Leo Nodejs SDK
A Nodejs interface to interact with the Leo Platform
Quick Start Guide: https://github.com/LeoPlatform/Leo
Documentation: https://docs.leoplatform.io
How to install the Leo SDK
- Install the aws-cli toolkit - Instructions for this are found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/installing.html
- Configure the aws-cli tools - Instructions are found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html
- Install node - https://nodejs.org/en/
- Create a Leo Bus Stack - https://github.com/LeoPlatform/Leo#install-the-leo-platform-stack
Install SDK
- Install using npm. In your project folder run the following command.
npm install leo-sdk
To load data onto the bus on AWS, you need to have a valid leo_config.js file. If you don't have one already, the easiest
way to create one is to create a quickstart project
and let the system configure the AWS settings for you.
How to use the Leo SDK
Note: If you're using the SDK within a microservice, we bootstrap the config for you, otherwise you'll have to specify the
path to your leo_config.js.
Bash example:
export leo_config_bootstrap_path='/path/to/leo_config.js'
Javascript example:
process.env.leo_config_bootstrap_path = '/path/to/leo_config.js';
Next, you'll have to make sure your NODE_ENV matches the environment configured in leo_config.js.
Now you can write to the new Stream:
let leo = require("leo-sdk");
let botId = "producerBotId";
let queueName = "queueName";
let stream = leo.load(botId, queueName);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
now: Date.now(),
index: i,
number: Math.round(Math.random() * 10000)
console.log("All done loading events", err);
Next in order to read from the stream
let leo = require("leo-sdk");
let botId = "offloadBotId";
let queueName = "queueName";
id: botId,
queue: queueName,
each: (payload, meta, done) =>{
done(null, true);
}, (err)=>{
console.log("All done processing events", err);
You can also enrich from one queue to another
let leo = require("leo-sdk");
let botId = "enrichBotId";
let inQueueName = "queueName";
let outQueueName = "enrichedQueueName";
id: botId,
inQueue: inQueueName,
batch: 50,
batch: {
count: 50,
bytes: 500,
time: 1000,
each: (payload, meta, done) =>{
done(null, Object.assign({
enriched: true,
numberTimes2: payload.number * 2,
enrichedNow: Date.now()
}, payload));
}, (err)=>{
console.log("All done processing events", err);
Want to hire an expert, or need technical support? Reach out to the Leo team: https://leoinsights.com/contact