A node.js and browser JavaScript client
to Mapbox services.
Generally Available
- Geocoding
- Forward (place names ⇢ longitude, latitude)
- Reverse (longitude, latitude ⇢ place names)
- Upload API
- Upload data to be processed and hosted by Mapbox.
- Directions
- Profiles for driving, walking, and cycling
- GeoJSON & Polyline formatting
- Instructions as text or HTML
Contact for information
- Distance
- Travel-time tables between up to 100 points
- Profiles for driving, walking and cycling
- Map Matching
- Surface API
- Interpolates values along lines. Useful for elevation traces.
Not currently public
- Datasets
- Retrieve, add, and edit datasets.
- Note: The Mapbox Datasets API is in private beta. Currently, all end user requests to this API from outside of Mapbox will 404.
$ npm install --save mapbox
Basic usage of the geocoder:
var MapboxClient = require('mapbox');
var client = new MapboxClient('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
client.geocodeForward('Chester, NJ', function(err, res) {
sub-requiring individual services
Each service is available as a sub-require if you'd only like to include only
its functionality and not the entire bundle. The returned MapboxClient
will have the same constructor style but only include functions necessary
for that service's support.
Available sub-requires:
- geocoding:
- surface:
- matching:
- directions: