allowDuplicates | bool | false | Allows duplicate chips if set to true. |
chipContainerStyle | object | | Override the inline-styles of the chip container element. |
chipRenderer | function | | A function of the type ({ value, text, chip, isFocused, isDisabled, handleClick, handleRequestDelete, defaultStyle }, key) => node that returns a chip based on the given properties. This can be used to customize chip styles. Each item in the dataSource array will be passed to chipRenderer as arguments chip , value and text . If dataSource is an array of objects and dataSourceConfig is present, then value and text will instead correspond to the object values defined in dataSourceConfig . If dataSourceConfig is not set and dataSource is an array of objects, then a custom chipRenderer must be set. chip is always the raw value from dataSource , either an object or a string. |
clearOnBlur | bool | true | If true, clears the input value after the component loses focus. |
dataSource | array | | Data source for auto complete. This should be an array of strings or objects. |
dataSourceConfig | object | | Config for objects list dataSource, e.g. { text: 'text', value: 'value' } . If not specified, the dataSource must be a flat array of strings or a custom chipRenderer must be set to handle the objects. |
defaultValue | string[] | | The chips to display by default (for uncontrolled mode). |
disabled | bool | false | Disables the chip input if set to true. |
errorText | node | | The error text to display. |
floatingLabelText | node | | The content of the floating label. |
fullWidth | bool | false | If true, the chip input will fill the available width. |
fullWidthInput | bool | false | If true, the input field will always be below the chips and fill the available space. By default, it will try to be beside the chips. |
hintText | node | | The hint text to display. |
id | string | a unique id | The id prop for the text field, should be set to some deterministic value if you use server-side rendering. |
newChipKeyCodes | number[] | [13] (enter key) | The key codes used to determine when to create a new chip. |
onBlur | function | | Callback function that is called with event when the input loses focus, where is the current value of the text input. |
onChange | function | | Callback function that is called when the chips change (in uncontrolled mode). |
onRequestAdd | function | | Callback function that is called when a new chip was added (in controlled mode). |
onRequestDelete | function | | Callback function that is called when a new chip was removed (in controlled mode). |
onTouchTap | function | | Callback function that is called when text input is clicked. |
onUpdateInput | function | | Callback function that is called when the input changes (useful for auto complete). |
openOnFocus | bool | false | Opens the auto complete list on focus if set to true. |
style | object | | Override the inline-styles of the root element. |
value | string[] | | The chips to display (enables controlled mode if set). |