LocalStorage Migrator
This is a library for handling migrations of local storage. It is similar to DbUp.
It uses rstolsmark-json-migrator for handling the migration logic.
npm i localstorage-migrator
A migration is an object that consist of two items:
- name: This has to be unique
- up: a method that is called when applying the migration.
import * as migrator from "localstorage-migrator";
const migrations = [
name: "delta1",
up: () => {
hei: "1"
name: "delta2",
up: () => {
var object = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hei") as string);
object.num = 2;
localStorage.setItem("hei", JSON.stringify(object));
name: "delta3",
up: () => {
var object = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hei") as string);
localStorage.setItem("hei", JSON.stringify(object));
export function runMigrations() : void {
An example project can be found on GitHub:
migrate method
The migrate method takes a an array of migrations, filters them by those who have already been applied and executes them in sequence. The applied migrations is then stored in local storage under a key called: "appliedMigrations".
other methods
This returns an array of those appliedMigrations that have been stored in local storage. They are returned in the order they was applied. An appliedMigration consist of:
- name: The name of the migration that has been applied
- dateApplied: The date the migration was applied
This takes an array of appliedMigration objects and stores them in local storage. This can work like a reset method when calling it with an empty array.