Codename: lish
Functionnal Shell developed with LiveScript
> npm install -g lish
> lish
> git clone && cd LiveShell
> ./bin/lish
- Livescript evaluation
- Live output (Evaluation as you type)
- Each binary in
is wrapped (ls, cat, head, ...)
- Their output are Arrays so you can chain them
ls! |> filter (.length > 10)
- You can pass them an array to make it easy
grep <[-rn console.log .]>
- Preloaded
and fs
function are pre-curryfied
/!\ Warning
As the shell input is auto-processed every second, be carefull to what you type in. This can lead to various errors and can make your filesystem messy if you don't handle it carefully. To remove this behaviour, you can comment following lines emitting 'changed' event in ./src/Prompt/
Set: ->
@text.setContent it
# @emit \changed @Get!
Append: ->
x = @cursor.program.x
@text.setContent @Get![til x]*'' + it + @Get![x to]*''
# @emit \changed @Get!
Doing so, you have to press enter
to execute a command.
# Std
string-contains :: Pattern -> String -> Booleen
# File related
cd :: FolderPath -> void
sizeof :: Path -> void
is-file :: Path -> Booleen
is-dir :: Path -> Booleen
grep-file :: Pattern -> FilePath -> [String]
ls-path :: Path -> [Path]
# Git related
git-branch :: void -> String
pull :: String -> [String]
push :: String -> [String]
commit :: String -> [String]
# Useless. Here pwd! returns an Array so we take first item
ls head pwd!
# Equals
ls pwd!0
# Get every filenames with length > 10
ls! |> filter (.length > 10)
# Get file name of files that contain 'require'
grep <[-rn require .]>
|> map split(\:) >> (.0)
|> unique
# Get every lines that have 'error' in /var/log
ls-path \/var/log
|> filter is-file
|> map grep-file \error
rename = -> mv it, it + \_tmp
ls \/bin
|> filter (.[to 2] is \bin)
|> map rename
bash | bin1 | bin1_tmp
bin1 | bin2 | bin2_tmp
bin2 | bin3 | bin3_tmp
bin3 | |
- Multiline
- Path management and integration (modify AST)
- Live sandbox to see intermediate data set
- Live snippet integration and definition
- Syntaxic coloration on fly
- Autocompletion/Suggestion on fly (like fish, the friendly interactive shell)