Maxa CLI
an Official Maxa CLI Tools to build, deploy and manage maxa-based apps🚀🔥
Install the package with NPM as a global package
$ npm install -g maxa-cli
Creating a new Maxa Project
$ maxa create HelloWorld
Creating HelloWorld Project........
Installing Dependencies........
Project Created Successfully.......
Useful Commands
maxa start
--> to start a development server of maxa
maxa start electron
--> to start your app inside electron app
maxa build
--> to create a build production
maxa build electron
--> to create a electron executable contains your app with build production
Happy Hacking
What is Maxa?
Create Your Own Hello World App a guide to create a hello world project with maxa
Maxa With Electron a guide to create electron apps with maxa
CLI Full Documentation has a details of maxa cli and more commands
Maxa-CLI is Under MIT License