Advanced tools
[3.6.2] - 2024-03-17
$ cd your-project
$ rm -rf node_modules # Or remove the node_modules folder by hand
$ rm package-lock.json # Or remove the package-lock.json file by hand
$ npm install magpie-base@3.6.x
with this change:
[3.6.1] - 2023-08-06
$ cd your-project
$ rm -rf node_modules # Or remove the node_modules folder by hand
$ rm package-lock.json # Or remove the package-lock.json file by hand
$ npm install magpie-base@3.6.x
[3.6.0] - 2023-06-01
$ cd your-project
$ npm uninstall babel-eslint eslint eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-vue prettier stylelint @samhammer/vue-cli-plugin-stylelint @vue/cli-plugin-eslint stylelint-config-standard
$ sed -i 's#"node": ".*"#"node": "14.x || 16.x || 18.x"#' package.json # Or if this doesn't work, replace the engines -> node value in your package.json with "14.x || 16.x || 18.x"
$ rm -rf node_modules # Or remove the node_modules folder by hand
$ rm package-lock.json # Or remove the package-lock.json file by hand
$ npm install magpie-base@3.6.x
Read more on maintaining npm dependencies.