An simple Azure Speech Service module that uses the Microsoft Edge Read Aloud API.
Full support for SSML, however, the following is the default SSML object:
<speak version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:mstts=""
<voice name="${voiceName}">
Documentation on the SSML
format can be found here
. All supported audio formats can be found here.
Example usage
Write to Stream
import {MsEdgeTTS, OUTPUT_FORMAT} from "msedge-tts";
const tts = new MsEdgeTTS();
await tts.setMetadata("en-IE-ConnorNeural", OUTPUT_FORMAT.WEBM_24KHZ_16BIT_MONO_OPUS);
const readable = tts.toStream("Hi, how are you?");
readable.on("data", (data) => {
console.log("DATA RECEIVED", data);
readable.on("closed", () => {
console.log("STREAM CLOSED");
Write to File
import {MsEdgeTTS, OUTPUT_FORMAT} from "msedge-tts";
(async () => {
const tts = new MsEdgeTTS();
await tts.setMetadata("en-US-AriaNeural", OUTPUT_FORMAT.WEBM_24KHZ_16BIT_MONO_OPUS);
const filePath = await tts.toFile("./example_audio.webm", "Hi, how are you?");
Use Agent
Use a custom http.Agent implementation like https-proxy-agent or socks-proxy-agent.
import {SocksProxyAgent} from 'socks-proxy-agent';
(async () => {
const agent = new SocksProxyAgent("socks://")
const tts = new MsEdgeTTS(agent);
await tts.setMetadata("en-US-AriaNeural", OUTPUT_FORMAT.WEBM_24KHZ_16BIT_MONO_OPUS);
const filePath = await tts.toFile("./example_audio.webm", "Hi, how are you?");
This library only supports promises.
API Documentation