memoize/cache in file system solution for Node.js
This project is inspired by the memoize project by Mariusz Nowak aka medikoo.
The motivation behind this module is that sometimes you have to persist cached function calls but you do not want to deal with an extra process (ie. managing a Redis store).
Memoization is best technique to save on memory or CPU cycles when we deal with repeated operations. For detailed insight see:
In your project path:
$ npm install memoize-fs
var memoize = require('memoize-fs')({ cachePath: require('path').join(__dirname, '../../cache' }),
fun = function (a, b) { return a + b; };
memoize.fn(fun).then(function (memFn) {
memFn(1, 2).then(function (result) {
assert.strictEqual(result, 3);
memFn(1, 2).then(function (result) {
assert.strictEqual(result, 3);
}, function (err) { });
}, function (err) { });
}, function (err) { });
Note that a result of a momoised function is always a Promise instance!
Memoizing promisified functions
In order to memoize an async function it must be first promisified in the following manner:
var funAsync = function (a, b, cb) { setTimeout(function () { cb(null, a + b); }, 100); };
funAsync(1, 2, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
var funPromisified = function (a, b) {
return new require('es6-promise').Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function () { resolve(a + b); }, 100);
funPromisified(1, 2).then(function (result) {
}, function (err) {
throw err;
When memoizing a function all below options can be applied in any combination.
By default all cache files are saved into the root cache which is the folder specified by the cachePath option:
var memoize = require('memoize-fs')({ cachePath: require('path').join(__dirname, '../../cache' });
The cacheId option which you can specify during momoization of a function resolves to the name of a subfolder created inside the root cache folder. Cached function calls will be cached inside that folder:
memoize.fn(fun, { cacheId: foobar}).then(...
Functions may have references to variables outside their own scope. As a consequence two functions which look exactly the same (they have the same function signature and function body) can return different results even when executed with identical arguments. In order to avoid the same cache being used for two different functions you can use the salt option which mutates the hash key created for the memoized function which in turn defines the location of the cache file:
memoize.fn(fun, { salt: 'foobar'}).then(...
The force option forces the re-execution of an already memoized function and the re-caching of its outcome:
memoize.fn(fun, { force: true}).then(...
memoize-fs tries to serialize the arguments of the memoized function in order to create a hash which is used as the name of the cache file to be stored or retrieved.
If you want memoize-fs to use a custom key instead of letting it serialize the arguments, you can pass the key in the serialize option to memoize:
memoize.fn(fun, { serialize: 'foobar'}).then(...
Alternatively you can pass another object to be serialized in place of the arguments of the memoized function:
memoize.fn(fun, { serialize: { foo: 'bar'}}).then(...
Manual cache invalidation
You can delete the root cache (all cache files inside the folder specified by the cachePath option):
You can also pass the cacheId argument to the invalidate method. This way you only delete the cache inside the subfolder with given id.
Issues and Pull-requests welcome.
Change Log
v0.0.2 - serialize option
v0.0.1 - Alpha
$ npm test