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A collection of utility functions to be used with .map, .filter, .sort and .reduce

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This library contains higher order functions for doing common list operations to enable a more declarative style when working with lists. File size is prioritized over performance (several of the functions are O(n^2)); this is not recommended for use with very large datasets.


import { byProperty, get, uniqueByProperty } from "list-fns";

const people = [
  { name: "Jack", age: 44 },
  { name: "Jack", age: 60 },
  { name: "Jane", age: 20 },

    (person, index) => index === people.findIndex(p => ===
  .sort((a, b) => (a.age < b.age ? -1 : a.age > b.age ? 1 : 0))
  .map(person =>; // ["Jane", "Jack"]

  .map(get("name")); // ["Jane", "Jack"]


npm install list-fns

Disclaimer about sorting

This library contains functions to be used with [].sort(). Always be mindful of the fact that .sort() and .reverse() will mutate the original list. If .sort() is the first method you're calling on a list you should probably clone it first in order to avoid unexpected behavior:



Table of contents


by: <T>(func: (el: T) => any) => (a: T, b: T) => 0 | 1 | -1

Use with: sort

Sort the elements by func(element) . Supports sorting by boolean values (elements that are true first).

[{ a: 2 }, { a: 1 }].sort(by(el => el.a)); // Returns [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }]


const by = <T>(func: (el: T) => any) => (a: T, b: T) => {
  const A = func(a),
    B = func(b);
  if (typeof A === "boolean") return A && !B ? -1 : !A && B ? 1 : 0;
  return A < B ? -1 : A > B ? 1 : 0;


byProperty: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey) => (a: TObject, b: TObject) => 0 | 1 | -1

Use with: sort

Sort the elements by element[key] (can also be an array index). Supports sorting by boolean values (elements that are true first).

[{ a: 2 }, { a: 1 }].sort(byProperty('a')); // Returns [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }]
[["a", 2], ["a", 1]].sort(byProperty(1)); // Returns [["a", 1], ["a", 2]]


const byProperty = <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(
  key: TKey
) => by<TObject>(get(key))


byValue: (a: number, b: number) => 0 | 1 | -1

Use with: sort

Sort a list of numbers. This is useful because javascript sorts numbers as string, meaning that [25, 100] results in [100, 25] since "2" is greater than "1"

[100, 25].sort(); // Returns [100, 25]
[100, 25].sort(byValue); // Returns [25, 100]


const byValue = (a: number, b: number) => (a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0)


countBy: <T>(func: (el: T) => boolean) => (acc: number, el: T) => number

Use with: reduce

Returns the number of times func returned true for the list elements. A number must be passed to the second argument of reduce . Can be combined with boolean-returning functions like is , isnt , propertyIs or propertyIsOneOf .

["a", "a", "b"].reduce(countBy(el => el === "a"), 0); // Returns 2
["a", "a", "b"].reduce(countBy(is("a")), 0); // Returns 2


const countBy = <T>(func: (el: T) => boolean) => (acc: number, el: T) =>
  acc + (func(el) ? 1 : 0)


duplicates: (el: unknown, _: number, list: unknown[]) => boolean

Use with: filter

Returns duplicates

[1, 1, 1, 2].filter(duplicates); // Returns [1, 1, 1]


const duplicates = duplicatesBy(el => el)


duplicatesBy: <T>(func: (el: T) => unknown) => (el: T, _: number, list: T[]) => boolean

Use with: filter

Returns all duplicates compared by func(element)

[{ a: 1 }, { a : 1 }, { a: 2 }].filter(duplicatesBy(el => el.a)); // Returns [{ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }]


const duplicatesBy = <T>(func: (el: T) => unknown) => (
  el: T,
  _: number,
  list: T[]
) => numberOfOccurencesBy(list, el, func) > 1


duplicatesByProperty: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey) => (el: TObject, _: number, list: TObject[]) => boolean

Use with: filter

Returns duplicates compared by element[key]

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }].filter(duplicatesByProperty('a')); // Return [{ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }]


const duplicatesByProperty = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey
) => duplicatesBy<TObject>(get(key))


exclude: <T>(list: T[]) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: filter

Removes the provided elements from the list

[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(exclude([1, 2])); // Returns [3, 4]


const exclude = <T>(list: T[]) => (el: T) =>
  findIndex(list, a => a === el) === -1


excludeBy: <T>(func: (el: T) => unknown, list: T[]) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: filter

Removes the provided elements from the list compared by running func on elements in both lists

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }]
  .filter(excludeBy(el => el.a, [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }]));
  // Returns [{ a: 3 }, { a: 4 }]


const excludeBy = <T>(func: (el: T) => unknown, list: T[]) => (el: T) =>
  findIndex(list, a => func(a) === func(el)) === -1


excludeByProperty: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey, list: TObject[]) => (el: TObject) => boolean

Use with: filter

Removes the provided elements from the list compared at key

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }]
  .filter(excludeByProperty('a', [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }]));
  // Returns [{ a: 3 }, { a: 4 }]


const excludeByProperty = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey,
  list: TObject[]
) => excludeBy(get(key), list)


get: {
  <TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(key1: TKey1, key2: TKey2, key3: TKey3): (obj: TObject) => TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
  <TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(key1...;

Use with map or filter

Returns element[key] (can also be an array index). Supports up to three keys of depth.

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].map(get('a')); // Returns [1, 2]
[["a", 1], ["a", 2]].map(get(1)); // Returns [1, 2]
[{ a: { b: { c: 1 } } }].map(get('a', 'b', 'c')); // Returns [1]


export function get<
  TObject extends object,
  TKey1 extends keyof TObject,
  TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1],
  TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]
>(key1: TKey1, key2?: TKey2, key3?: TKey3) {
  return (obj: TObject) => {
    if (key3 && key2)
      return obj && obj[key1] && obj[key1][key2] && obj[key1][key2][key3];
    if (key2) return obj && obj[key1] && obj[key1][key2];
    return obj && obj[key1];


groupBy: <K extends string, V>(func: (el: V) => K | undefined) => (acc: Record<K, V[]>, el: V) => Record<K, V[]>

Use with: reduce

Given a key-returning function, returns an object of lists of elements. A second argument must be passed to reduce . For javascript an empty object is enough. For typescript an object with properties or a type cast is required.

[{ age: 10 }, { age: 80 }].reduce(
  groupBy(el => (el.age > 30 ? "old" : "young")),
  { old: [], young: [] }
); // Returns { old: [{ age: 80 }], young: [{ age: 10 }]}


const groupBy = <K extends string, V>(
  func: (el: V) => K | undefined
) => (acc: Record<K, V[]>, el: V): Record<K, V[]> => {
  const groupName = func(el);
  if (!groupName) return acc;
  const group: V[] = acc[groupName] || [];
  return Object.assign({}, acc, { [groupName]: group.concat(el) });


groupByProperty: <K extends keyof V, V extends { [key: string]: any; }>(key: K) => (acc: Record<V[K], V[]>, el: V) => Record<V[K], V[]>

Use with: reduce

Given a property name, returns an object of lists of elements, grouped by the values for that property. A second argument must be passed to reduce . For javascript an empty object is enough. For typescript an object with properties or a type cast is required.

[{ name: "Jane" }, { name: "John" }].reduce(
); // Returns { Jane: [{ name: "Jane" }], John: [{ name: "John" }] }


const groupByProperty = <
  K extends keyof V,
  V extends { [key: string]: any }
  key: K
) => (acc: Record<V[K], V[]>, el: V): Record<V[K], V[]> => {
  const groupName = el[key];
  if (!groupName) return acc;
  const group: V[] = acc[groupName] || [];
  return Object.assign({}, acc, { [groupName]: group.concat(el) });


intersection: <T>(list: T[]) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: filter

Returns a list of elements that are present in both lists

[1, 2, 3].filter(intersection([2, 3, 4])); // Returns [2, 3]


const intersection = <T>(list: T[]) => (el: T) =>
  findIndex(list, a => a === el) !== -1


intersectionBy: <T>(func: (el: T) => unknown, list: T[]) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: filter

Returns a list of elements that are present in both lists compared by running func on elements in both lists

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]
  .filter(intersectionBy(el => el.a, [{ a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }]));
  // Returns [{ a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]


const intersectionBy = <T>(func: (el: T) => unknown, list: T[]) => (
  el: T
) => findIndex(list, a => func(a) === func(el)) !== -1


intersectionByProperty: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey, list: TObject[]) => (el: TObject) => boolean

Use with: filter

Returns a list of elements that are present in both lists compared at key

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]
  .filter(intersectionByProperty("a", [{ a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }]));
  // Returns [{ a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]


const intersectionByProperty = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey,
  list: TObject[]
) => intersectionBy(get(key), list)


is: <T>(value: T) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements that are equal to value

[1,2,3].find(is(1)); // Returns 1
[1,1,2].filter(is(1)); // Returns [1, 1]


const is = <T>(value: T) => (el: T) => el === value


isBy: <T, U>(func: (el: T) => U, value: U) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements where func(element) equals value

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].find(isBy(el => el.a, 2)); // Returns { a: 2 }
[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].filter(isBy(el => el.a, 2)); // Returns [{ a: 2 }]


const isBy = <T, U>(func: (el: T) => U, value: U) => (el: T) =>
  func(el) === value


isDefined: <T>(x: T | undefined) => x is T

Use with: filter

Removes elements that are undefined

[1, undefined, 2].filter(isDefined); // Returns [1, 2]


const isDefined = <T>(x: T | undefined): x is T =>
  typeof x !== "undefined"


isOneOf: <T>(list: T[]) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Alias for intersection . Returns true for elements that exist in the provided list

[1,1,2,2,3].filter(isOneOf([2,3])); // Returns [2, 2, 3]


const isOneOf = intersection


isOneOfBy: <T, U>(func: (el: T) => U, list: U[]) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements where func(element) exists in list

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].find(isOneOfBy(el => el.a, [2, 3]));
// ^ Returns { a: 2 }
[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].filter(isOneOfBy(el => el.a, [2, 3]));
// ^ Returns [{ a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]


const isOneOfBy = <T, U>(func: (el: T) => U, list: U[]) => (el: T) =>
  findIndex(list, a => a === func(el)) !== -1


isnt: <T>(value: T) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements that are not equal to value

[1,2,3].find(isnt(1)); // Returns 2
[1,2,2].filter(isnt(1)); // Returns [2,2]


const isnt = <T>(value: T) => (el: T) => el !== value


isntBy: <T, U>(func: (el: T) => U, value: U) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements where func(element) does not equal value

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].find(isntBy(el => el.a, 2)); // Returns { a: 1 }
[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].filter(isntBy(el => el.a, 2)); // Returns [{ a: 1 }]


const isntBy = <T, U>(func: (el: T) => U, value: U) => (el: T) =>
  func(el) !== value


isntOneOf: <T>(list: T[]) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Alias for exclude . Returns true for elements that do not exist in the provided list

[1,1,2,2,3].filter(isntOneOf([2,3])); // Returns [1, 1]


const isntOneOf = exclude


isntOneOfBy: <T, U>(func: (el: T) => U, list: U[]) => (el: T) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements where func(element) exists in list

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].find(isntOneOfBy(el => el.a, [2, 3]));
// ^ Returns { a: 1 }
[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].filter(isntOneOfBy(el => el.a, [2, 3]));
// ^ Returns [{ a: 1 }]


const isntOneOfBy = <T, U>(func: (el: T) => U, list: U[]) => (el: T) =>
  findIndex(list, a => a === func(el)) === -1


max: (acc: number, el: number) => number

Use with: reduce

Returns the largest value in the list

[1,2,3,4].reduce(max); // Returns 4


const max = (acc: number, el: number) => Math.max(acc, el)


maxBy: <T>(func: (el: T) => number) => (acc: T, el: T) => T

Use with: reduce

Returns the largest element by comparing func(element)

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].reduce(maxBy(el => el.a)); // Returns { a: 3 }


const maxBy = <T>(func: (el: T) => number) => (acc: T, el: T) =>
  func(el) > func(acc) ? el : acc


maxByProperty: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey) => (acc: TObject, el: TObject) => TObject

Use with: reduce

Returns the largest element by comparing element[key]

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].reduce(maxByProperty("a")); // Returns { a: 3 }


const maxByProperty = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey
) => (acc: TObject, el: TObject) => (el[key] > acc[key] ? el : acc)


min: (acc: number, el: number) => number

Use with: reduce

Returns the smallest value in the list

[1,2,3,4].reduce(min); // Returns 1


const min = (acc: number, el: number) => Math.min(acc, el)


minBy: <T>(func: (el: T) => number) => (acc: T, el: T) => T

Use with: reduce

Returns the smallest element by comparing func(element)

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].reduce(minBy(el => el.a)); // Returns { a: 1 }


const minBy = <T>(func: (el: T) => number) => (acc: T, el: T) =>
  func(el) < func(acc) ? el : acc


minByProperty: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey) => (acc: TObject, el: TObject) => TObject

Use with: reduce

Returns the smallest element by comparing element[key]

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].reduce(minByProperty("a")); // Returns { a: 1 }


const minByProperty = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey
) => (acc: TObject, el: TObject) => (el[key] < acc[key] ? el : acc)


or: <T>(fallback: T) => (x: T | undefined) => T

Use with: map

Replaces list elements that are undefined with fallback

[1, undefined, 2].map(or(0)); // Returns [1, 0, 2]


const or = <T>(fallback: T) => (x: T | undefined): T =>
  isDefined(x) ? x : fallback


partition: <T>(func: (el: T) => boolean) => (acc: T[][], el: T) => T[][]

Use with: reduce

Splits the input list into two lists. The first list contains elements for which the given function returned true , the second contains elements for which the function returned false .

[{ age: 10 }, { age: 80 }].reduce(partition(el => el.age > 30), []);
// Returns [[{ age: 80 }], [{ age: 10 }]]


const partition = <T>(func: (el: T) => boolean) => (
  acc: T[][],
  el: T
) => {
  const a0 = acc[0] || [],
    a1 = acc[1] || [];
  return func(el) ? [a0.concat(el), a1] : [a0, a1.concat(el)];


propertyIs: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey, value: TObject[TKey]) => (el: TObject) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements where element[key] equals value

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].find(propertyIs("a", 2)); // Returns { a: 2 }
[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].filter(propertyIs("a", 2)) // Returns [{ a: 2 }]


const propertyIs = <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(
  key: TKey,
  value: TObject[TKey]
) => isBy(get(key), value)


propertyIsOneOf: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey, list: TObject[TKey][]) => (el: TObject) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements where element[key] exists in list

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].find(propertyIsOneOf("a", [2, 3]));
// ^ Returns { a: 2 }
[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].filter(propertyIsOneOf("a", [2, 3]));
// ^ Returns [{ a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]


const propertyIsOneOf = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey,
  list: TObject[TKey][]
) => isOneOfBy(get(key), list)


propertyIsnt: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey, value: TObject[TKey]) => (el: TObject) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements where element[key] does not equal value

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].find(propertyIsnt("a", 2)); // Returns { a: 1 }
[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].filter(propertyIsnt("a", 2)); // Returns [{ a: 1 }]


const propertyIsnt = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey,
  value: TObject[TKey]
) => isntBy(get(key), value)


propertyIsntOneOf: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey, list: TObject[TKey][]) => (el: TObject) => boolean

Use with: find , filter

Returns true for elements where element[key] exists in list

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].find(propertyIsntOneOf("a", [2, 3]));
// ^ Returns { a: 1 }
[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }].filter(propertyIsntOneOf("a", [2, 3]));
// ^ Returns [{ a: 1 }]


const propertyIsntOneOf = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey,
  list: TObject[TKey][]
) => isntOneOfBy(get(key), list)


sum: (acc: number, element: number) => number

Use with: reduce

Sum a list of numbers

[1, 2, 3].reduce(sum); // Returns 6


const sum = (acc: number, element: number) => acc + element


sumBy: {
  <T>(func: (el: T) => number): (acc: number, el: T) => number;
  <T>(func: (el: number) => number): (acc: number, el: number) => number;

Use with: reduce

Sums the values by applying func to elements. If the list elements aren't numbers, a number must be passed as the second argument to reduce .

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].reduce(sumBy(el => el.a), 0); // Returns 3
[1.5, 2.5].reduce(sumBy(Math.floor)); // Returns 3


export function sumBy<T>(func: (el: T | number) => number) {
  return (acc: number, el: T | number) =>
    typeof el === "number" ? func(acc) + func(el) : acc + func(el);


sumByProperty: <TObject extends { [key: string]: number; }, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey) => (acc: number, el: TObject) => number

Use with: reduce

Sums the values of element[key] for all elements. A number must be passed to the second argument of reduce .

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }].reduce(sumByProperty('a'), 0); // Returns 3


const sumByProperty = <
  TObject extends { [key: string]: number },
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey
) => (acc: number, el: TObject) => acc + el[key]


unique: (el: unknown, index: number, list: unknown[]) => boolean

Use with: filter

Removes duplicates from list

[1,1,1,2].filter(unique); // Returns [1, 2]


const unique = uniqueBy(el => el)


uniqueBy: <T>(func: (el: T) => unknown) => (el: T, index: number, list: T[]) => boolean

Use with: filter

Removes duplicates compared by func(element)

[{ a: 1 }, { a : 1 }].filter(uniqueBy(el => el.a)); // Returns [{ a: 1 }]


const uniqueBy = <T>(func: (el: T) => unknown) => (
  el: T,
  index: number,
  list: T[]
) => index === findIndex(list, t => func(t) === func(el))


uniqueByProperty: <TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(key: TKey) => (el: TObject, index: number, list: TObject[]) => boolean

Use with: filter

Removes duplicates compared by element[key]

[{ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }].filter(uniqueByProperty('a')); // Return [{ a: 1 }]


const uniqueByProperty = <
  TObject extends object,
  TKey extends keyof TObject
  key: TKey
) => uniqueBy<TObject>(get(key))


Package last updated on 12 Nov 2020

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