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libp2p - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.7.3 to 2.7.4-22e62d00f



@@ -65,2 +65,3 @@ import { PeerMap } from '@libp2p/peer-collections';

dial(peerIdOrMultiaddr: PeerId | Multiaddr | Multiaddr[], options?: OpenConnectionOptions): Promise<Connection>;
private dialPeer;
private calculateMultiaddrs;

@@ -67,0 +68,0 @@ isDialable(multiaddr: Multiaddr | Multiaddr[], options?: IsDialableOptions): Promise<boolean>;



@@ -138,3 +138,3 @@ /* eslint-disable max-depth */

return this.queue.add(async (options) => {
options?.onProgress?.(new CustomProgressEvent('dial-queue:start-dial'));
options.onProgress?.(new CustomProgressEvent('dial-queue:start-dial'));
// create abort conditions - need to do this before `calculateMultiaddrs` as

@@ -147,42 +147,98 @@ // we may be about to resolve a dns addr which can time out

setMaxListeners(Infinity, signal);
let addrsToDial;
try {
// load addresses from address book, resolve and dnsaddrs, filter
// undialables, add peer IDs, etc
addrsToDial = await this.calculateMultiaddrs(peerId, options?.multiaddrs, {
options?.onProgress?.(new CustomProgressEvent('dial-queue:calculated-addresses', addrsToDial));{ multiaddr }) => multiaddr.toString()).forEach(addr => {
return await this.dialPeer(options, signal);
catch (err) {
finally {
// clean up abort signals/controllers
throw err;
try {
let dialed = 0;
const errors = [];
for (const address of addrsToDial) {
if (dialed === this.maxPeerAddrsToDial) {
this.log('dialed maxPeerAddrsToDial (%d) addresses for %p, not trying any others', dialed, peerId);
throw new DialError('Peer had more than maxPeerAddrsToDial');
}, {
priority: options.priority ?? DEFAULT_DIAL_PRIORITY,
multiaddrs: new Set( => ma.toString())),
signal: options.signal ?? AbortSignal.timeout(this.dialTimeout),
onProgress: options.onProgress
async dialPeer(options, signal) {
const peerId = options.peerId;
const multiaddrs = options.multiaddrs;
const failedMultiaddrs = new Set();
// if we have no multiaddrs, only a peer id, set a flag so we will look the
// peer up in the peer routing to obtain multiaddrs
let forcePeerLookup = options.multiaddrs.size === 0;
let dialed = 0;
let dialIteration = 0;
const errors = [];
this.log('starting dial to %p', peerId);
// repeat this operation in case addresses are added to the dial while we
// resolve multiaddrs, etc
while (forcePeerLookup || multiaddrs.size > 0) {
// only perform peer lookup once
forcePeerLookup = false;
// the addresses we will dial
const addrsToDial = [];
// copy the addresses into a new set
const addrs = new Set(options.multiaddrs);
// empty the old set - subsequent dial attempts for the same peer id may
// add more addresses to try
this.log('calculating addrs to dial %p from %s', peerId, [...addrs]);
// load addresses from address book, resolve and dnsaddrs, filter
// undialables, add peer IDs, etc
const calculatedAddrs = await this.calculateMultiaddrs(peerId, addrs, {
for (const addr of calculatedAddrs) {
// skip any addresses we have previously failed to dial
if (failedMultiaddrs.has(addr.multiaddr.toString())) {
this.log.trace('skipping previously failed multiaddr %a while dialing %p', addr.multiaddr, peerId);
this.log('%s dial to %p with %s', dialIteration === 1 ? 'starting' : 'continuing', peerId, => ma.multiaddr.toString()));
options?.onProgress?.(new CustomProgressEvent('dial-queue:calculated-addresses', addrsToDial));
for (const address of addrsToDial) {
if (dialed === this.maxPeerAddrsToDial) {
this.log('dialed maxPeerAddrsToDial (%d) addresses for %p, not trying any others', dialed, options.peerId);
throw new DialError('Peer had more than maxPeerAddrsToDial');
try {
// try to dial the address
const conn = await this.components.transportManager.dial(address.multiaddr, {
this.log('dial to %a succeeded', address.multiaddr);
// record the successful dial and the address
try {
const conn = await this.components.transportManager.dial(address.multiaddr, {
await this.components.peerStore.merge(conn.remotePeer, {
multiaddrs: [
metadata: {
[LAST_DIAL_SUCCESS_KEY]: uint8ArrayFromString(
this.log('dial to %a succeeded', address.multiaddr);
// record the successful dial and the address
catch (err) {
this.log.error('could not update last dial failure key for %p', peerId, err);
// dial successful, return the connection
return conn;
catch (err) {
this.log.error('dial failed to %a', address.multiaddr, err);
// ensure we don't dial it again in this attempt
if (peerId != null) {
// record the failed dial
try {
await this.components.peerStore.merge(conn.remotePeer, {
multiaddrs: [
await this.components.peerStore.merge(peerId, {
metadata: {
[LAST_DIAL_SUCCESS_KEY]: uint8ArrayFromString(
[LAST_DIAL_FAILURE_KEY]: uint8ArrayFromString(

@@ -194,42 +250,15 @@ });

return conn;
catch (err) {
this.log.error('dial failed to %a', address.multiaddr, err);
if (peerId != null) {
// record the failed dial
try {
await this.components.peerStore.merge(peerId, {
metadata: {
[LAST_DIAL_FAILURE_KEY]: uint8ArrayFromString(
catch (err) {
this.log.error('could not update last dial failure key for %p', peerId, err);
// the user/dial timeout/shutdown controller signal aborted
if (signal.aborted) {
throw new TimeoutError(err.message);
// the user/dial timeout/shutdown controller signal aborted
if (signal.aborted) {
throw new TimeoutError(err.message);
if (errors.length === 1) {
throw errors[0];
throw new AggregateError(errors, 'All multiaddr dials failed');
finally {
// clean up abort signals/controllers
}, {
priority: options.priority ?? DEFAULT_DIAL_PRIORITY,
multiaddrs: new Set( => ma.toString())),
signal: options.signal ?? AbortSignal.timeout(this.dialTimeout),
onProgress: options.onProgress
if (errors.length === 1) {
throw errors[0];
throw new AggregateError(errors, 'All multiaddr dials failed');

@@ -278,5 +307,8 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity

catch (err) {
if ( !== 'NoPeerRoutersError') {
this.log.error('looking up multiaddrs for %p in the peer routing failed', peerId, err);
if ( === 'NoPeerRoutersError') {
this.log('no peer routers configured', peerId);
else {
this.log.error('looking up multiaddrs for %p in the peer routing failed - %e', peerId, err);

@@ -283,0 +315,0 @@ }

@@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ export declare enum messages {

export declare class NoValidAddressesError extends Error {
export declare class UnsupportedListenAddressError extends Error {
constructor(message?: string);
export declare class NoSupportedAddressesError extends Error {
export declare class UnsupportedListenAddressesError extends Error {
constructor(message?: string);
export declare class NoValidAddressesError extends Error {
constructor(message?: string);
export declare class ConnectionInterceptedError extends Error {

@@ -37,0 +40,0 @@ constructor(message?: string);

@@ -54,2 +54,14 @@ export var messages;

export class UnsupportedListenAddressError extends Error {
constructor(message = 'No transport was configured to listen on this address') {
super(message); = 'UnsupportedListenAddressError';
export class UnsupportedListenAddressesError extends Error {
constructor(message = 'Configured listen addresses could not be listened on') {
super(message); = 'UnsupportedListenAddressesError';
export class NoValidAddressesError extends Error {

@@ -61,8 +73,2 @@ constructor(message = 'No valid addresses') {

export class NoSupportedAddressesError extends Error {
constructor(message = 'No supported addresses') {
super(message); = 'NoSupportedAddressesError';
export class ConnectionInterceptedError extends Error {

@@ -69,0 +75,0 @@ constructor(message = 'Connection intercepted') {

@@ -63,2 +63,3 @@ import { FaultTolerance } from '@libp2p/interface';

listen(addrs: Multiaddr[]): Promise<void>;
private ipv6Unsupported;

@@ -65,0 +66,0 @@ * Removes the given transport from the manager.

import { FaultTolerance, InvalidParametersError, NotStartedError } from '@libp2p/interface';
import { trackedMap } from '@libp2p/utils/tracked-map';
import { IP4, IP6 } from '@multiformats/multiaddr-matcher';
import { CustomProgressEvent } from 'progress-events';
import { NoValidAddressesError, TransportUnavailableError } from './errors.js';
import { TransportUnavailableError, UnsupportedListenAddressError, UnsupportedListenAddressesError } from './errors.js';
export class DefaultTransportManager {

@@ -148,6 +149,21 @@ log;

const couldNotListen = [];
// track IPv4/IPv6 results - if we succeed on IPv4 but all IPv6 attempts
// fail then we are probably on a network without IPv6 support
const listenStats = {
errors: new Map(),
ipv4: {
success: 0,
attempts: 0
ipv6: {
success: 0,
attempts: 0
addrs.forEach(ma => {
listenStats.errors.set(ma.toString(), new UnsupportedListenAddressError());
const tasks = [];
for (const [key, transport] of this.transports.entries()) {
const supportedAddrs = transport.listenFilter(addrs);
const tasks = [];
// For each supported multiaddr, create a listener

@@ -179,30 +195,58 @@ for (const addr of supportedAddrs) {

// track IPv4/IPv6 support
if (IP4.matches(addr)) {
else if (IP6.matches(addr)) {
// We need to attempt to listen on everything
.then(() => {
if (IP4.matches(addr)) {
if (IP6.matches(addr)) {
}, (err) => {
this.log.error('transport %s could not listen on address %a - %e', key, addr, err);
listenStats.errors.set(addr.toString(), err);
throw err;
// Keep track of transports we had no addresses for
if (tasks.length === 0) {
const results = await Promise.allSettled(tasks);
// If we are listening on at least 1 address, succeed.
// TODO: we should look at adding a retry (`p-retry`) here to better support
// listening on remote addresses as they may be offline. We could then potentially
// just wait for any (`p-any`) listener to succeed on each transport before returning
const isListening = results.find(r => r.status === 'fulfilled');
if ((isListening == null) && this.faultTolerance !== FaultTolerance.NO_FATAL) {
throw new NoValidAddressesError(`Transport (${key}) could not listen on any available address`);
// If no transports were able to listen, throw an error. This likely
// means we were given addresses we do not have transports for
if (couldNotListen.length === this.transports.size) {
const message = `no valid addresses were provided for transports [${couldNotListen.join(', ')}]`;
if (this.faultTolerance === FaultTolerance.FATAL_ALL) {
throw new NoValidAddressesError(message);
this.log(`libp2p in dial mode only: ${message}`);
const results = await Promise.allSettled(tasks);
// listening on all addresses, all good
if (results.length > 0 && results.every(res => res.status === 'fulfilled')) {
// detect lack of IPv6 support on the current network - if we tried to
// listen on IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and all IPv4 addresses succeeded but
// all IPv6 addresses fail, then we can assume there's no IPv6 here
if (this.ipv6Unsupported(listenStats)) {
this.log('all IPv4 addresses succeed but all IPv6 failed');
if (this.faultTolerance === FaultTolerance.NO_FATAL) {
// ok to be dial-only
this.log('failed to listen on any address but fault tolerance allows this');
// if a configured address was not able to be listened on, throw an error
throw new UnsupportedListenAddressesError(`Some configured addresses failed to be listened on, you may need to remove one or more listen addresses from your configuration or set \`transportManager.faultTolerance\` to NO_FATAL:\n${[...listenStats.errors.entries()].map(([addr, err]) => {
return `
${addr}: ${`${err.stack ?? err}`.split('\n').join('\n ')}
ipv6Unsupported(listenStats) {
if (listenStats.ipv4.attempts === 0 || listenStats.ipv6.attempts === 0) {
return false;
const allIpv4Succeeded = listenStats.ipv4.attempts === listenStats.ipv4.success;
const allIpv6Failed = listenStats.ipv6.success === 0;
return allIpv4Succeeded && allIpv6Failed;

@@ -209,0 +253,0 @@ * Removes the given transport from the manager.

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export declare const version = "2.7.3";
export declare const version = "2.7.4-22e62d00f";
export declare const name = "js-libp2p";

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export const version = '2.7.3';
export const version = '2.7.4-22e62d00f';
export const name = 'js-libp2p';
"name": "libp2p",
"version": "2.7.3",
"version": "2.7.4-22e62d00f",
"description": "JavaScript implementation of libp2p, a modular peer to peer network stack",

@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0 OR MIT",

"@chainsafe/netmask": "^2.0.0",
"@libp2p/crypto": "^5.0.13",
"@libp2p/interface": "^2.6.1",
"@libp2p/interface-internal": "^2.3.5",
"@libp2p/logger": "^5.1.10",
"@libp2p/multistream-select": "^6.0.17",
"@libp2p/peer-collections": "^6.0.21",
"@libp2p/peer-id": "^5.0.14",
"@libp2p/peer-store": "^11.0.21",
"@libp2p/utils": "^6.5.5",
"@libp2p/crypto": "5.0.13-22e62d00f",
"@libp2p/interface": "2.6.1-22e62d00f",
"@libp2p/interface-internal": "2.3.5-22e62d00f",
"@libp2p/logger": "5.1.10-22e62d00f",
"@libp2p/multistream-select": "6.0.17-22e62d00f",
"@libp2p/peer-collections": "6.0.21-22e62d00f",
"@libp2p/peer-id": "5.0.14-22e62d00f",
"@libp2p/peer-store": "11.0.21-22e62d00f",
"@libp2p/utils": "6.5.5-22e62d00f",
"@multiformats/dns": "^1.0.6",

@@ -106,0 +106,0 @@ "@multiformats/multiaddr": "^12.3.5",

@@ -11,6 +11,35 @@ <h1 align="center">

# About
Everything in this README between "# About" and "# Install" is automatically
generated and will be overwritten the next time the doc generator is run.
To make changes to this section, please update the @packageDocumentation section
of src/index.js or src/index.ts
To experiment with formatting, please run "npm run docs" from the root of this
repo and examine the changes made.
Use the `createLibp2p` function to create a libp2p node.
## Example
import { createLibp2p } from 'libp2p'
const node = await createLibp2p({
// ...other options
# Background

@@ -17,0 +46,0 @@

@@ -206,3 +206,3 @@ /* eslint-disable max-depth */

return this.queue.add(async (options) => {
options?.onProgress?.(new CustomProgressEvent('dial-queue:start-dial'))
options.onProgress?.(new CustomProgressEvent('dial-queue:start-dial'))
// create abort conditions - need to do this before `calculateMultiaddrs` as

@@ -216,51 +216,119 @@ // we may be about to resolve a dns addr which can time out

let addrsToDial: Address[]
try {
// load addresses from address book, resolve and dnsaddrs, filter
// undialables, add peer IDs, etc
addrsToDial = await this.calculateMultiaddrs(peerId, options?.multiaddrs, {
return await this.dialPeer(options, signal)
} finally {
// clean up abort signals/controllers
}, {
priority: options.priority ?? DEFAULT_DIAL_PRIORITY,
multiaddrs: new Set( => ma.toString())),
signal: options.signal ?? AbortSignal.timeout(this.dialTimeout),
onProgress: options.onProgress
options?.onProgress?.(new CustomProgressEvent<Address[]>('dial-queue:calculated-addresses', addrsToDial))
private async dialPeer (options: DialQueueJobOptions, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<Connection> {
const peerId = options.peerId
const multiaddrs = options.multiaddrs
const failedMultiaddrs = new Set<string>(){ multiaddr }) => multiaddr.toString()).forEach(addr => {
} catch (err) {
throw err
// if we have no multiaddrs, only a peer id, set a flag so we will look the
// peer up in the peer routing to obtain multiaddrs
let forcePeerLookup = options.multiaddrs.size === 0
let dialed = 0
let dialIteration = 0
const errors: Error[] = []
this.log('starting dial to %p', peerId)
// repeat this operation in case addresses are added to the dial while we
// resolve multiaddrs, etc
while (forcePeerLookup || multiaddrs.size > 0) {
// only perform peer lookup once
forcePeerLookup = false
// the addresses we will dial
const addrsToDial: Address[] = []
// copy the addresses into a new set
const addrs = new Set(options.multiaddrs)
// empty the old set - subsequent dial attempts for the same peer id may
// add more addresses to try
this.log('calculating addrs to dial %p from %s', peerId, [...addrs])
// load addresses from address book, resolve and dnsaddrs, filter
// undialables, add peer IDs, etc
const calculatedAddrs = await this.calculateMultiaddrs(peerId, addrs, {
for (const addr of calculatedAddrs) {
// skip any addresses we have previously failed to dial
if (failedMultiaddrs.has(addr.multiaddr.toString())) {
this.log.trace('skipping previously failed multiaddr %a while dialing %p', addr.multiaddr, peerId)
try {
let dialed = 0
const errors: Error[] = []
this.log('%s dial to %p with %s', dialIteration === 1 ? 'starting' : 'continuing', peerId, => ma.multiaddr.toString()))
for (const address of addrsToDial) {
if (dialed === this.maxPeerAddrsToDial) {
this.log('dialed maxPeerAddrsToDial (%d) addresses for %p, not trying any others', dialed, peerId)
options?.onProgress?.(new CustomProgressEvent<Address[]>('dial-queue:calculated-addresses', addrsToDial))
throw new DialError('Peer had more than maxPeerAddrsToDial')
for (const address of addrsToDial) {
if (dialed === this.maxPeerAddrsToDial) {
this.log('dialed maxPeerAddrsToDial (%d) addresses for %p, not trying any others', dialed, options.peerId)
throw new DialError('Peer had more than maxPeerAddrsToDial')
try {
// try to dial the address
const conn = await this.components.transportManager.dial(address.multiaddr, {
this.log('dial to %a succeeded', address.multiaddr)
// record the successful dial and the address
try {
const conn = await this.components.transportManager.dial(address.multiaddr, {
await this.components.peerStore.merge(conn.remotePeer, {
multiaddrs: [
metadata: {
[LAST_DIAL_SUCCESS_KEY]: uint8ArrayFromString(
} catch (err: any) {
this.log.error('could not update last dial failure key for %p', peerId, err)
this.log('dial to %a succeeded', address.multiaddr)
// dial successful, return the connection
return conn
} catch (err: any) {
this.log.error('dial failed to %a', address.multiaddr, err)
// record the successful dial and the address
// ensure we don't dial it again in this attempt
if (peerId != null) {
// record the failed dial
try {
await this.components.peerStore.merge(conn.remotePeer, {
multiaddrs: [
await this.components.peerStore.merge(peerId, {
metadata: {
[LAST_DIAL_SUCCESS_KEY]: uint8ArrayFromString(
[LAST_DIAL_FAILURE_KEY]: uint8ArrayFromString(

@@ -271,45 +339,19 @@ })

return conn
} catch (err: any) {
this.log.error('dial failed to %a', address.multiaddr, err)
if (peerId != null) {
// record the failed dial
try {
await this.components.peerStore.merge(peerId, {
metadata: {
[LAST_DIAL_FAILURE_KEY]: uint8ArrayFromString(
} catch (err: any) {
this.log.error('could not update last dial failure key for %p', peerId, err)
// the user/dial timeout/shutdown controller signal aborted
if (signal.aborted) {
throw new TimeoutError(err.message)
// the user/dial timeout/shutdown controller signal aborted
if (signal.aborted) {
throw new TimeoutError(err.message)
if (errors.length === 1) {
throw errors[0]
throw new AggregateError(errors, 'All multiaddr dials failed')
} finally {
// clean up abort signals/controllers
}, {
priority: options.priority ?? DEFAULT_DIAL_PRIORITY,
multiaddrs: new Set( => ma.toString())),
signal: options.signal ?? AbortSignal.timeout(this.dialTimeout),
onProgress: options.onProgress
if (errors.length === 1) {
throw errors[0]
throw new AggregateError(errors, 'All multiaddr dials failed')

@@ -364,4 +406,6 @@

} catch (err: any) {
if ( !== 'NoPeerRoutersError') {
this.log.error('looking up multiaddrs for %p in the peer routing failed', peerId, err)
if ( === 'NoPeerRoutersError') {
this.log('no peer routers configured', peerId)
} else {
this.log.error('looking up multiaddrs for %p in the peer routing failed - %e', peerId, err)

@@ -368,0 +412,0 @@ }

@@ -62,16 +62,23 @@ export enum messages {

export class NoValidAddressesError extends Error {
constructor (message = 'No valid addresses') {
export class UnsupportedListenAddressError extends Error {
constructor (message = 'No transport was configured to listen on this address') {
super(message) = 'NoValidAddressesError' = 'UnsupportedListenAddressError'
export class NoSupportedAddressesError extends Error {
constructor (message = 'No supported addresses') {
export class UnsupportedListenAddressesError extends Error {
constructor (message = 'Configured listen addresses could not be listened on') {
super(message) = 'NoSupportedAddressesError' = 'UnsupportedListenAddressesError'
export class NoValidAddressesError extends Error {
constructor (message = 'No valid addresses') {
super(message) = 'NoValidAddressesError'
export class ConnectionInterceptedError extends Error {

@@ -78,0 +85,0 @@ constructor (message = 'Connection intercepted') {

import { FaultTolerance, InvalidParametersError, NotStartedError } from '@libp2p/interface'
import { trackedMap } from '@libp2p/utils/tracked-map'
import { IP4, IP6 } from '@multiformats/multiaddr-matcher'
import { CustomProgressEvent } from 'progress-events'
import { NoValidAddressesError, TransportUnavailableError } from './errors.js'
import { TransportUnavailableError, UnsupportedListenAddressError, UnsupportedListenAddressesError } from './errors.js'
import type { Libp2pEvents, ComponentLogger, Logger, Connection, TypedEventTarget, Metrics, Startable, Listener, Transport, Upgrader } from '@libp2p/interface'

@@ -21,2 +22,13 @@ import type { AddressManager, TransportManager, TransportManagerDialOptions } from '@libp2p/interface-internal'

interface IPStats {
success: number
attempts: number
interface ListenStats {
errors: Map<string, Error>
ipv4: IPStats
ipv6: IPStats
export class DefaultTransportManager implements TransportManager, Startable {

@@ -196,7 +208,24 @@ private readonly log: Logger

const couldNotListen = []
// track IPv4/IPv6 results - if we succeed on IPv4 but all IPv6 attempts
// fail then we are probably on a network without IPv6 support
const listenStats: ListenStats = {
errors: new Map(),
ipv4: {
success: 0,
attempts: 0
ipv6: {
success: 0,
attempts: 0
addrs.forEach(ma => {
listenStats.errors.set(ma.toString(), new UnsupportedListenAddressError())
const tasks: Array<Promise<void>> = []
for (const [key, transport] of this.transports.entries()) {
const supportedAddrs = transport.listenFilter(addrs)
const tasks = []

@@ -236,34 +265,73 @@ // For each supported multiaddr, create a listener

// track IPv4/IPv6 support
if (IP4.matches(addr)) {
} else if (IP6.matches(addr)) {
// We need to attempt to listen on everything
.then(() => {
// Keep track of transports we had no addresses for
if (tasks.length === 0) {
if (IP4.matches(addr)) {
const results = await Promise.allSettled(tasks)
// If we are listening on at least 1 address, succeed.
// TODO: we should look at adding a retry (`p-retry`) here to better support
// listening on remote addresses as they may be offline. We could then potentially
// just wait for any (`p-any`) listener to succeed on each transport before returning
const isListening = results.find(r => r.status === 'fulfilled')
if ((isListening == null) && this.faultTolerance !== FaultTolerance.NO_FATAL) {
throw new NoValidAddressesError(`Transport (${key}) could not listen on any available address`)
if (IP6.matches(addr)) {
}, (err) => {
this.log.error('transport %s could not listen on address %a - %e', key, addr, err)
listenStats.errors.set(addr.toString(), err)
throw err
// If no transports were able to listen, throw an error. This likely
// means we were given addresses we do not have transports for
if (couldNotListen.length === this.transports.size) {
const message = `no valid addresses were provided for transports [${couldNotListen.join(', ')}]`
if (this.faultTolerance === FaultTolerance.FATAL_ALL) {
throw new NoValidAddressesError(message)
this.log(`libp2p in dial mode only: ${message}`)
const results = await Promise.allSettled(tasks)
// listening on all addresses, all good
if (results.length > 0 && results.every(res => res.status === 'fulfilled')) {
// detect lack of IPv6 support on the current network - if we tried to
// listen on IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and all IPv4 addresses succeeded but
// all IPv6 addresses fail, then we can assume there's no IPv6 here
if (this.ipv6Unsupported(listenStats)) {
this.log('all IPv4 addresses succeed but all IPv6 failed')
if (this.faultTolerance === FaultTolerance.NO_FATAL) {
// ok to be dial-only
this.log('failed to listen on any address but fault tolerance allows this')
// if a configured address was not able to be listened on, throw an error
throw new UnsupportedListenAddressesError(`Some configured addresses failed to be listened on, you may need to remove one or more listen addresses from your configuration or set \`transportManager.faultTolerance\` to NO_FATAL:\n${
[...listenStats.errors.entries()].map(([addr, err]) => {
return `
${addr}: ${`${err.stack ?? err}`.split('\n').join('\n ')}
private ipv6Unsupported (listenStats: ListenStats): boolean {
if (listenStats.ipv4.attempts === 0 || listenStats.ipv6.attempts === 0) {
return false
const allIpv4Succeeded = listenStats.ipv4.attempts === listenStats.ipv4.success
const allIpv6Failed = listenStats.ipv6.success === 0
return allIpv4Succeeded && allIpv6Failed

@@ -270,0 +338,0 @@ * Removes the given transport from the manager.

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export const version = '2.7.3'
export const version = '2.7.4-22e62d00f'
export const name = 'js-libp2p'

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