High speed Synchronous and Asynchronous access to M-like databases from Node.js.
Chris Munt
6 May 2020, M/Gateway Developments Ltd
- Verified to work with Node.js v8 to v14.
- Release Notes can be found at the end of this document.
mg-dbx is a Node.js addon written in C++. It is distributed as C++ source code and the NPM installation procedure will expect a C++ compiler to be present on the target system.
Linux systems can use the freely available GNU C++ compiler (g++) which can be installed as follows.
apt-get install g++
Red Hat and CentOS:
yum install gcc-c++
Apple OS X can use the freely available Xcode development environment.
There are two options for Windows, both of which are free:
If the Windows machine is not set up for systems development, building native Addon modules for this platform from C++ source can be quite arduous. There is some helpful advice available at:
Alternatively there are built Windows x64 binaries available from:
Installing mg-dbx
Assuming that Node.js is already installed and a C++ compiler is available to the installation process:
npm install mg-dbx
This command will create the mg-dbx addon (mg-dbx.node).
Installing the M support routines
The M support routines are required for:
- Direct access to SQL.
- The Merge command under YottaDB.
Two M routines need to be installed (%zmgsi and %zmgsis). These can be found in the GitHub source code repository (
Installation for YottaDB
The instructions given here assume a standard 'out of the box' installation of YottaDB deployed in the following location:
The primary default location for routines:
Copy all the routines (i.e. all files with an 'm' extension) held in the GitHub /yottadb directory to:
Change directory to the following location and start a YottaDB command shell:
cd /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r122
Link all the zmgsi routines and check the installation:
do ylink^%zmgsi
do ^%zmgsi
M/Gateway Developments Ltd - Service Integration Gateway
Version: 3.2; Revision 7 (5 May 2020)
Note that the version of zmgsi is successfully displayed.
Finally, add the following lines to the interface file ( in the example used in the method).
sqlemg: ydb_char_t * sqlemg^%zmgsis(I:ydb_char_t*, I:ydb_char_t *, I:ydb_char_t *)
sqlrow: ydb_char_t * sqlrow^%zmgsis(I:ydb_char_t*, I:ydb_char_t *, I:ydb_char_t *)
sqldel: ydb_char_t * sqldel^%zmgsis(I:ydb_char_t*, I:ydb_char_t *)
ifc_zmgsis: ydb_string_t * ifc^%zmgsis(I:ydb_string_t*, I:ydb_string_t *, I:ydb_string_t*)
Installation for other M systems
For InterSystems IRIS and Cache, log in to the Manager UCI and install the zmgsi routines held in either /m/zmgsi_cache.xml or /m/zmgsi_iris.xml as appropriate.
do $system.OBJ.Load("/m/zmgsi_cache.xml","ck")
Alternatively, for other M systems, log in to the Manager UCI and, using the %RI utility (or similar) load the zmgsi routines held in /m/
Change to your development UCI and check the installation:
do ^%zmgsi
M/Gateway Developments Ltd - Service Integration Gateway
Version: 3.2; Revision 7 (5 May 2020)
Connecting to the database
Most mg-dbx methods are capable of operating either synchronously or asynchronously. For an operation to complete asynchronously, simply supply a suitable callback as the last argument in the call.
The first step is to add mg-dbx to your Node.js script
var dbx = require('mg-dbx').dbx;
And optionally (as required):
var mglobal = require('mg-dbx').mglobal;
var mcursor = require('mg-dbx').mcursor;
var mclass = require('mg-dbx').mclass;
Create a Server Object
var db = new dbx();
Open a connection to the database
In the following examples, modify all paths (and any user names and passwords) to match those of your own installation.
InterSystems Cache
Assuming Cache is installed under /opt/cache20181/
var open ={
type: "Cache",
username: "_SYSTEM",
password: "SYS",
namespace: "USER"
InterSystems IRIS
Assuming IRIS is installed under /opt/IRIS20181/
var open ={
type: "IRIS",
username: "_SYSTEM",
password: "SYS",
namespace: "USER"
Assuming an 'out of the box' YottaDB installation under /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r122.
var envvars = "";
envvars = envvars + "ydb_dir=/root/.yottadb\n"
envvars = envvars + "ydb_rel=r1.22_x86_64\n"
envvars = envvars + "ydb_gbldir=/root/.yottadb/r1.22_x86_64/g/yottadb.gld\n"
envvars = envvars + "ydb_routines=/root/.yottadb/r1.22_x86_64/o*(/root/.yottadb/r1.22_x86_64/r /root/.yottadb/r) /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r122/\n"
envvars = envvars + "ydb_ci=/usr/local/lib/yottadb/r122/\n"
envvars = envvars + "\n"
var open ={
type: "YottaDB",
path: "/usr/local/lib/yottadb/r122",
env_vars: envvars
Additional (optional) properties for the open() method
- multithreaded: A boolean value to be set to 'true' or 'false' (default multithreaded: false). Set this property to 'true' if the application uses multithreaded techniques in JavaScript (e.g. V8 worker threads).
Returning (and optionally changing) the current directory (or Namespace)
current_namespace = db.namespace([<new_namespace>]);
Example 1 (Get the current Namespace):
var nspace = db.namespace();
- Note this will return the current Namespace for InterSystems databases and the value of the current global directory for YottaDB (i.e. $ZG).
Example 2 (Change the current Namespace):
var new_nspace = db.namespace("SAMPLES");
- If the operation is successful this method will echo back the new Namespace name. If not successful, the method will return the name of the current (unchanged) Namespace.
Return the version of mg-dbx
var result = db.version();
console.log("\nmg-dbx Version: " + db.version());
Close database connection
Invocation of database commands
Register a global name (and fixed key)
global = new mglobal(db, <global_name>[, <fixed_key>]);
global = db.mglobal(<global_name>[, <fixed_key>]);
Example (using a global named "Person"):
var person = db.mglobal("Person");
Set a record
var result = <global>.set(<key>, <data>);
<global>.set(<key>, <data>, callback(<error>, <result>));
person.set(1, "John Smith");
Get a record
var result = <global>.get(<key>);
<global>.get(<key>, callback(<error>, <result>));
var name = person.get(1);
Delete a record
var result = <global>.delete(<key>);
<global>.delete(<key>, callback(<error>, <result>));
var name = person.delete(1);
Check whether a record is defined
var result = <global>.defined(<key>);
<global>.defined(<key>, callback(<error>, <result>));
var name = person.defined(1);
Parse a set of records (in order)
var result = <global>.next(<key>);
<global>.next(<key>, callback(<error>, <result>));
var key = "";
while ((key = != "") {
console.log("\nPerson: " + key + ' : ' + person.get(key));
Parse a set of records (in reverse order)
var result = <global>.previous(<key>);
<global>.previous(<key>, callback(<error>, <result>));
var key = "";
while ((key = person.previous(key)) != "") {
console.log("\nPerson: " + key + ' : ' + person.get(key));
Increment the value of a global node
var result = <global>.increment(<key>, <increment_value>);
<global>.increment(<key>, <increment_value>, callback(<error>, <result>));
Example (increment the value of the "counter" node by 1.5 and return the new value):
var result = person.increment("counter", 1.5);
Lock a global node
var result = <global>.lock(<key>, <timeout>);
<global>.lock(<key>, <timeout>, callback(<error>, <result>));
Example (lock global node '1' with a timeout of 30 seconds):
var result = person.lock(1, 30);
- Note: Specify the timeout value as '-1' for no timeout (i.e. wait until the global node becomes available to lock).
Unlock a (previously locked) global node
var result = <global>.unlock(<key>);
<global>.unlock(<key>, callback(<error>, <result>));
Example (unlock global node '1'):
var result = person.unlock(1);
Merge (or copy) part of one global to another
In order to use the 'Merge' facility with YottaDB the M support routines should be installed.
Synchronous (merge from global2 to global1):
var result = <global1>.merge([<key1>,] <global2> [, <key2>]);
Asynchronous (merge from global2 to global1):
<global1>.defined([<key1>,] <global2> [, <key2>], callback(<error>, <result>));
Example 1 (merge ^MyGlobal2 to ^MyGlobal1):
global1 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal1');
global2 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal2');
Example 2 (merge ^MyGlobal2(0) to ^MyGlobal1(1)):
global1 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal1', 1);
global2 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal2', 0);
global1 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal1');
global2 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal2');
global1.merge(1, global2, 0);
Reset a global name (and fixed key)
<global>.reset(<global_name>[, <fixed_key>]);
// Process orders for customer #1
customer_orders = db.mglobal("Customer", 1, "orders")
do_work ...
// Process orders for customer #2
customer_orders.reset("Customer", 2, "orders");
do_work ...
Cursor based data retrieval
This facility provides high-performance techniques for traversing records held in database globals.
Specifying the query
The first task is to specify the 'query' for the global traverse.
query = new mcursor(db, {global: <global_name>, key: [<seed_key>]}[, <options>]);
query = db.mglobalquery({global: <global_name>, key: [<seed_key>]}[, <options>]);
The 'options' object can contain the following properties:
multilevel: A boolean value (default: multilevel: false). Set to 'true' to return all descendant nodes from the specified 'seed_key'.
getdata: A boolean value (default: getdata: false). Set to 'true' to return any data values associated with each global node returned.
format: Format for output (default: not specified). If the output consists of multiple data elements, the return value (by default) is a JavaScript object made up of a 'key' array and an associated 'data' value. Set to "url" to return such data as a single URL escaped string including all key values ('key[1->n]') and any associated 'data' value.
Example (return all keys and names from the 'Person' global):
query = db.mglobalquery({global: "Person", key: [""]}, {multilevel: false, getdata: true});
Traversing the dataset
In key order:
result =;
In reverse key order:
result = query.previous();
In all cases these methods will return 'null' when the end of the dataset is reached.
Example 1 (return all key values from the 'Person' global - returns a simple variable):
query = db.mglobalquery({global: "Person", key: [""]});
while ((result = !== null) {
console.log("result: " + result);
Example 2 (return all key values and names from the 'Person' global - returns an object):
query = db.mglobalquery({global: "Person", key: [""]}, multilevel: false, getdata: true);
while ((result = !== null) {
console.log("result: " + JSON.stringify(result, null, '\t'));
Example 3 (return all key values and names from the 'Person' global - returns a string):
query = db.mglobalquery({global: "Person", key: [""]}, multilevel: false, getdata: true, format: "url"});
while ((result = !== null) {
console.log("result: " + result);
Example 4 (return all key values and names from the 'Person' global, including any descendant nodes):
query = db.mglobalquery({global: "Person", key: [""]}, {{multilevel: true, getdata: true});
while ((result = !== null) {
console.log("result: " + JSON.stringify(result, null, '\t'));
- M programmers will recognise this last example as the M $Query() command.
Traversing the global directory (return a list of global names)
query = db.mglobalquery({global: <seed_global_name>}, {globaldirectory: true});
Example (return all global names held in the current directory)
query = db.mglobalquery({global: ""}, {globaldirectory: true});
while ((result = !== null) {
console.log("result: " + result);
Invocation of database functions
result = db.function(<function>, <parameters>);
db.function(<function>, <parameters>, callback(<error>, <result>));
M routine called 'math':
add(a, b) ; Add two numbers together
quit (a+b)
JavaScript invocation:
result = db.function("add^math", 2, 3);
Direct access to InterSystems classes (IRIS and Cache)
Invocation of a ClassMethod
result = new mclass(db, <class_name>, <classmethod_name>, <parameters>);
result = db.classmethod(<class_name>, <classmethod_name>, <parameters>);
db.classmethod(<class_name>, <classmethod_name>, <parameters>, callback(<error>, <result>));
Example (Encode a date to internal storage format):
result = db.classmethod("%Library.Date", "DisplayToLogical", "10/10/2019");
Creating and manipulating instances of objects
The following simple class will be used to illustrate this facility.
Class User.Person Extends %Persistent
Property Number As %Integer;
Property Name As %String;
Property DateOfBirth As %Date;
Method Age(AtDate As %Integer) As %Integer
Quit (AtDate - ..DateOfBirth) \ 365.25
Create an entry for a new Person
person = db.classmethod("User.Person", "%New");
Add Data:
result = person.setproperty("Number", 1);
result = person.setproperty("Name", "John Smith");
result = person.setproperty("DateOfBirth", "12/8/1995");
Save the object record:
result = person.method("%Save");
Retrieve an entry for an existing Person
Retrieve data for object %Id of 1.
person = db.classmethod("User.Person", "%OpenId", 1);
Return properties:
var number = person.getproperty("Number");
var name = person.getproperty("Name");
var dob = person.getproperty("DateOfBirth");
Calculate person's age at a particular date:
today = db.classmethod("%Library.Date", "DisplayToLogical", "10/10/2019");
var age = person.method("Age", today);
Reusing an object container
Once created, it is possible to reuse containers holding previously instantiated objects using the reset() method. Using this technique helps to reduce memory usage in the Node.js environment.
Example 1 Reset a container to hold a new instance:
person.reset("User.Person", "%New");
Example 2 Reset a container to hold an existing instance (object %Id of 2):
person.reset("User.Person", "%OpenId", 2);
Direct access to SQL: MGSQL and InterSystems SQL (IRIS and Cache)
mg-dbx provides direct access to the Open Source MGSQL engine ( and InterSystems SQL (IRIS and Cache).
In order to use this facility the M support routines should be installed.
Specifying the SQL query
The first task is to specify the SQL query.
query = new mcursor(db, {sql: <sql_statement>[, type: <sql_engine>]);
query = db.sql({sql: <sql_statement>[, type: <sql_engine>]);
Example 1 (using MGSQL):
query = db.sql({sql: "select * from person"});
Example 2 (using InterSystems SQL):
query = db.sql({sql: "select * from SQLUser.person", type: "Cache"});
Execute an SQL query
var result = <query>.execute();
<query>.execute(callback(<error>, <result>));
The result of query execution is an object containing the return code and state and any associated error message. The familiar ODBC return and status codes are used.
Example 1 (successful execution):
"sqlcode": 0,
"sqlstate": "00000",
Example 2 (unsuccessful execution):
"sqlcode": -1,
"sqlstate": "HY000",
"error": "no such table 'person'"
Traversing the returned dataset (SQL 'select' queries)
In result-set order:
result =;
In reverse result-set order:
result = query.previous();
In all cases these methods will return 'null' when the end of the dataset is reached.
while ((row = !== null) {
console.log("row: " + JSON.stringify(result, null, '\t'));
The output for each iteration is a row of the generated SQL result-set. For example:
"number": 1,
"name": "John Smith",
SQL cleanup
For 'select' queries that generate a result-set it is good practice to invoke the 'cleanup' method at the end to delete the result-set held in the database.
var result = <query>.cleanup();
<query>.cleanup(callback(<error>, <result>));
Reset an SQL container with a new SQL Query
<query>.reset({sql: <sql_statement>[, type: <sql_engine>]);
<query>.reset({sql: <sql_statement>[, type: <sql_engine>], callback(<error>, <result>));
Using Node.js/V8 worker threads
mg-dbx functionality can now be used with Node.js/V8 worker threads. This enhancement is available with Node.js v12 (and later).
Use the following constructs for instantiating mg-dbx objects in multi-threaded applications:
// Use:
var <global> = new mglobal(<db>, <global>);
// Instead of:
var <global> = <db>.mglobal(<global>);
// Use:
var <cursor> = new mcursor(<db>, <global_query>);
// Instead of:
var <cursor> = <db>.mglobalquery(<global_query>)
// Use:
var <class> = new mclass(<db>, <classmethod>);
// Instead of:
var <class> = <db>.classmethod(<classmethod>);
// Use:
var <sql> = new mcursor(<db>, <sqlquery>);
// Instead of:
var <sql> = <db>.sql(<sqlquery>);
The following scheme illustrates how mg-dbx should be used in threaded Node.js applications.
const { Worker, isMainThread, parentPort, threadId } = require('worker_threads');
if (isMainThread) {
// start the threads
const worker1 = new Worker(__filename);
const worker2 = new Worker(__filename);
// process messages received from threads
worker1.on('message', (message) => {
worker2.on('message', (message) => {
} else {
var dbx = require('mg-dbx').dbx;
// And as required ...
var mglobal = require('mg-dbx').mglobal;
var mcursor = require('mg-dbx').mcursor;
var mclass = require('mg-dbx').mclass;
var db = new dbx();<parameters>);
var global = new mglobal(db, <global>);
// do some work
var result = db.close();
// tell the parent that we're done
parentPort.postMessage("threadId=" + threadId + " Done");
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 M/Gateway Developments Ltd,
Surrey UK.
All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Release Notes
v1.0.3 (28 June 2019)
v1.0.4 (7 September 2019)
- Allow a global to be registered with a fixed leading key (i.e. leading fixed subscripts).
- Introduce a method to reset a global name (and any associated fixed keys).
v1.1.5 (4 October 2019)
- Introduce global 'increment()' and 'lock(); methods.
- Introduce cursor based data retrieval.
- Introduce outline support for multithreading in JavaScript - currently not stable!.
v1.2.6 (10 October 2019)
- Introduce support for direct access to InterSystems IRIS/Cache classes.
- Extend cursor based data retrieval to include an option for generating a global directory listing.
- Introduce a method to report and (optionally change) the current working global directory (or Namespace).
- Correct a fault that led to the timeout occasionally not being honoured in the lock() method.
- Correct a fault that led to Node.js exceptions not being processed correctly.
v1.3.7 (1 November 2019)
- Introduce support for direct access to InterSystems SQL and MGSQL.
- Correct a fault in the InterSystems Cache/IRIS API to globals that resulted in failures - notably in cases where there was a mix of string and numeric data in the global records.
v1.3.8 (14 November 2019)
- Correct a fault in the Global Increment method.
- Correct a fault that resulted in and query.previous() loops not terminating properly (with null) under YottaDB. This fault affected YottaDB releases after 1.22
- Modify the version() method so that it returns the version of YottaDB rather than the version of the underlying GT.M engine.
v1.3.9 (26 February 2020)
- Verify that mg-dbx will build and work with Node.js v13.x.x.
- Suppress a number of benign 'cast-function-type' compiler warnings when building on the Raspberry Pi.
v1.3.9a (21 April 2020)
- Verify that mg-dbx will build and work with Node.js v14.x.x.
v1.4.11 (6 May 2020)
- Introduce support for Node.js/V8 worker threads (for Node.js v12.x.x. and later).
- See the section on 'Using Node.js/V8 worker threads'.
- Introduce support for the M Merge command.
- Correct a fault in the mcursor 'Reset' method.