Project: Markdown Links
mdlinks-dors is a nodejs library to get, validate, and get the stats of the URL links in a markdown file. It was developed in JavaScript and uses four dependencies: node-fetch, yargs, chalk, and jest.
To install write the following command line:
npm i mdlinks-dors
Usage - Command Line Interface, CLI
To execute the library write the shorcut mdlinks, the option command and the path after the --file flag as follows:
mdlinks [command] --file <path>
Options of path
- Single file path
- Directory path unfolds a menu with all .md files in it.
$ mdLinks validateStats --file /home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/
Option: ValidateStats
0: /home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/
1: /home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/
2: /home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/
3: /home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/
Select the number of the file path you want:
Options commands
- validate command validates URL links status as follow:
- status code 200: ok
- status code 404: broken
mdlinks validate --file <path>
Results are unfold as an array of objects with URL information:
href: '',
text: 'SPA (algo) otro algo',
File: '/home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/',
code: 404,
status: 'broken'
href: '',
text: 'mobile first',
File: '/home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/',
code: 200,
status: 'ok'
href: '',
text: 'mobile',
File: '/home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/',
code: 200,
status: 'ok'
- stats command get the stats of ok and broken URL links.
mdlinks stats --file <path>
Results unfold as follows:
Url Ok: 2
Url broken: 1
- validateStats commadn does both, validate and get tha stats of URL links.
mdlinks validateStats --file <path>
Results unfold as a combination of both validate and stats commands.
href: '',
text: 'SPA (algo) otro algo',
File: '/home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/',
code: 404,
status: 'broken'
href: '',
text: 'mobile first',
File: '/home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/',
code: 200,
status: 'ok'
href: '',
text: 'mobile',
File: '/home/laboratoria159-pm/CDMX009-MdLinks/',
code: 200,
status: 'ok'
Url Ok: 2
Url broken: 1
Logical flowchart
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