Just install the package using NPM
npm i --save lingva-scraper
Or using Yarn
yarn add lingva-scraper
And import it directly using CommonJS
const { getTranslationInfo } = require("lingva-scraper");
Or with the ES6 syntax
import { getTranslationInfo } from "lingva-scraper";
The package doesn't provide a default export, but you can alternatively use the wildcard import syntax
import * as LingvaScraper from "lingva-scraper";
Main API
Translation text
getTranslationText(source: LangCode<"source">, target: LangCode<"target">, query: string): Promise<string | null>
Retrieves the translated text given a pair of languages and a query text.
import { getTranslationText } from "lingva-scraper";
const translation = await getTranslationText("auto", "es", "win");
Translation information
getTranslationInfo(source: LangCode<"source">, target: LangCode<"target">, query: string): Promise<TranslationInfo | null>
Retrieves the full translation information, optionally including the detected source, typos, pronunciation representations, definitions, examples, similar words or extra translations.
import { getTranslationInfo } from "lingva-scraper";
const info = await getTranslationInfo("zh", "en", "早安");
Text to speech
getAudio(lang: LangCode<"target">, text: string, isSlow?: boolean): Promise<number[] | null>
Retrieves an audio buffer in the form of a Uint8Array
, and represented as a number[]
in order to be serializable.
import { getAudio } from "lingva-scraper";
const audio = await getAudio("ca", "gerd");
There are also some utility constants and functions exported in order to ease the use of the package.
An enumeration representing the two language types (source and target) and very used among the rest of utilities.
import { LanguageType } from "lingva-scraper";
An object that includes the whole list of languages used in this package, as well as two other properties with the language list filtered by type.
import { languageList } from "lingva-scraper";
A function that checks whether a string is a valid language code, optionally differentiating it based on a certain language type.
import { isValidCode } from "lingva-scraper";
const isValidLang = isValidCode(str);
const isValidSource = isValidCode(str, LanguageType.SOURCE);
A function that checks whether a language code is valid regarding a language type, and changes it with a suitable replacement if not.
import { replaceExceptedCode } from "lingva-scraper";
const targetLang = replaceExceptedCode(LanguageType.TARGET, lang);
A function that maps the given Lingva language code with a valid Google one, in case they're different.
import { mapGoogleCode } from "lingva-scraper";
const googleLang = mapGoogleCode(lang);
A function that maps the given Google language code with a valid Lingva one, in case they're different.
import { mapLingvaCode } from "lingva-scraper";
const lang = mapLingvaCode(googleLang);
Related projects
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Copyright © 2022 thedaviddelta & contributors.
This project is GNU GPLv3 licensed.