Check to see if a local tcp server can be connected to. On success, return status code 0, otherwise status code 1.
Using in your project
Add as a dev dependency
npm install --save-dev localhost-ready
yarn add --dev localhost-ready
Use it
From cli:
$(npm bin)/localhost-ready --port 8080 --timeout 60000 && echo "Server running"
$(yarn bin)/localhost-ready --port 8080 --timeout 60000 && echo "Server running"
In your package.json (using concurrently, but any multi-runner like npm-run-all is fine, too):
"scripts": {
"dev": "run-your-dev-server",
"testcafe": "localhost-ready --port 8080 --timeout 10000 && testcafe",
"test:e2e": "concurrently \"yarn dev\" \"yarn testcafe\""