| ./lib/Toms708.ts | 14 March 2017 | from Java Version James Curran ( (Java version) |
pbeta.c | ./lib/pbeta.ts | 14 March 2017 | beta distribution function |
pnorm.c | ./lib/pnorm.ts | 9 March 2017 | Normal distribution function |
gammalims.c | ./lib/gammalims.ts | 5 march 2017 | calculates legal bounds of gamme_fn |
fround.c | ./lib/fround.ts | 5 march 2017 | rounds off to a set number of digites |
fprec.c | ./lib/fprec.ts | 4 march 2017 | Returns the value of x rounded to "digits" significant |
expm1.c | ./lib/expm1.ts | 4 march 2017 | Compute the Exponential minus 1 |
dweibull.c | ./lib/dweibull.ts | 4 march 2017 | The density function of the Weibull distribution. |
dt.c | ./lib/dt.ts | 4 March 2017 | The t density |
dpois.c | ./lib/dpois.ts | 4 March 2017 | dpois() computes the Poisson probability lb^x exp(-lb) / x! |
dnchisq.c | ./lib/dnchisq.ts | 4 March 2017 | The density of the noncentral chi-squared distribution with "df" |
dnt.c | ./lib/dnt.ts | 4 March 2017 | Computes the density of the noncentral beta distribution with |
dnorm.c | ./lib/dnorm.ts | 25 feb 2017 | Compute the density of the normal distribution. |
dnf.c | ./lib/dnt.ts | 25 feb 2017 | The density function of the non-central F distribution |
dnbinom.c | ./lib/dnbinom.ts | 25 feb 2017 | Computes the negative binomial distribution. |
dlogis.c | ./lib/dlogis.ts | 4 March 2017 | not sure what it does |
dlnorm.c | ./lib/dlnorm.ts | 4 March 2017 | The density of the lognormal distribution. |
dhyper.c | ./lib/dhyper.ts | 4 March 2017 | The hypergeometric probability |
dgeom.c | ./lib/dgeom.ts | 4 March 2017 | Computes the geometric probabilities, Pr(X=x) = p(1-p)^x. |
dnbeta.c | ./lib/dnbeta.ts | 4 March 2017 | Computes the density of the noncentral beta distribution with |
pgamma.c | ./lib/pgamme.ts | 9 March 2017 | This function computes the distribution function for the gamma distribution |
dgamma.c | ./lib/dgamma.ts | 27 feb 2017 | Computes the density of the gamma distribution |
lbeta.c | ./lib/lbeta.ts | March 2 2017 | This function returns the value of the log beta function. |
C99 gamma function | ./lib/c99_gamma.ts | 25 feb 2017 | added C99 gamma and lgamma, |
dnbinom.c | ./lib/dnbinom.ts | 25 feb 2017 | negative binomial distribution. |
dbeta.c | ./lib/dbeta.ts | 25 feb 2017 | R "dbeta" beta distribution function |
dbinom.c | ./lib/dbinom.ts | 25 feb 2017 | probability mass function of binomial distribution |
log1p.c | ./lib/log1p.ts | 25 feb 2017 | calculate log(1+x) for small value of x |
choose.c | choose.ts | 21 feb 2017 | R "choose" function, C(n,k) binomial coefficients |
gamma_cody.c | gamme_cody.ts | 19 feb 2017 | GAMMA function using algo of W. J. Cody, |
bessel_i.c | bessel_i.ts | 19 feb 2017 | besseli |
bessel_j.c | bessel_j.ts | 19 feb 2017 | besselj |
bessel_k.c | bessel_k.ts | 19 feb 2017 | besselK |
bessel_y.c | bessel_y.ts | 19 feb 2017 | bessely |
sexp.c | ./sexp.ts | 8-feb-2017 | (Random variates from the standard exponential distribution) exp_rand (internally used) function |
dunif.c | ./dunif.ts | 8-feb-2017 | R "dunif" function |
bessel_k.c | ./bessel_k.ts | 8-feb-2017 | R "besselK" function |
runif.c | ./runif.ts | 4-feb-2017 | implemented 3 RNG and native browser/node agnostic 64 RNG map to floating number |
bd0.c | ./lib/bd0.ts | 23-jan-2017 | hidden, used by modules dbinom.c ,dpois.c dt.c |
beta.c | ./lib/beta.ts | 23-jan-2017 | beta |
chebyshev.c | ./lib/chebyshev.ts | 23-jan-2017 | chebyshev_init , chebyshev_eval |
cospi.c | ./lib/cospi.ts | 23-jan-2017 | cospi, sinpi, tanpi |
gamma.c | ./lib/gamma_fn.ts | 23-jan-2017 | [gammafn] gamme function( |
lgamma.c | ./lib/lgamma_fn.ts | 23-jan-2017 | logarithmic gamma lgammafn |
lgammacor.c | ./lib/lgammecor.ts | 23-jan-2017 | lgammacor |
stirlerr.c | ./lib/stirlerr | 23-jan-2017 | Computes the log of the error term in Stirling's formula ( stirlerr ) |