MagicEden Sales & Listings
MagicEden Sales & Listings is an nodejs library that allows you to capture NFT Listings, Sales, Bids, and more as they happen!
It is recommended to use a custom RPC url for this, if you don't, you will most likely get banned from the public ones within a minute of running this script.
Using the NPM package manager
npm i magicedensales
Track the specific sales of a certain nft Mint
var MESales = require("magicedensales");
var tracker = MESales.track("zGz1NfxMFqZV6W1HR4NNoNr9Q7jbqrQKQch2LFSFejf");
tracker.on("list", (list) => console.log(list));
tracker.on("sale", (sale) => console.log(sale));
tracker.on("bid", (bid) => console.log(bid));
tracker.on("all", (event) => console.log(event));
Track the events of an array of mints
var tracker = MESales.track(["zGz1NfxMFqZV6W1HR4NNoNr9Q7jbqrQKQch2LFSFejf", "zGz1NfxMFqZV6W1HR4NNoNr9Q7jbqrQKQch2LFSFejf"]);
Tracking options
var tracker = MESales.track("zGz1NfxMFqZV6W1HR4NNoNr9Q7jbqrQKQch2LFSFejf",
interval: 5,
connectUrl: "CUSTOM-RPC-URL"
Get All Mints From Creator / CandyMachine
Ive added a utility to get all of the nft mints from a certain candy machine (nft drop) which is also creator #0 on most NFTs. Its recommended you only use this once and save it to a file as it usually takes quite a bit to run.
var MESales = require("magicedensales");
var mints = await MESales.getMintsFromCandyMachine("8RMqBV79p8sb51nMaKMWR94XKjUvD2kuUSAkpEJTmxyx", OPTIONAL-CUSTOM-RPC-URL)
Finding the candy machine ID:
Finding the candy machine ID is fairly simple. navigate to one of the nfts in the collection you want to track on and click creators, it will be the first one with a royalty of 0%.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
A bunch of people asked me to do this for and I needed it for some projects so why not make it public
By Ryan Trattner