What is lodash.truncate?
The lodash.truncate package is a utility module provided by lodash, a popular JavaScript library, that allows for truncating a string if it is longer than the given maximum string length. It provides options to customize the truncation, such as setting the length, omission string, and where to split the string.
What are lodash.truncate's main functionalities?
Basic truncation
Truncates the string to a specified length. In this example, the string 'Hello world' is truncated to 'Hello...'.
_.truncate('Hello world', { length: 5 });
Custom omission
Allows customization of the omission string that indicates text has been omitted. Here, 'Hello world' is truncated to 'Hello w---'.
_.truncate('Hello world', { length: 8, omission: '---' });
Custom separator
Truncates at the nearest character that matches the separator without breaking the word. In this case, 'Hello world' is truncated to 'Hello...'.
_.truncate('Hello world', { length: 8, separator: ' ' });
Other packages similar to lodash.truncate
Another package that provides text truncation. Unlike lodash.truncate, it focuses more on HTML string truncation, preserving HTML tags and truncating without breaking the HTML structure. This makes it suitable for web content but less versatile for general string truncation needs compared to lodash.truncate.
lodash.truncate v4.4.2
The lodash method _.truncate
exported as a Node.js module.
Using npm:
$ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save lodash.truncate
In Node.js:
var truncate = require('lodash.truncate');
See the documentation or package source for more details.