Minimal JS library for ordinals and inscriptions on top of
Use it as a library in your JS code, or run an included CLI tool.
Inscriptions allow uploading random files on BTC blockchain.
Experimental: can lead to loss of funds until tested thoroughly.
npm install micro-ordinals
Creating inscription
import * as btc from '@scure/btc-signer';
import * as ordinals from 'micro-ordinals';
import { hex, utf8 } from '@scure/base';
const TESTNET = btc.utils.TEST_NETWORK;
const privKey = hex.decode('0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a');
const pubKey = btc.utils.pubSchnorr(privKey);
const customScripts = [ordinals.OutOrdinalReveal];
const inscription = {
tags: {
contentType: 'application/json',
body: utf8.decode(JSON.stringify({ some: 1, test: 2, inscription: true, in: 'json' })),
const revealPayment = btc.p2tr(
ordinals.p2tr_ord_reveal(pubKey, [inscription]),
console.log('Address', revealPayment.address);
const changeAddr = revealPayment.address;
const revealAmount = 2000n;
const fee = 500n;
const tx = new btc.Transaction({ customScripts });
txid: '75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858',
index: 0,
witnessUtxo: { script: revealPayment.script, amount: revealAmount },
tx.addOutputAddress(changeAddr, revealAmount - fee, TESTNET);
tx.sign(privKey, undefined, new Uint8Array(32));
const txHex = hex.encode(tx.extract());
const tx2 = btc.Transaction.fromRaw(hex.decode(txHex));
console.log('parsed', ordinals.parseWitness(tx2.inputs[0].finalScriptWitness));
console.log('vsize', tx2.vsize);
TypeScript API
import { Coder } from '@scure/base';
import * as P from 'micro-packed';
import { ScriptType, OptScript, CustomScript } from '@scure/btc-signer';
type Bytes = Uint8Array;
export declare const InscriptionId: P.Coder<string, Bytes>;
type TagRaw = {
tag: Bytes;
data: Bytes;
declare const TagCoders: {
pointer: P.CoderType<bigint>;
contentType: P.CoderType<string>;
parent: P.Coder<string, Uint8Array>;
metadata: P.CoderType<any>;
metaprotocol: P.CoderType<string>;
contentEncoding: P.CoderType<string>;
delegate: P.Coder<string, Uint8Array>;
rune: P.CoderType<bigint>;
note: P.CoderType<string>;
export type Tags = Partial<{
[K in keyof typeof TagCoders]: P.UnwrapCoder<(typeof TagCoders)[K]>;
}> & {
unknown?: [Bytes, Bytes][];
export type Inscription = { tags: Tags; body: Bytes; cursed?: boolean; };
type OutOrdinalRevealType = { type: 'tr_ord_reveal'; pubkey: Bytes; inscriptions: Inscription[]; };
export declare const OutOrdinalReveal: Coder<OptScript, OutOrdinalRevealType | undefined> & CustomScript;
export declare function parseInscriptions(script: ScriptType, strict?: boolean): Inscription[] | undefined;
export declare function parseWitness(witness: Bytes[]): Inscription[] | undefined;
export declare function p2tr_ord_reveal(pubkey: Bytes, inscriptions: Inscription[]): {
type: string;
script: Uint8Array;
npm install -g micro-ordinals
ord file.jpg
Usage: ord [--net mainnet|testnet] [--priv key] [--recovery key] [--compress=on|off] [--fee 10.1] [--addr address]
- net: bitcoin network
- priv: taproot private key in WIF format, will be used for reveal transaction
Don't use your wallet, priv should be a new one.
We generate a temporary key, if none is provided
- recovery: taproot private key in WIF format, can be used to recover any bitcoins
sent to inscription address by accident without paying full inscription fee.
- compress: inscriptions compressed with brotli.
Compatible with explorers. default=on
- fee: bitcoin network fee in satoshis
- addr: address where inscription will be sent after reveal
Important: first sat is always inscribed. Batch inscriptions are not supported.
There is no network code. It makes package safer, but decreases developer experience.
We can probably fetch fees automatically, but utxo selection would become more complex.
For example if user previously inscribed something or has rare ordinals,
we need access to ordinal node to know that. Also, we don't know anything
about frozen outputs in wallet: it is inside of a wallet only.
Edge cases to keep in mind:
- user added wrong txid/index or quit application after sending
- we print temporary private key, user can restart by providing it with '--priv'
- as long fee/network/path is same, you can restart process
- user sent less than amount or multiple UTXO.
- this is actually harder, because any spend will require full inscription fee
- for this we add
Use mempool and
Getting testnet coins
There are several faucets:
3rd-party wallets
To use sparrow on mac:
open /Applications/Sparrow.app --args -n testnet
MIT (c) Paul Miller (https://paulmillr.com), see LICENSE file.