What is lodash.every?
The lodash.every package is a utility library that provides a method to check if all elements in a collection pass a given predicate function. It is part of the larger Lodash library, which offers a wide range of utility functions for common programming tasks.
What are lodash.every's main functionalities?
Check if all elements in an array pass a predicate
This feature allows you to check if all elements in an array satisfy a given condition. In this example, it checks if all numbers in the array are even.
const _ = require('lodash.every');
const isEven = (num) => num % 2 === 0;
const result = _.every([2, 4, 6], isEven);
console.log(result); // true
Check if all properties in an object pass a predicate
This feature allows you to check if all properties in an object satisfy a given condition. In this example, it checks if all properties are non-empty strings.
const _ = require('lodash.every');
const isNonEmptyString = (str) => typeof str === 'string' && str.length > 0;
const result = _.every({ a: 'hello', b: 'world' }, isNonEmptyString);
console.log(result); // true
Check if all elements in a nested array pass a predicate
This feature allows you to check if all elements in a nested array satisfy a given condition. In this example, it checks if all numbers in the nested arrays are positive.
const _ = require('lodash.every');
const isPositive = (num) => num > 0;
const result = _.every([[1, 2], [3, 4]], (arr) => _.every(arr, isPositive));
console.log(result); // true
Other packages similar to lodash.every
Underscore is a JavaScript library that provides utility functions for common programming tasks. It includes a method called 'every' that is similar to lodash.every, allowing you to check if all elements in a collection pass a predicate function. However, Lodash is generally considered to be more performant and feature-rich compared to Underscore.
Ramda is a functional programming library for JavaScript that provides utility functions for working with arrays and objects. It includes a method called 'all' that is similar to lodash.every, allowing you to check if all elements in a collection pass a predicate function. Ramda emphasizes immutability and function composition, making it a good choice for functional programming paradigms.
Array.prototype.every is a built-in JavaScript method that checks if all elements in an array pass a predicate function. While it provides similar functionality to lodash.every, it is limited to arrays and does not offer the additional utility functions and flexibility provided by Lodash.
lodash.every v4.6.0
The lodash method _.every
exported as a Node.js module.
Using npm:
$ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save lodash.every
In Node.js:
var every = require('lodash.every');
See the documentation or package source for more details.