A React HOC that make Mvstate and React a pleasure to use together
Mvstate can be a bit scary, at least if you are not familiar with functors.
Mvstate-React provides you with a nice little HOC that allows you to express your
React code more clearly. Let's look at an example:
export const create = () => ({counter: 1});
export const inc = ({counter}) => ({counter: counter + 1});
export const dec = ({counter}) => ({counter: counter - 1});
import {create, dec, inc} from './Model';
function Counter({refunc: {model, notify}}) {
return (
<strong>Counter is {model.counter}</strong>
<button onClick={notify(dec)}>Decrement</button>
<button onClick={notify(inc)}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={notify(inc, dec, inc, dec)}>Silly button</button>
export default observe(create(), Counter);
If you used Redux, you're probably already familiar with this pattern.
"observe" will ensure that your component is updated every time notify is called.
Peter Crona