Logex is a js log module that use variables as base structure. it has instances support, coloring, and.
its kinda universal through browserify. minified version is available in dist directory.
npm install logex --save
Log instance
- utc - print all times in UTC
- format {string} log format (see variables). default: {LVL}:{CONTEXT}: {ID }{MSG}
- colors {boolean} weather to use terminal colors (automatically disabled in the browser and non colorish env's)
- level - {string} default log level. defaults: production:'info', development/debugging:'debug'
- name {string} name the instance (default: 'default')
- inlineVars {boolean} - search variables syntax everywhere
*note: all of the options are optional
var logger = Log('namedInstance', {})
Log levels (by priority):
- none
- error
- warn
- info
- debug
- verbose
var Log = require('logex');
Log.level = "info";
Log.debug('i will not appear');
Log({level: 'verbose'});
Log.debug("I am %s off", 'showing');
console.log("Work is %s!", 'Done', {a:1}, false, null, 1, function tester(){});
Log.print('info', "{C LVL}[{LVL}]{/C} {C GREEN}my {C RED}red{/C} text{/C}");
function sum(x ,y) {
if (!x || !y) {
Log.userWarn("invalid arguments. (I point 1 invoker up the stack) and not on myself");
return x + y;
var firstInstance = Log("first instance");
var secondInstance = Log("Second instance");
firstInstance.variables.TEST = 123;
firstInstance.variables.STATUS = 'GLOBAL';
firstInstance.STATUS = 'firstInstance';
secondInstance.STATUS = 'secondInstance';
firstInstance.print("{ID }{STATUS} {TEST}");
secondInstance.print("{ID }{STATUS} {TEST}");
Log.print("{ID }{STATUS} {TEST}");
Level methods
all level methods have an single letter alias (for android addicts)
Log.error("I am an 'error' level message")
Log.warn("I am a 'warn' level message")
Log.log("I am an 'info' level message")
Log.info("I am an 'info' level message")
Log.debug("I am a 'debug' level message")
Log.verbose("I am a 'verbose' level message")
Log.d("I am a 'debug' level message")
Log level
default log level is: production-info, development/debugging-debug
Log.level = 'debug'
Log({level: 'debug'})
Log format
default format is: {LVL}:{CONTEXT}: {ID }{MSG}
*note: ID
variable will print nothing for the default instance
Log({format: '{LVL}:{CONTEXT}: {ID }{MSG}'})
Log('myInstance', {format: '{LVL}:{CONTEXT}: {ID }{MSG}'})
id: 'myInstance'
format: '{LVL}:{CONTEXT}: {ID }{MSG}'
special method to use a custom format directly.
if log level is not defined, the default one is used
print([options|level], format, ..args)
you can use the current format through Log.options.format
Log.print("{LVL_LOWER}: [{TIME}] {PT}/{PID} {MEM} i am %s!", "groot");
Log.print('debug', "{LVL_LOWER}: [{TIME}] {PT}/{PID} {MEM}");
Log.print({level: 'debug'}, "[{LVL_ONE}] {HOUR} {CONTEXT} %s", "this is my message");
alias Log.uw
user warning is meant to inform the user he misused you function.
the context variable will point one call higher then itslef.
its a shortcut for
Log.print({skip: 1}, Log.options.format, "your message", "and other args")
1 function sum(x ,y) {
2 if (!x || !y) {
3 Log.warn("invalid arguments. (I point myself)");
4 Log.userWarn("invalid arguments. (I point 1 invoker up the stack)");
5 return
6 }
7 return x + y;
8 }
10 sum(1);
This will patch the console object with the selcted methods
.patch(object, methodsArray)
default methodsArray: ['error', 'warn', 'log', 'info', 'debug']
console.log("i am actually a %s method", 'logex')
var obj = {}
Log.patch(obj, ['debug', 'verbose'])
obj.verbose("I am a logger too!")
This will print trace using the console or will print an error stack if trace method is not natively supported
Miscellaneous methods and props
These are methods and properties that exist on the logger object but generally speaking there is no reason to use them at the moment
Log.dateFormat([dateObject], "mask", {boolean} UTC)
Log.inspect(obj, options)
Simple var {NAME}
Var with params {NAME params 123}
Closing var {/NAME} | {/NAME params 123}
Var with arguments {NAME %} | {NAME params 123%}
*note: never use '%' sign in parameter. use only to assign arguments.
Available variables:
- Log level. example: INFO, WARN, ERROR etc{LVL_LOWER}
- Log level in lower case. example: info, warn, error etc{LVL_ONE}
- Log level in a single upper case letter. example: E, W, D etc{CONTEXT 5}
- The location in which the log invoked. example: 'app.js:21:7'{MSG}
- The log message{PID}
- process.pid. example: 1725{PT}
- process.title. example: node{ENV}
- environment derived from process.env.NODE_ENV. example: 'development', 'production'' (feel free to override this or to write your own variable){ID}
- Identifier of the logger instance. the default is 'default'. Unlike any other var, it prints it paramters (not including the first space) to avoid redundant spaces when printing the var in the default logger
Date parameters:
- time since last Bump (per instance). example: +1753ms
{BUMP anyName FLAG}
- named bump (namepsace is per instance) with flag. empty name = 'default'.
START - reset start time to now and print 0ms
TOTAL - prints the total time from the first bump (or reset). exmaple: 7801ms, 35.4s
RESET - prints time diff from last bump and reset start time. exmaple: +2345ms
CLEAR - prints time diff from last bump and clear the namespace. this is good to avoid memory leaks
END - prints time diff from the last bump and clear the namespace
RESET_TOTAL - same as RESET but prints total time instaed
CLEAR_TOTAL - same is CLEAR but prints total time
END_TOTAL - same as END but prints total time
see Bump exmaple
- timestamp. example: 1420063200000
- time in 24 hours. example: 16:45:41.178
- time in 24 hours. example: "16:45:41 GMT-0500 (EST)"
- time in 24 hours. example: Wed, 31 Dec 2015 16:45:41 GMT
- Default full date. example: 31/Dec/2015:16:45:41 -0500
{DATE formatString}
- custom Date. see docs/DATE_FORMAT.md. example: yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss -> 2015-12-31T16:45:41
You can use any of the listed colors inside curly brackets
- special color: LVL - the current level color
Example: {C LVL}[{LVL}]{/C} {C BLUE}my {C RED}red{/C} text{/C}
Custom variables
- Custom variables can be either global (available to all instances), or instance specific
- variables name must be in UPPER case. _ and $ are allowed.
- Variable value is converted to string. function is invoked first.
- params should never contain the '%' sign as it reserved for argument assignment
- If you want to use the same function with several instances you can save data on Log.data {object} this object always starts empty.
- variable name is available on state.name
- synchronous!
Global declaration
Log.variables.STATUS = 'Listening';
var obj = {status: 'Listening'}
Log.variables.STATUS = obj;
Log.variables.STATUS = function (state, params, closing) {
this.data.myData = 'per instance safe space to store data';
return this.name + ':' + getDynamicStatus()
Instance declaration:
Log.STATUS = 'Listening';
Log.STATUS = function (state, params, closing) {
return this.name + ':' + getDynamicStatus()
Passing arguments to custom Variables:
Log.variables.REQUEST = function (state, params, closing, extraArg1) {
return extraArg1.method + ' ' + extraArg1.url;
var httpRequest = {
url: '/home',
method: 'GET'
Log.print('debug', "[{LVL_ONE}] {REQUEST %}", httpRequest);
## Bump
Log.print("#1 total:{BUMP myTimer TOTAL} diff: {BUMP}");
setTimeout(function () {
Log.print("#2 total:{BUMP myTimer TOTAL} diff: {BUMP}");
}, 1235);
setTimeout(function () {
Log.print("#3(reset) total:{BUMP myTimer RESET_TOTAL} diff: {BUMP RESET}");
}, 2435);
setTimeout(function () {
Log.print("#4 total:{BUMP myTimer TOTAL} diff: {BUMP} counted relative to last call");
}, 3286);
setTimeout(function () {
Log.print("#5(clear) total:{BUMP myTimer CLEAR_TOTAL} diff: {BUMP CLEAR} clear the counter");
}, 4386);
setTimeout(function () {
Log.print("#6 total:{BUMP myTimer TOTAL} diff: {BUMP} passively starts the timer again");
}, 5286);
will print:
#1 total:0ms diff: +0ms
#2 total:1237ms diff: +1237ms
#3(reset) total:2438ms diff: +1201ms
#4 total:850ms diff: +850ms counted relative to last call
#5(clear) total:1950ms diff: +1100ms clear the counter
#6 total:0ms diff: +0ms passively starts the timer again