What is lodash.snakecase?
The lodash.snakecase npm package is a utility function that converts a given string to snake_case, where each word is lowercased and separated by an underscore character. It is part of the Lodash library, which is a popular JavaScript utility library for working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc.
What are lodash.snakecase's main functionalities?
String Conversion to snake_case
Converts a string with spaces, camelCase, or PascalCase to snake_case.
_.snakeCase('Foo Bar'); // => 'foo_bar'
Handling Special Characters
Converts a string with dashes or other non-alphanumeric characters to snake_case, removing the special characters.
_.snakeCase('foo-bar'); // => 'foo_bar'
Accommodating Mixed Cases and Numbers
Handles strings with a mix of cases and numbers, ensuring numbers are preserved in the conversion.
_.snakeCase('fooBar2023'); // => 'foo_bar2023'
Other packages similar to lodash.snakecase
This package provides similar functionality to lodash.snakecase by converting a string to snake_case. It is a smaller, more focused package if you only need snake case conversion without the additional utility functions provided by Lodash.
change-case is a more comprehensive string transformation library that includes snake case conversion among many other case transformations. It offers a broader set of string manipulation utilities compared to lodash.snakecase.
The 'case' package is another alternative that supports various case transformations, including snake case. It is similar to change-case and can be used if you need a variety of string case conversions.
lodash.snakecase v3.1.1
The lodash method _.snakeCase
exported as a Node.js module.
Using npm:
$ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save lodash.snakecase
In Node.js:
var snakeCase = require('lodash.snakecase');
See the documentation or package source for more details.