsArray, [, wipOverrideComment] ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/AddCards | |
.v1.card.move( boardId, cardId, toLaneId, [, position] [, wipOverrideComment] ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/MoveCardWithWipOverride/$cardId/lane/$toLaneId/position/$position | |
.v1.card.move.by.externalCardId( boardId, externalCardId, toLaneId, [, position] [, wipOverrideComment] ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/MoveCardByExternalId/$externalCardId/lane/$toLaneId/position/$position | |
.v1.card.move.to.board( cardId, destinationBoardId ) | POST /kanban/api/card/MoveCardToAnotherBoard/$cardId/$destinationBoardId | |
.v1.card.update( boardId, cardObject [, wipOverrideComment] ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/UpdateCardWithWipOverride | |
.v1.card.update.fields( { cardFieldsUpdateRequest } ) | POST /kanban/api/card/update | |
.v1.card.update.multiple( boardId, cardsArray [, wipOverrideComment] ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/UpdateCards | |
.v1.card.history( boardId, cardId ) | GET /kanban/api/card/history/$boardId/$cardId | |
.v1.card.search( boardId, { searchRequest } ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/SearchCards | |
.v1.card.list.recent( boardId ) | GET /kanban/api/board/$boardId/ListNewCards | |
.v1.card.destroy( boardId, cardId ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/DeleteCard/$cardId | |
.v1.card.destroy.multiple( boardId, cardIdArray ) | POST /kanban/api/board/$boardId/DeleteCards | |
.v1.card.attachment.count( boardId, cardId ) | GET /kanban/api/card/GetAttachmentsCount/$boardId/$cardId | |
.v1.card.attachment.list( boardId, cardId ) | GET /kanban/api/card/GetAttachments/$boardId/$cardId | |
.v1.card.attachment.get( boardId, cardId, attachmentId ) | GET /kanban/api/card/GetAttachments/$boardId/$cardId/$attachmentId | |
.v1.card.attachment.create( boardId, cardId, { name, description, file } ) | POST /kanban/api/card/SaveAttachment/$boardId/$cardId | |
.v1.card.attachment.download( boardId, attachmentId, stream ) | GET /kanban/api/card/DownloadAttachment/$boardId/$attachmentId | |
.v1.card.attachment.destroy( boardId, cardId, attachmentId ) | POST /kanban/api/card/DeleteAttachment/$boardId/$cardId/$attachmentId | |
.v1.card.comment.list( boardId, cardId ) | GET /kanban/api/card/GetComments/$boardId/$cardId | |
.v1.card.comment.create( boardId, cardId, userId, comment ) | POST /kanban/api/card/SaveComment/$boardId/$cardId | |
.v1.card.comment.create.by.externalId( boardId, externalCardId, userId, comment ) | POST /kanban/api/card/SaveCommentByExternalId/$boardId/$externalCardId |
Method | API endpoint | Description |
.v1.task.board.get( boardId, cardId ) | GET /kanban/api/v1/board/$boardId/card/$cardId/taskboard | |
.v1.task.board.since.version( boardId, cardId, version ) | GET /kanban/api/v1/board/$boardId/card/$cardId/tasks/boardversion/$version | |
.v1.task.create( boardId, cardId, taskCardObject [, laneId] [, position] [, wipOverrideReason] ) | POST /kanban/api/v1/board/$boardId/card/$cardId/tasks/$laneId/position/$position | |
.v1.task.update( boardId, cardId, taskCardObject [, wipOverrideReason] ) | POST /kanban/api/v1/board/$boardId/card/$cardId/tasks/$taskId | |
.v1.task.move( boardId, cardId, taskId, toLaneId [, position] ) | POST /kanban/api/v1/board/$boardId/move/card/$cardId/tasks/$taskId/lane/$toLaneId/position/$position | |
.v1.task.destroy( boardId, cardId, taskId ) | POST /kanban/api/v1/board/$boardId/delete/card/$cardId/tasks/$taskId |
To use the LeanKit Client behind a proxy server, include a config
object in the authentication with your proxy server address. For example:
const LeanKitClient = require( "leankit-client" );
const auth = {
account: "account-name",
email: "your@email.com",
password: "your-p@ssw0rd",
config: {
proxy: "http://localproxy.com"
const client = LeanKitClient( auth );
This config
object is the same object used by the internal [request] (https://github.com/mikeal/request#requestoptions-callback) module.
Submit questions or issues here.
The LeanKit Node Client is licensed under MIT. Refer to the LICENSE file for more information.
Node.js API client for use with LeanKit
The npm package leankit-client receives a total of 2 weekly downloads. As such, leankit-client popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that leankit-client demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
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