What is Lucia?
Lucia is a tiny JavaScript (UMD compatible) library as a drop-in replacement for jQuery and vanilla JavaScript web apps. Some features of Lucia are:
- Declarative: Lucia provides a declarative API similar to Vue to create views, making development predictible and intiuitive through markup-centric code.
- Reactive: When the view is changed, the interal reference Virtual DOM will automatically react and will update and render the new view in realtime.
- Lightweight: Lucia is extremely light (~4kb min+brotli) and performant as it does not use a tranditional Virtual DOM, rather it renders directives only if necessary by skipping static nodes through selectors.
Lucia is currently is installable through a CDN and also supports UMD (Node, Browser, Isomorphic/Universal). Put this within your <head>
tags in html.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/lucia/dist/lucia.js" defer></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/lucia" defer></script>
Below is an example of a clicker game in Lucia. No, your eyes aren't fooling you - it's really that simple.
<div l-use="{ count: 0 }">
<button l-text="count" l-on:click="++count"></button>
Lucia relies on directives in markup to perform functions:
Directive | Description |
l-use | Declares a new component scope. |
l-text | Works similarly to l-bind , but will update the textContent of an element. |
l-html | Works similarly to l-bind , but will update the innerHTML of an element. |
l-if | Toggles display: none; on the element depending on expression (true or false). |
l-on | Attaches an event listener to the element. Executes JavaScript expression when emitted. |
l-bind | Sets the value of an attribute to the result of a JavaScript expression. |
l-join | Create new DOM nodes for each item in an array. |
l-model | Adds "two-way data binding" to an element. Keeps input element in sync with view data. |
Creating a Component
Lucia allows us to create component scopes. It tells the library to initialize a new component with the following data object.
<div l-use="{ message: 'Hello World' }">
<p l-text="message"></p>
Declarative Rendering
At the core of Lucia is a system that enables us to declaratively render data to the DOM using the straightforward l-text
and l-html
<div l-use="DeclarativeRendering()">
<p l-text="message"></p>
<p l-html="markupMessage"></p>
function DeclarativeRendering() {
return {
message: 'Hello World!',
markupMessage: '<span>Hello World with Markup!</span>',
It’s easy to toggle the presence of an element, too:
<div l-use="Conditionals()">
<button l-if="!show">You can't see me</button>
<button l-if="show">You can see me</button>
function Conditionals() {
return { show: true };
Event Handlers
To let users interact with your app, we can use the l-on
directive to attach event listeners that invoke methods on our Lucia instances:
<div l-use="EventHandlers()">
<button l-on:click="announce()" l-text="message"></button>
function EventHandlers() {
return {
message: 'Hello world!',
announce() {
Attribute Binding
In addition to text interpolation, we can also bind element attributes using the l-bind
<div l-use="AttributeBinding()">
<h1 l-bind:class="{ hello: show }">Classes are cool</h1>
<h1 l-bind:style="color">Styles are sassy</h1>
function AttributeBinding() {
return {
show: true,
color: { color: 'purple' },
List Rendering
We can also use the l-join
directive to render a list of items based on an array. Note that performance will be affected if using array mutators.
<div l-use="ListRendering()">
<p l-join="fruits by , "></p>
function ListRendering() {
return {
fruits: ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'],
Form Input Bindings
You can use the l-model
directive to create two-way data bindings on form input
, textarea
, and select
<div l-use="FormInputBindings()">
<input l-model="message" />
<p l-text="message"></p>
function FormInputBindings() {
return {
message: 'Nothing submitted yet',
Lucia is MIT licensed.