Flux architecture incorporates FRP library implementation. Observable is awesome!
Recommend for use browserify, or other CommonJS/ES6 modules resolver.
Use browserify
To install the loxe
by NPM.
npm install --save loxe
var Loxe = require('loxe');
import Loxe from 'loxe';
# Loxe depends on React. If you want to separate `react` as other bundle.
browserify index.js -x react -o bundle.js
browserify -r react -o libs.js
Use <script src="loxe.js">
built with browserify-shim. To run the Loxe window.React
is required.
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/0.13.3/react.js"></script>
<script src="loxe.js"></script>
Flux comparison example
Minimal Example
that manages the Store
and Action
. Each feature of Flux provides to Component
, using the Context feature of the React.
Loxe uses javascript-decorators for the component. TypeScript or Babel with --stage 1
option, use recommended. (As a function Root = provideContext(Root);
you might also use)
import { Domain, Store, Action, Subject } from 'loxe';
class AppDomain extends Domain {
getObservables() {
return {
items$ : this.getStore(AppStore).items$,
count$ : this.getStore(AppStore).items$.map(a => a.length)
class AppAction extends Action {
addItem(item) {
this.publish('ADD_ITEM', item);
class AppStore extends Store {
constructor() {
this._items = [];
this.items$ = Subject.property(this._items);
this.subscribeEvent('ADD_ITEM', (item) => {
class Root extends React.Component {
render() {
return <Child />;
@provideObservables(observables => ({
items : observables.items$
class Child extends React.Component {
addItem() {
this.props.AppAction.addItems({data: Date.now()});
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.addItem.bind(this)}>add item</button>
{this.props.items.map(item => <li>{item.data}</li>)}
const appDomain = new AppDomain();
appDomain.registerAction(new AppAction());
appDomain.registerStore(new AppStore());
appDomain.mountRootComponent(Root, document.getElementById('app'));
Choose FRP library
At first, you MUST sets the FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) library, used internally by the Subject
import Rx from 'rx-lite';
import rxCombineTemplate from 'rx.observable.combinetemplate';
import { Subject } from 'loxe';
Subject.setBuilder(new Subject.RxBuilder(Rx));
Supported Reactive-Extensions/RxJS and rpominov/kefir.
import Kefir from 'kefir';
import kefirCombineTemplate from 'kefir.combinetemplate';
import { Subject } from 'loxe';
Subject.setBuilder(new Subject.KefirBuilder(Kefir));
This is a transitional period for the future within fixed on either side.
API Reference
Is the Action
of the flux. Implements the API from component to use imperative.
eventStream$: Subject
All events will be published through this stream. During the initialization phase of the Domain
, is connected with the Store#plugStream$
publish(event: string, payload: any)
Publish event data. It's a this.eventStream$.next({event, payload})
an equivalent process.
do(event: string, payload: any)
Alias of publish()
that manages the Store
and Action
. Each feature of Flux provides to Component
, using the context of the React.
registerAction(action: Action)
Register Action
registerStore(store: Store)
Register Store
mountRootComponent(root: Component, container: Element)
Mount root component at node, and connect domain contexts as props. root
Component should applied @provideContext
getObservables(): object
This method called '@provideObservables'. You need to maintain their own when returning this object is not cached, so consistently reuses.
getObservables() {
if (!this.observables$) {
this.observables$ = {
items$ : this.getStore(Store).items$,
count$ : this.getStore(Store).items$.map(a => a.length)
return this.observables$;
Is the Store
of the flux. Store
some Observable publishes the Domain
plugStream$: Subject
is Observable, and {event: string, payload: any}
will be published from the Action
will be aggregated.
Without subscribing to it directly, usually using either of the following methods.
getEvent(event: string): Observable
subscribe(target: Observable, callback: Function)
subscribeEvent(event: string, callback: Function)
These methods generate an Observable filtered in any event from the plugStream$
or, to subscribe to it. Look at the following example.
constructor() {
let foo$ = this.getEvent('foo');
let bar$ = this.getEvent('bar');
this.subscribe(foo$.merge(bar$), v => console.log(v));
this.subscribeEvent('baz', v => console.log(v));
Creates an object with both Observable and Observer roles. That object behave like Rx.BehaviorSubject
, Bacon.Bus
, and Kefir.Bus
Objects that are generated by subject can be used on the function of next()
. Useful when combining multiple event streams, controlling the UI.
componentWillMount() {
this.clickStream$ = Subject.stream();
this.clickStream$.subscribe(e => {
render() {
return <button onClick={this.clickStream$}>click me</button>;
Subject.setBuilder(builder: Rxbuilder|KefirBuilder)
Set instance of Subject.RxBuilder
or Subject.KefirBuilder
. Select FRP library you want to use.
Subject.setCombineTemplate(combineTemplate: Function)
Set function of rx.observable.combinetemplate or kefir.combinetemplate. Use when mapping the Observables to prop of the component.
Subject.stream(): Subject
To create standard Subject
object. Value issued only after starting to subscribe.
let stream$ = Subject.stream();
stream$.subscribe(v => console.log(`Log: ${v}`));
Subject.property(): Subject
To create Subject
object that keeps latest value. Latest value is issued immediately when started to subscribe.
let property$ = Subject.property();
property$.subscribe(v => console.log(`Log: ${v}`));
next(value: any)
A common interface with the subject. Notifies the subject of a new element in the sequence.
throw(error: Error)
A common interface with the subject. Notifies the subject that an error has occurred.
A common interface with the subject. Notifies the subject of the end of the sequence.
Providers are implemented as decorators. But also support to normally functional use.
class MyComponent extends React.Component { }
class MyComponent extends React.Component { }
MyComponent = provideXyz(MyComponent);
provides getAction()
and getObservables()
from props.domain
in the context of the React.Component.
These methods are used in the @provideAction
or @provideObservables
, component tree and Store
and the Action
is associated.
@provideActions(Actions: Action[])
Inject Action instance to the component props.
@provideActions([FooAction, BarAction])
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
doFoo() {
doBar() {
Value of the Observable will be provided from the Domain
mapped to the this.props
@provideObservables(observables => ({
items : observables.items$,
count : observables.items$.map(items => items.length),
navigate : {
current : observables.page$,
prev : observables.page$.map(v => v-1),
next : observables.page$.map(v => v+1)
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{this.props.items.map(item => <li>{item.name}</li>)}
<p>count: {this.props.count}</p>
<p>current: {this.props.navigate.current}</p>
<p>prev: {this.props.navigate.prev}</p>
<p>next: {this.props.navigate.next}</p>
Components that use this Decorator is to control the adverse effects of global available props
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
static handleSideEffect(propsList) {
let someOneVisible = propsList.some(props => props.isVisible);
let htmlElement = document.body.parentNode;
if (someOneVisible) {
} else {
npm install
npm test
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